Do Something...{Hat Films}

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"Smiffy?!" Trott called, taking the elevator to the third floor, not seeing his green friend anywhere. "Ross?" He called down the elevator shaft. "Yeah?" Ross called back, only one floor down. "Found him?" Trott yelled, hearing a faint No being  echoing up the empty shaft, before the sound of chests opening and closing echoed through the silent building. Sighing in disbelief, they both continued to search the entire building, not finding the green man anywhere inside the walls. "Do you think he got out?" Ross asked as they both stood at the edge of the moat. "He's not a pet," Trott snapped harshly, glaring at the gap and wondering whether he could have gotten over it. "He hates water!" Ross protested, gesturing to the 6 block wide by 6 block deep moat that surrounded the outer wall. "Do you think he could've made the jump?" Trott questioned quietly, knowing what Ross would respond with. "He has those special boots, he may have made it," Ross murmured, not liking the idea either. Alsmiffy had been doing too many experiments, and had not slept in days; him being out in the wild on his own was not what any of the trio wanted. Seeing no other options, the two headed back to the building, hoping Alsmiffy would show up somewhere soon, and that he was not in harm's way. 

Once night fell, the two became worried. He had not yet returned, and knowing Alsmiffy, he would have no food to last him the night. If that even was where he had gone. Ross, feeling lonely headed up to Alsmiffy's thaumcraft room, and decided to walk slowly, looking at all of the green man's equipment that he had left lying around. Ross was still hoping Smiffy would jump out and scare the shit out of him at any given moment, but instead the only sound that could be heard was of Ross' heavy footsteps. He soon came to the open balcony of the library, remembering he still needed to put fences up. "What's this?" Trott called from the entrance below, gesturing to a pool of thick green slime in a puddle directly below the balcony. "Don't know mate," replied Ross, staring down at the suspicious dark green slime puddle. Trott soon shrugged it off, heading back into the warm; however Ross stood staring at the puddle for some time, not sure why it intrigued him...or for that mattered scared him. The colour resembled somewhat of Alsmiffy's skin tone, although mixed with lighter shades of green, almost like a snot colour.

Hours had passed into the night before Trott came to find Ross, yawning and rubbing his flipper against his eyes as he approached the drowsy man. Reaching to take Ross' hand, Trott attempted to persuade him to go to bed, and not to be worried about Alsmiffy, promising he would be home in the morning. Doing as Trott suggested, Ross stood but instead of heading downstairs alone, he followed Trottimus upstairs to his large double bed, which he snuck into once Trott was asleep. Curling up beside the walrus, Ross couldn't help but miss Alsmiffy, the idea of him not being there to wake them up in the morning, spraying flux all over the room and conjuring up lightening to create some enchanted nonsense, almost broke Ross's heart. Though having at least one of his friends there with him made Ross feel somewhat better about the whole ordeal, made him feel less alone. Curling closer to Trott, Ross only then noticed the tears forming in his eyes, and the small amount of sobs that had escaped his dry lips, gaining the walrus' attention. "Ross..." He murmured in a sleepy tone, knowing what was wrong almost immediately. "I'm sorry Trott, i just didn't want to go downstairs alone," Ross apologised, burying his face in his hands as he continued to think of the skinny green man. "Sshh," Trott hushed, wrapping his flippers around the bearded man, bringing their bodies closer together. Trott continued to whisper soothing things into Ross' ear until he finally fell asleep in Trott's arms (well flippers).

The next morning was gut wrenching. Stumbling downstairs, Ross could hear retching noises coming from one of the floors below, and knowing it wasn't Trott was even more disturbing. Making his way to Smiffy's floor, where the sounds were coming from, he noticed more pools of green slime coating the floor. Following the trail, whilst calling for Smith, Ross became certain Smiffy was there. He followed the trail further,  into a hollowed out corner where he soon found his friend, who had now almost shrivelled into a piece of string. He was no longer a pure green, instead he was almost the greyish colour of Sips; and his joyous nature had diminished, leaving only a husk in it's place. Ross had never before seen his friend looking so unwell, and so unlike himself, and to see it after such a night of worry and sadness, had Ross desperate to know if his close friend was alright.  Avoiding the green pools, Ross rushed to Alsmiffy's side, cradling him in his arms whilst calling for Trott. Alsmiffy coughed, and spat out green saliva, barely missing Ross's arm. He then turned, resting his aching head against Ross's shoulder, waiting for his second closest friend to arrive in the doorway too. "You two are the most important things i have ever had in my life...i want you to know that in case-" "We know Smiffy, but you don't need to say it, once Trott gets here, you'll be bright and dandy by tomorrow, i promise," Ross sobbed, not wanting to hear Smiffy say what he had dreaded the night before. "We both know you are wrong about that, mate" Smiffy attempted a chuckled, only breaking into a fit of coughs, causing more pain in his skinny chest. "Sshh," Ross hushed, tracing his hand over the pale, flaky skin on Smiffy's head. "Tell me a story Ross, please," Smiffy croaked, barely able to speak anymore. Nodding softly, Ross continued to sooth Smiffy as he began the only story he could think of. Their story.

