Not My Birthday {Troffy}

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Smith sat sulking in his empty apartment at the thought of being alone all night. On his Birthday of all days. Trott had been called home for an emergency - something to do with his Gran falling down the stairs - and had left Smith alone for his Birthday weekend. Not that Ross hadn't taken him out for a drink or two the night before, it would have just been nice to have his boyfriend home. This was Smith's first birthday dating Trott and was now disappointed he hadn't spent any time with him all week. Though as Smith thought about it, he was being selfish. Trott would have been there if he could've bee, and family is always important, no matter whether it was his birthday or not. Smith couldn't be mad at him, he was just lonely.

The light had begun to fade from the sky, being replaced with the fearful night when Smith had begun his bottle of whisky that Lewis had given him. It was then 11 when he'd decided to call it a night, having drank through another bottle and half. Somewhat depressed, Smith flopped onto his and his boyfriend's bed. Being able to smell the distant smell of Trott on his pillow. How he had missed the smell of his boyfriend. And now he was to face the night once again alone. "Happy Birthday," He'd murmured to himself as his eyes drooped close. From what Smith could tell when he awoke again, it had only been a few hours. Indeed it had, as Smith turned to look at the clock and spotted the numbers 3:46 written in bright blue digits on the clock screen. He had awoken to the sound of a door slamming downstairs, which startled him somewhat. However, as he hauled himself from his comfy bed and stomped downstairs, he was entirely relieved and surprised to see Chris Trott stood at the counter in their kitchen, examining the half full bottle of whisky Smith had forgotten to put away.

Trott had then glanced to the other two empty bottles hidden under one of the higher up cabinets, again the ones Smith had forgotten to dispose of in his drunken, tired state. Biting his lip, as he knew Trott hated his drinking habits, Smith stepped into the light. He simply called out Trott's name in order to get his attention, and then awaited the hammering of interrogating questions Trott was bound to ask. "Happy Birthday, Baby" Trott chimed, clambering into Smith's crossed arms, dropping the box he held carefully onto the floor first. "It's not my birthday," Smith replied stubbornly, noting that it was 3 in the morning of the day after. "Oh...right..." Trott mumbled, stepping back from the 6 foot 5 man, he was avoiding gazing down at him. Smith was sulking again. "Look...i know i was late, but you know what happened i couldn't avoid it," Trott stated, waiting to see Smith's response. Instead Smith nodded, "Yeah. I know that," Smith had gritted teeth and had his eyes glancing between the short man and the package he had been holding. "I'll make it up to you Smiffy, i promise," Trott whined, edging forward for a warm hug. "How do you intend on doing that?" Smith replied sharply, holding back a smirk in hopes his boyfriend was thinking the same thing. But no, Trott smiled and chuckled, his brown eyes looking up into Smith's blue ones.

"I have the best birthday present," Trott giggled to himself, as if it were some form of huge secret. "Do you?" Smith warned, raising an eyebrow in Trott's direction. "Yep," Was all he said, before lugging the package from the floor into a tight grasp as he sauntered pass Smith with a smirk. "But you don't get it unless i get my hug," He'd said shortly, making his way through the kitchen and into the living room, where he placed the box on the floor once again. Smith, rolling his eyes in the process, approached Trott from behind and engulfed him in a loving hug. Trott spun around quicker than Smith had expected and planted a soft kiss to Smith's chapped lips. "Good boy." Trott gleamed, plopping onto the soft sofa behind him. "And i won't even mention how much your breath tastes like whisky," Smith coughed nervously at Trott's somewhat disgusted face, before planting himself on the seat beside Trott. "Can i open the box now?" Smith grumbled, annoyed Trott had brought up the alcohol Smith had already drank. "Yes, you may," Trott grinned, watching intently as Smith leaned forward to grasp at the cardboard box. "Leave it on the floor!" Trott squealed as Smith attempted to lift it. Smith nodded slowly, placing it back down and reaching for the flaps which he could pry open.

As he did so, the box flew open as something scuttled out. Smith gasped in shock and the small thing hiding under their coffee table. "Oh...My God!" Smith exclaimed in shock, as the things great big brown eyes bore into his own. "I got it on the way home..." Trott giggled, wrapping his arms around Smith's arm. "It's..." Smith could hardly find words, his gaze fixed on the adorable brown eyes now darting between himself and Trott. "IT'S A PUG!" Smith screamed, reaching to pick it up. Trott laughed at Smith's sudden surge of excitement and his got down on his knees to play with it. The pug ran into him, nudging his small head into Smith's hand. "Trott..." Smith grinned, gazing up at his smiling boyfriend. "This is amazing!" Smith's grin widened and Trott came onto the floor as well. Smith planted a soggy kiss to the side of Chris' face as they both continued to play with the new member of the family.

Once the pug had ran out of energy, he'd fallen asleep between the two entangled men, who were simply whispering between themselves. "What about...Scruff, i had a dog called Scruff?" Trott gleamed as he gazed into Smith's eyes. "Hmm. What about Troffy?!" Smith exclaimed excitedly as the name had popped into his head. "It's our ship name after all," He'd explained, watching Trott consider the idea before nodding in agreement. "Yes, Troffy" Trott smiled as he gazed towards the curled up ball of pug that leant against Smith's crotch. "Trott...this is the best birthday present ever. Thank you so much. I love it." Smith stated, leaning in to Trott as he placed a longing kiss to his soft lips. After a second or two they pulled away from each other, Trott smirking slightly as Smith's crystal eyes focused on his. "I thought it wasn't your birthday?"

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