Visitor - Do Something Part II {Hat Films}

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  Lying silently in his bed, the sound of the furnace not far away from him ringing through his ears, although that wasn't what he cared about. His pillow was wet, as was his face and sleeves, from the endless crying over the previous night. He had offered to help Trott with the clearing up of the green slime that coated Smiffy's lab and various other parts of the building, however he could barely see through his tears enough to not stand in it, and the crying did not stop. It was only now that he was numb with pain, that the water flow had ceased. Still trying to comprehend how it had all occurred. Smiffy had worked himself too hard. Trott seemed to believe it was all the flux he had inhaled due to working so close to it. Ross didn't argue with this theory, mainly as he couldn't think of any other possibilities as it most certainly did not occur from lack of sleep. His breathing cracking and hitching, Ross began to think of Smiffy, in the best way. All the fun the had previously had. This of course broke the barrier, that had prevented the tears from escaping, once more, allowing continuing floods to be released.

Meanwhile Trott dug up a small grave around the back of the building where Smiffy was to be buried. The sound of soft sniffing and the occasionally swipe at his eyes interrupted his line of thought. The thought of anything but the body upstairs. They had not yet moved him as Trott had not long gotten Ross to release the lifeless corpse. Yet Trott was still trying his best to hold it together, for Ross' sake, as he was clearly a lot weaker and broken due to this loss. Thinking about it more and more as he dug deeper, the sad walrus had to pause, dropping the shovel and falling to what would be known to us as knees. Sobbing quietly to himself; not aware of his only remaining friend watching from a window. It didn't take long for Ross to stop his own tears in order to run across the large stretch of grass, to where Trott now sat with his face buried into his flippers. Ross took a seat beside his friend, and wrapped his strong arm around Trott's shoulders. They both sat in silence for a moment, both waiting for the echoing of Smiffy's voice cursing at an experiment gone wrong, or even them for not doing anything productive. But only the sound of the quarry working away could be heard from where they were curled up. "I'm...sorry, Ross..." Trott murmured, sniffing as he wiped away some stray tears. "Don't be..." Ross replied quickly, though in the same solemn mood. "It wasn't you..." Ross continued on, having to withdraw a breath to prevent anymore sobbing aloud.

Trott proceeded to borrow his head into Ross' neck, rather than face the nothingness lay in front of them. The idea of digging a grave for his best friend had never really appeared on his to-do list for the week. So now, as he sat in front of the pit his friend was going to be dumped in, his emotions surged out of control, more so than usual. Thinking back on all of the stupid things Smiffy had done, and how often Trott would yell "I hate you!" Over the most irritating things, and the way Smiffy would just laugh more as Trott became more and more angry. God, how he hated Smiffy right now, it was almost laughable. He just wished he could have him back, to tell him so. Ross, despite his silence, felt the worst. Him and Smiffy had argued in the past but they were always so close, even when Trott screamed at him, Ross would never doubt or yell at Smiffy. And now, the idea that Smiffy had possibly spent days in agony without Ross by his side made Ross want to die as well. He couldn't believe his betrayal to his closest friend. Even when he had been there when he had died, the idea that if he had not found him when he did, it wouldn't have been long before Smiffy had died...alone. Though Trott had assured him Smiffy would have held on as long as possible to at least see one of them before he let go, even if it was only one of them. That's why Trott felt bad, he was too late.

The night had began to shadow the light blue sky, darkening the grounds around them, making the grave Trott had dug look more like a pit to oblivion rather than just a hole in the ground. Ross remained tangled around Trott, as their sobbing slowly died down, the feeling of another presence soon startled them both. Looking around rather frantically, Trott was sure he had heard a soft whisper that could have easily been Smiffy. Though he convinced himself that it was his mind playing tricks on him, and that the grief was growing inside his head. Ross, however, soon sprang from his previous position with wide eyes. Trott stared around anxiously, suddenly feeling as though something had tangled around his waist. And knowing full well that Ross was on his feet, this made Trott very uncomfortable.  Jumping up from the floor, to stand beside Ross, they both edged closer to each other, unsure of what could be happening, or if they were both losing their minds. A sudden force pushed into the backs of their legs, causing them both to fall flat on their backs, only then spotting a large purple tentacle made from a sort of smoke. It started out as only one, then two, then three and then more and more until the entirety of the grounds were crowded with purple tentacles.

After watching in horror as the tentacles wrapped around the building, Ross and Trott glared into the purple haze only to have it vanish in an instant. Purple dust raining down onto their bodies and the ground surrounding them. Looking to each other for answers, the ground beneath them began to shake, before purple taint appeared in puddles everywhere. "Jesus, Trott! What's going on?!" Ross shouted above the large splotching noise. "I...I dunno!" Trott cried in response, only to have their questions answered. "It's just a small glitch, hang on" The familiar sound of their friend's voice echoed out above the other noises, causing both parties to look frantically in the direction of said voice, noticing the tall, slender green man whacking his wand against the marble wall, muttering incoherent words to himself. After a few moments there was a large bang, and a blinding flash, leaving all of the 3 in shock. Though there was no more taint remaining after Smiffy's wand had exploded into sparks of nothing, purple dust still fell on the surrounding area. Trott and Ross lay on their backs still, staring up into the starry night sky, whilst the green man struggled to his feet, and made his way over to the other two.

He took one judging look at the grave before turning back to his friends. "You weren't gonna dump me in that, were you?" He asked, his pointy nose scrunching up at the thought. Both the two on the ground looked up in amazement as Alsmiffy towered above them, with an unsatisfied look plastered on his face. "How..." Trott managed, still completely stunned. " were dead!" Ross shouted. "YOU DIED!" He shouted again, this time much louder as he sat up. " see, i wasn't 'dead' i was in a sort of...sleep. Like sleeping beauty!" Smiffy explained awkwardly, chuckling slightly to himself as his friend's bank expressions made him slightly uncomfortable. "Less beauty, more sleeping. Keep going!" Trott exclaimed, his face not even twitching at his remark. "Well, it was part of an experiment i was trying, i had to use a certain essence that is kinda like sleeping gas, and i must have inhaled some, which is why i was chucking up everywhere, it can make you really ill," Smiffy finished explaining. Both Ross and Trott remained silent, sharing one knowing glance between them before reacting. Both of them launched on Smiffy, engulfing him into a large group hug, dragging him to the floor in the process. "You are giving up all this Thaumcraft stuff, you hear me?!" Ross practically screamed, punching Smiffy's arm. Smiffy simply laughed, though found out Ross was serious when he was suddenly pushed into a large hole, the right size for his body. "Just leave him there," Ross muttered, making his way back to the large building. "If he's so magic he can get himself out," Trott glanced at the once grave made for the green man, before smirking and jogging after Ross. Smiffy certainly was the most unexpected visitor that night.

A/N: He's my favourite of Hat Films, you think i'd leave him dead ;)

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