My English Homework {Xephmadia}

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The day the lift stopped at the fourteenth floor, was the beginning of an endless nightmare. The fourteenth floor had always been, and was to remain, the only floor in the entire station that was not to be explored beyond the lift doors. At least until now. The entire space station had become a ghost town. Hollow. The shell of something that once was. It remained a husk, doomed to rot away, floating into the pit of oblivion where screams could not be heard. Lomadia, however, had a different chain of thought. It was not her first intention to end up on this floor, although it appeared that the lift had other ideas. The floor button (14*) had purposefully been removed from the control panel, to prevent intruders on said floor. The lift, though not supposed to, fought against this programing, and made it so that at least one citizen would land in this forbidden location. I say 'the lift' as if it is some form of living organism, something with a mind of its own. And most would have it so that it was not described as such, however in these circumstances, I believe I am correct with my terminology. A.Z.O.R.A had created some of the best, high-level technology ever seen before in our galaxy, this involves a high-level programming system for all accessories of some importance. The lift included. Therefore, theoretically, it does have some form of 'mind' of its own. A.Z.O.R.A was a corporation set out to reconstruct the molecular structure of the human DNA, to create super humans in a sense, also dabbling in new and improved technology. The fourteenth floor was for, shall we say, the dirty little secrets they didn't want to let out. Lomadia may have stumbled across these 'secrets' when the lift made a life-altering decision for her. The entire floor was complete, alluring darkness, the only light radiating from the 'call lift' button, which of course was taunting her, almost dragging her back to it. But something had formed in her stomach, something she could not deny. Something pulling her towards discovery. And that discovery was horrifying to say the least. Cages and cages lined the walls as far down as she could see, all filled with decaying bodies, mangled and unrecognisable. Nameless faces. Assuming they all remained dead, and still, Lomadia made her way through the tight corridor between the cages, hoping to reach the other side without any arising problems that she may have to deal with. Instead, a decrepit hand clutched her ankle as she passed, causing her to fall flat onto the concrete floor. Hurriedly turning to kick whomever it was off, she was somewhat surprised and relieved to see a rather handsome face. She could not help but notice his outfit, was the mandatory uniform for A.Z.O.R.A employees. He too was shocked at her appearance as he had not expected anyone to be on that particular floor. Not saying a word, he smiled comfortably at her, sitting up so he could see her better. She too sat up, retracting her ankle from the man's grasp. "Xephos" He smiled, leaning forward with his hand outstretched. "Lomadia," Returning the smile, she took his hand in her own. The day the lift stopped at the fourteenth floor, was only the beginning.

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