Confession {Parv X OC}

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Dedicated to Elevenaught Misty

Him never noticing the way she looked at him when he was preforming, could bring pain to her on even the best of days, even Sparkles and Leo had pointed it out on occasion, warning her of staring, Kogie of course not being so observant. However, none of them mattered when it came to her and Parv. He was all she ever wanted. His cheeky attitude and silly behaviour, even his caring nature to her...despite all the times he treated her like his little sister, it was still better than nothing. Days where it was just the two of them in the studio, coming up with goofy lines to random tunes meant more than even the best of childhood memories. Because she loved him, more than she cared to admit. And not once in the past 6 months had he even noticed her intense staring, or longing looks, or even the way she acted around him. Instead he flirted with young female fans or even chatted up girls at the pub, whilst she stood beside him, watching every heartbreaking moment.

However, the day soon came where she was prepared to confront him.

"Hey guys" She smiled, walking into the studio where Sparkles and Parv sat spinning endlessly in their chairs. "HEY MISTY!" They both screamed, spinning even whilst complaining of the sicky feeling rising up their throats. Finally coming to a halt, Parv stood up, wobbling slightly, having to reach out to Misty as he began to stumble around, gaining laughs from both parties. Misty, still giggling, took his arm and guided him to the sofa in the back of the studio, where he flopped down complaining of feeling dizzy. Sparkles and Misty shared a knowing look, one of encouragement for Misty to do as planned. However something came over her, something that dawned her thoughts and prevented her from blurting it out, as she had been so determine to do. The idea that he may reject her, or not feel the same way, made her question her idea. Sparkles had ensured her that he felt the same, and just needed a push to make him admit it, but Misty was now concerned whether or not she was the right one to do the pushing. Instead she remained quiet. Sitting in the chair Parv had previously been sat in, and keeping her eyes away from his.

The day dragged on, all of the band but Parv insisting she proceed with her idea, though she was still in doubt. And by the time she had stopped questioning herself and him, Parv was bidding his farewells as he began to leave the studio with the others. Missing her chance, Misty sighed, and leant back in the desk chair, her hair tipping over the back of it. She had waited so long to be with Parv, and of course there was always tomorrow, and the day after, and so on. But she feared soon enough the time would soon come when he finds someone perfect for him and forgets completely about her. She feared that her disappearance in his memory was drawing nearer, no matter how close they seemed now. Which is why she was so set on doing the deed that day, so it would be out of the way, and any possibility of him not wanting her in the future, or of him loving anyone else, absent mindedly breaking her heart into pieces, would be eliminated.

Feeling as though there was some form of boulder tumbling around in her stomach, her eagerness to just get all the secrets out became unbearable, to the point where no other option phased her mind. She was going to tell him. Of course him not being there was an evident flaw in her plan, but she was at the point where she couldn't take the consistent feeling of something weighing her down. Picking up a nearby guitar, Misty entered the studio, closing the door behind her and taking a seat on the stool placed in the centre of the small booth. Pushing her hair to one side, she began strumming her thumb against the strings, loving the soft noise the instrument made. Beginning to play a soft tune that she had always loved to listen to, she couldn't help but sing along...

*Song at the top*

Finally finishing the song, and taking a deep breath, she only then realised she had been using Parv's guitar. Placing it gently against a nearby wall, she looked up towards the glass, only then noticing Parv standing in the doorway, a pleasant smile coming into view. She gasped slightly, not quite sure what to say or do. Instead Parv made the move, stepping closer, and entering the booth. "Sparks said you needed to talk to me..." He began, hesitantly looking at the guitar before back at Misty, who was nervously fiddling with the end of her sleeves, not sure whether or not looking up would be the best idea. Instead her choice was taken away, as he gently placed two fingers under her chin, forcing her to look into his beautiful eyes. "I think i know what it was you needed to say," He muttered calmly, before softly placing a kiss to her lips. Not wanting to ruin the moment, she returned the gesture, happy she no longer had to say it out loud. Pulling back ever so slightly, so their noses were pressed against each other's, a smirk grew on Parv's face. "The feeling's mutual"

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