Christmas ADVENTure {Toby X Reader}

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  "I've got one!" Martyn's overly excited voice piped up, emerging from the hum of conversation occurring between buzzed members of the group. "Go for it Littlewood," You smile, admiring his enthusiastic behaviour. "At least someone got one," Eliot laughed, along with Lewis and Toby who knew he was referring to their own lack of preparation. Christmas Spirit loomed overhead, observing the huddle of cold adventurers whom stood beneath the christmas tree. You couldn't help but notice Toby's exclusion from the group, finding that he was stood reasonably far away from the other 4, keeping his head buried in his scarf, and hands concealed within his pockets. You tried not to worry too much about his unusually quiet attitude this year, but could not help feel somewhat concerned for the grey adventurers shyness. "This one is from Zoethian4Ever. And she wishes, for Toby to get a girlfriend." The words came from Martyn, who accompanied Lewis and Elliot with howls of laughter. It was true, Toby had been single for sometime, but it was for his own reasons. His last break up had gone down hill quite badly, leaving him scarred and vulnerable. He was terrified of getting hurt again in a relationship he cared for so much, and so had been lacking a girlfriend for sometime. He was always sensitive to the topic, but now the wound was ripped open once more. It wasn't just his friends laughing at him now, it was the everyone. Admittedly, you smiled at the comment, finding it marginally amusing at first. But upon seeing your close friend rather upset and bruised by the wish, you couldn't help but feel extremely guilty and concerned. "Good luck with that one, mate." Lewis chuckled, clinging onto Elliot's arm in order to stay standing through his fits of hysterics.

Turning to the grey adventurer, you smiled sympathetically, but all he did was look toward the snow on the ground. He shielded himself from the rest of the group, and hardly looked up on the way to Time Square. He dawdled along behind the excited group, remaining in the same position he had assumed when the wish was first announced. This year had been an off one for Toby, he'd been quiet - especially around you - but this had only made his depressing mood worse. He didn't eagerly bounce to press the button when you reached Express. He didn't make any bad puns like he usually did every morning. He didn't even complain when the other's threw minor insults his way. He was just silent.

You had to admit, his previous girlfriend was a slut, who you hated immensely. She didn't care for Toby, or his feelings, and you hadn't really understood what he had seen in her in the first place, and when she came to break his heart, your hatred had grown. You'd done all you could to cheer up your close friend, but none of it seemed to work. You had assumed that after a year of dealing with the break up, Toby would have moved on slightly, or at least would've stopped moping about all the time. You'd thought maybe this Christmas ADVENTure would've been different, he would have been happier to spend some quality time with his mates whilst mucking around. But looking at him now only seemed to prove you wrong. He was in fact worse than he had been to start off with. It was only day 13 and it was like he was hardly there.

Today was the day of spliff, something the boys loved greatly, but you were secretly the best. You thought Toby loved it as well, and would brighten up when the game began, but that was just a fantasy. Toby walked slowly around the ring, not saying a word and not getting salty when he fell. Even still he lasted a few rounds without getting caught out, but his mood never faltered. Not once did he crack a joke, or yell at one of his mates, he just cowered away. "Get him, Y/N!" Martyn yelled from the floor below, trying to catch Toby out, who was left on the top layer with you. "Bring him down!" Lewis agreed, assisting Martyn. Toby said nothing. He just continued to run around, easily avoiding holes being made by the other adventurers. "Come on Toby, cheer up!" You exclaimed, squealing as a hole is dug out directly in front of you by Eliot, one which you had somehow skillfully evaded. "Hmm?" Toby's quiet voice emerged out of nowhere, clearly having not been paying a lot of attention to the rest of the group. "What's wrong with you? You seem, depressed." You say sadly, approaching him slowly. "I'm fine." He shuffled awkwardly, moving away from you relatively quickly. "You sure about that?" You ask again, narrowing your eyes at his suspicious behaviour. He merely kept his head down and turned away from you, not answering your question and adding to your curiosity. There was obviously something up with him, you just couldn't put your finger on it.

"What's wrong Toby? Afraid of girls!?" Lewis laughed from the bottom layer, removing the floor beneath the grey adventure and bringing him to down to the next level. "Come on Lewis." You warn, dropping down as well so you are all on the same level. "Maybe he just has a crush," Martyn laughed, followed by another round of laughter from the two hysteric boys. "What? No I don't!" Toby persists, backing away from you quickly.

When the game was over, and you and Lewis had tied, you were dropped back into Time Square. You landed with a thud, listening to Martyn and Elliot's complaints as you hit the ground. It was only when you went to stand that you crashed into the person next to you. "Sorry," You say quickly, turning to see Toby's irritated expression. "It's fine." He snaps quickly, moving away from you and back to the others. "Are you sure everything is alright?" You ask abruptly, stopping in the street to talk to him. "Everything's fine. Just leave it," Toby snaps, clearly agitated by something. "No." You say instantly, watching him as he too comes to a halt. "What?" He questions, turning to face you. You cross your arms, persisting with this. "I won't just let it go, Toby. I care about you, and you've either been too ignorant, or too clueless to notice. If you are miserable then I want to help, I wanna cheer you up because I hate seeing you sad. I always want you to be happy, and you don't seem to appreciate my efforts." By the time you finish the other three members of the group have stopped a little way from you two, watching silently as you rant to Toby, who remains quiet. "I know you've been sad about your breakup, but you've gotta get over her, if she was prepared to drop someone as awesome as you for no good reason then she's not worth your time. You never seem to get that. You are the most amazing person, Toby, and you deserve someone who can see that. So stop being so goddamn depressing and-" Before anymore words could be said, a pair of soft, cold lips are pressed against yours, silencing your rant.

You may not have labelled the feelings you've had for Toby since you met him, but they've always been there. Maybe his breakup highlighted that, and you had just been waiting around for things to brighten up in his life so that he may actually open his eyes and notice the one person that has stuck by him all that time. You.

After god knows how long, Toby steps back, eyes slightly dazed and cheeks slightly tinted pink. You can't prevent the smile breaking out onto your face, or the similar pink colour from covering your cheeks as a response. Toby winks at you, a smile spreading onto his face as well before he leans in again. This time, however, you are both cut off by extremely loud clapping and cheering coming from the three adventurers behind you, all howling and laughing at you and Toby. "Grats guys!" Eliot shouts, his voice easily audible over the other's cries of congratulations. "It look you long enough," Martyn chuckles, watching as Toby moves to stand beside you, arm hung easily over your shoulder. "Guys, you are missing the bigger picture." Lewis yells impatiently, silencing the rest of the group. "Which is?" You challenge, cuddling into the warm body beside you. "Zoethian4Ever's wish has come true!"

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