"There was once an alien of some kind, bright green, tall and slender. He was feared in all the villages throughout the entire land and could not show his face anywhere, as everyone would scream in horror and run. He had no friends and his family were long gone.

One evening the green man stumbled across a small cave system, where he could take refuge. Little did he know the cave was otherwise occupied. He curled up near a pool of lava to keep warm and provide light, as the alluring darkness around him frightened him more than he cared to admit. Later that night, out of nowhere, light shone through the darkness, almost blinding the green man, as he had been so used to the dark by now. A man appeared with a torch in hand, edging closer to the green man, who in turn edged backwards, almost falling back into the lava. The man told him not to be afraid, and once again the green man responded the same, warning him not to edge any closer. However the bearded man was not afraid of the thin green figure, and so he dared him, edging closer and closer until they were face to face. The green man warned him to back away, baring his sharp, inhuman like teeth to try and frighten the man; but instead of being terrified like Smiffy had expected, the man chuckled and explained that he had seen worse than the green man's inhuman features. The green man soon subsided, and attempted to act normally with his new found companion, who introduced himself as Ross. The green man bared silence as he could not think of his name. And so the bearded man gave him a name, abbreviating it to suit him better. The green man took a liking to his new name, as did he take a liking to the unafraid bearded man whom offered him a home with him and his walrus friend. The green man agreed, following the bearded man through the cave system to the only home he would ever know.

The green man fit in with the bearded architect and the walrus, and soon became part of the trio, loved and cared for by the other two. As they continued their journey together, the green man did not feel feared or threatening, and as it were, he was not, instead he was appreciated and wanted by two of his best friends. They soon began building an empire for them to live in, together. It was an oddly shaped marble building, which the bearded man had built for them all to share. To be honest it was far too big but fitted their needs. And not long after that the green man was introduced to TNT..." Chuckling softly, Ross paused to look down at the shrivelled man, who's breathing had died down dramatically. "Smith?" Whimpered Ross, beginning to shake at the body in his arms. "Smith?!" He spoke a bit louder, in hopes he was only sleeping. But when his eyes did not open, Ross' heart began to fall apart. "Smiffy," He cried, resting his cheek against his best friends head. "Come on, buddy, wake up! Wake up Smith!" He whimpered again, shaking the body more. "TROTT!" He screamed, as loud as possible, tears now flooding down his face. "TROTT!" He screamed again, needing some form of reassurance, still not believing what was obvious and lay in front of him. He went to scream a third time, but failed to muster a voice. It was seconds before Trott appeared in the doorway, looking to Ross but soon diverting his gaze down to the lifeless corpse of Alsmiffy curled up in Ross' strong arms, tears dropping off of Ross' face onto Smiffy's scalp. "TROTT! DO SOMETHING!" Ross demanded, sobbing uncontrollably as he held tightly onto Smiffy's body.

Trott merely stood still, comprehending what he was witnessing. Speechless, he listened to Ross' screaming as he continued to order him to do something, proceeding to hold on to Smiffy's body, as if it were helping, or as if he just couldn't let go. The idea that holding Smiffy tighter would keep him with them for a little bit longer. "Trott..." Ross continued to sob, looking up at his remaining best friend, who's distorted face was stained with tears. " something..." Ross sobbed more, burring his face into Asmiffy's neck."Why isn't he waking up?! Trott, Trott do something!"Trott, regaining control of his limbs, edged closer to Ross, his breath hitching as he neared his best friend's lifeless figure. "Bring him back..." Ross whimpered, his voice cracking. "BRING HIM BACK TO US!" Ross screamed, hugging the body in his arms. "Ross..." Trott whispered, wrapping his flippers around each of Ross' arms. "No! No...I never got to say goodbye..." Ross protested, shaking his head and holding tightly onto the body in his arms. Trott continuing to pry at his only remaining friend, trying his best to pull the bearded man awy. "Ross...Let go..." Trott whispered, not wanting to say goodbye either, but somehow managing to suppress the urge to scream and beg for Smith's return. "NO!" Ross screamed, shoving Trott away from him, holding his best friend in his arms for a moment longer...not ever wanting to let go...

*God! I was crying whilst writing this. That's the first time i've every cried whilst writing something. Ever! God the things these three do to my life*

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