Started With Breakfast {Sjips}

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This one's for: Misty

That morning was exceptionally grey and dull, though Sips' mood seemed brighter than ever. Sjin awoke to the beautiful smell of bacon  being cooked on the floor below. Upon entering the room, Sjin's senses were invaded by the most exquisite smell on earth. And noticing Sips was the one creating said smell, Sjin was more than surprised. Sips never did anything. They never ate breakfast, and even if they did it certainly would not be Sips making it. Nevertheless, Sjin stepped forward from the bottom step and approached Sips who stood at the cooker. He coughed softly, gaining his boss' attention. "SJIN!" Sips screeched, approaching Sjin and dragging him towards the set dining table. "Uh, Morning?" Sjin managed, not sure what else to say. Having pushed Sjin onto the chair, Sips stood above him, still in his pyjamas, and smiled an unfamiliar large grin. "I made breakfast," Sips smiled more, almost as if to impress Sjin like a small child would do. "I see that," Sjin nodded towards the grill, where bacon had been laid out in perfect rows, and was now cooking away. "What's the occasion?" Sjin asked cautiously, wondering if Sips was feeling alright. "Our anniversary, silly" Sips stated, returning to the cooker to check on the food. "Anniversary?" Sjin repeated, in shock, wondering if Sips was now playing some sort of prank on Sjin, if he had figured out Sjin's true feelings. "Yeah! It's been a year since we began working together!" Sips beamed, planting a plate of eggs and bacon in front of Sjin.

Sjin stared at the food, thinking it over in his head. One year since they had begun working together. One year of pure torture for Sjin; who had been forced to put up with Sips' arrogance towards him for so long. No, this day was not one Sjin would be celebrating, in fact had it not been for his crush he would have quit working with Sips long ago. Muttering a quick "i'll pass," Sjin quickly rose from the chair, shoving the plate to the other side of the table before storming past Sips and out into the compound. It was cold outside, not something Sjin was unfamiliar to, but being mad in the cold was not doing him any good. Crossing his arms, Sjin stood by the pool, staring at his reflection as he felt anger and sadness all at once. He could not help but still feel for Sips; but having had to put up with being ignored for so long, he was not in the mood for celebrating.

"Sjin?" A soft voice spoke up from behind him, causing him to turn around abruptly. "Leave me alone, Sips," Sjin grumbled, turning away from him. "I...i thought you liked eggs and bacon ...." Sips mumbled, sounding so sad. Sighing, Sjin spun around again. "I do...i just...agh!" Sjin swung his arms in frustration, not sure how to express himself anymore. "I thought you'd like it..." Sips continued, his eyes becoming glossy, though Sjin did not notice that. "I would...normally." Sjin growled, his arms still crossed and his shoulders hunched. " it me?" Sips questioned, his heart broken voice ripping through Sjin's ears and drilling into his brain. A voice he would never forget. "No. NO!" Sjin argued, trying to persuade himself now would be the right time to just come out with it. "Sips...i can't work here anymore..." Sjin muttered, that being the complete opposite to what he had planned to say. "What?! Why?!" Sips almost shouted, now feeling worse than ever. "'s too much. I can't take the pain of it any more," Sjin blurted out, not sure where he was going with his own words anymore. "Pain of what?" Sips asked, coming to stand beside the bearded man. "The pain of this! You!" Sjin jolted backwards, not wanting to be near Sips any longer. "Me? You just said..." "No. I know what i said. I mean, being around you! I can't take it anymore!" Sjin shouted, running a cold hand through his soft brown hair. Sips, however, stood still, staring blankly at Sjin who was making no sense to him.

"I don't understand..." Sips murmured, scared of another outburst from Sjin. "Of course you don't! You never do! For the past year i've been trying to get you to understand how i feel but you have just been completely oblivious!" Sjin exclaimed, finally turning to see tears falling from the grey man's eyes. He didn't understand what Sjin meant, though he was scared to ask any more questions. He didn't want Sjin to leave him, ever. He didn't want to be alone. "Please...don't go," Sips barely managed to speak, his voice cracked and broke as tears cascaded down his cheeks. "Sips..." Sjin began, but was soon interrupted. "No. You are not leaving, you know why? Because i am your boss and i say so. I don't know what the hell you're going on about but you are doing a crap job explaining it!" Sips shouted, feeling slightly disappointed with himself. Sjin stood in shock, staring at the grey man who had just yelled. Though Sjin had had enough. Turning slowly, Sjin began walking away from Sips. "SJIN!" Sips yelled, grabbing a hold of Sjin's cold hand; only to be pushed backwards as Sjin flinched away. Sjin soon fell silent, realising there was nothing but water for Sips to fall into. He had pushed him into the pool - and Sips couldn't swim. Feeling a sudden urge, Sjin dived straight into the water to pull Sips from it. Upon impact, Sjin soon realised how cold the water was.

Pulling Sips to the surface, he realised he wasn't breathing. "Sips. Come on, breathe, i can't lose you." Sjin yelled, clutching hold of Sips's pyjama shirt. "Sips. Come on...I love you....don't leave me now! It's only been a year!" Sjin cried, burying his head in Sips' chest. "I knew it!" A familiar voice laughed, Sjin abruptly looked up to see Sips' grey eyes staring back. "I knew it, god damn it!" Sips continued to laugh. "Wait what?" Sjin gasped, pushing himself off of a now swimming Sips. Without warning, Sips pressed a soft, slightly wet, kiss to Sjin's lips, before continuing to chuckle. "You..." "I've liked you since day 1, Sjin" He smirked, only having Sjin throw himself on top of him. "God! I hate you sometimes!" Sjin laughed as well, splashing Sips with water, whilst he did the same back. The both swam around the pool, laughing together and occasionally pecking each other on the cheek. Though another voice interrupted them. "Excuse me?" They both paused, and turned to spot Lalna standing near the edge of the pool.

"I'm hear for the pool boy interview?"

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