Stretch Goal {Duncan x Reader}

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A/N: I can't remember who, but there were a couple people that wanted a Duncan x Reader, so here you go.

The offices' buzz of Christmas cheer resonated through corridors and into each office and the occupants of it. Everyone was thrilled for the holiday season, but the hint of stress always crept in. It was the 15th, by now the saltiness had already hit the fan, and the gin was out. Tonight's Livestream consisted of Lewis screaming about tractors and farming malfunctions, and Duncan, accompanied by Sjin, fucking about with vehicles and doing everything in their power to enrage Lewis further. The screams could be heard from the other end of the corridor where you sat, somewhat peacefully, trying your best to concentrate on your christmas content before it was too late. That was easier said than done when your boyfriend's voice filled the whole building; his and your boss'. Duncan and you had been secretly dating for some time, not wanting to tell your colleagues just yet. You both wanted things to have calmed down in your relationship before you opened it to your close friends.  Another task that seemed easy at first, but in reality was rather hard. You loved Duncan beyond belief, and you wanted everyone to know and see how much you cared for him. Holding that back was proving to be difficult, and thus separating from the group was a good way to keep your composure and focus.

It was hard not to watch the Livestream, with the laughs echoing from a couple rooms down, it sounded like great fun, you just couldn't bring yourself to do it. Wanting to have finished your work before you paid any attention to the Jingle Jam.

It was around 7 when you shutdown your computer, ready to give up and go home, having succeeded with the large editing task you'd been faced with. Now you were just ready to go to bed, enjoying the rest of the night in the warmth of your own home. It was only as you were walking past the studio that you noticed the pause in gameplay, and the cheering that resonated from the trio inside. "Y/N! Come in," Sjin yelled, only just being heard over Lewis' drunk ramblings about charity and donations. Reluctantly, you stepped into the overheating room, a pleasant smile on your face as you approached one of your many friends. "Y'alright?" You ask, standing beside Sjin so that you were just in camera-shot but not blocking anyone. Sjin looked up at you, a beaming grin plastered across his sober expression. "Yeah you?" He spoke faintly, not distracting from the pair sat across the desk from him. Duncan was shouting about his new steering wheel not actually working, and Lewis spoke only to the audience, not listening to Duncan's tipsy slander. "I'm good, thanks." You laugh at your boyfriend's innocent complaints, looking past Sjin to the blond mess sat at the other end of the table. "Have you been watching?" Sjin spoke again, reaching for his glass. "No, I haven't. I've been editing." You admit, laughing as Lewis stretched back in his cheer with a glass of gin in hand. Typical.

"Shame. We've just reached 610K," Sjin beamed, once again looking away from the Ipad at hand. "Well done," You reply, waving briefly at the camera, having seen the chat rage at your arrival. "Did you guys have a stretch goal?" You ask curiously, turning from the camera. "I don't know, did we Lewis?" Sjin nudges his colleague's arm, gaining his attention. "What?" Lewis' slightly slurred voice erupts loudly, as he only just notices your appearance. He shoots you a quick, lopsided smile, before turning back to Duncan's ranting at his side. "Did we have a stretch goal?" Sjin repeats, laughing at his mates. "I don't know!" Lewis shouts over his shoulder, instructing Duncan to move out of the way so that he may have a look at the concerning contraption. Your boyfriend stands, spotting you instantly. As casually as he can, he stands at your side, smiling sweetly down at you. You returned the gesture, trying your best to distract yourself with anything other than his alluring gaze. "Duncan! Did we have a stretch goal?" The drunken Lewis yells, continuing the chain of the same question being asked to every occupant of the room. "Yeah we did, didn't we?" Duncan smirks faintly, turning around to look at his boss, who frowns.

"We did?" Sjin pipes in, sharing in his friend's confusion. "Did we? What was it?" Lewis answers, looking up at Duncan whom towered over him when stood. "Yeah, I'm sure we did." Duncan replied, his smirk growing ever so slightly. "What was it?!" Sjin questioned, turning around completely to look at his friend. "The chat demand a stretch goal!" Lewis announces, laughing slightly as he read through some of the text. "Ok, fine!" Duncan exclaimed, the smirk now perfectly evident on his face. Reaching behind your back, a sudden force known as Duncan's arm drags you into him. Within seconds his lips are attached to yours, with the same passion you are used to from him. Everyone in the studio is silent for a moment, not entirely sure what is happening, but you pay no attention to them. You merely enjoy the moment as it lasts. How were you not expecting something like this to come from your cheeky boyfriend?

After what could have been a lifetime, you hear cheers erupting from your two friends, whom laugh and grin at you pair as you break apart. Staring up at your boyfriend, you cannot conceal the evident happiness etching onto your face, the same expression matched on his. "610K, everybody!" Lewis cheers, laughing his ass off as he realises what just happened. "I goddamn knew it!" Sjin yells, pointing at you and Duncan as you look innocently back. The sound of accompanying laughs and cheers resonating through from the common room across the hall, where half of your colleagues sat around watching the stream. And with all the commotion, all you could do, was stare up at your now public boyfriend, whom merely grinned with pride. Sneaky bastard.

One shots Yogscast/Hat FilmsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora