Heartache {Troffy}

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  WARNING: If you don't like gay relationships DON'T READ!

You know that feeling, the one where it's as if you've been stabbed repeatedly in the heart as many times as you can count and the blood, that's spilling out, feels like acid against your skin? You know when you feel so much pain you can't decided whether or not you should just give up there and then? Yeah well that was all Trott was feeling in that moment. His heart had physically been ripped away from him and every aspect of his life had just come crumbling down. Alex stood in front of him, his face showing minimal emotions as he stared at his victim with blank eyes. He'd practically ended Chris' life but all he could do was stand there with nothing else to say. His words had already scarred Trott, branded him forever, what point was there in stretching the pain if not for his own amusement. All Trott could hear from then on was Smith's voice ringing in his ears as if his sentence had been some sort of bomb dropped directly next to him. "I'm sorry...this has to end...we can't carry on like...this!"  All Trott had been able to answer was the simple question "Why?" In what could only be described as a whimper. "It's just not working...for me!" Chris couldn't believe it. Not once in their long relationship had he ever shown signs or discomfort or rejection, which was why Trott couldn't understand.

"I thought...i thought you loved me... loved us?!" Trott had cried, his eyes stinging from the salty liquid forming behind his eye lids. "I suppose I'm just a good actor..." Alex had snapped, grabbing the backpack beside him. The brutality in his voice was enough to confirm his feelings. Trott could then believe the words Smith had said, no matter how much it hurt him. He could see the frustration boiling in Smith's eyes, which could only have meant one thing. He was ready to just walk away. "Fine!"Trott had screamed, his voice returning for that moment. "Leave! If you feel that way then just go!" Without another word from Smith, he walked towards the door, turning slightly as if he had something else to say, but he never uttered a word before leaving the house and not coming back.

Trott finally gave in to the pain, once he was sure Smith was far away from him and their dead relationship, he crumbled. His body faltered causing him to crash to the floor. His legs sprawled out underneath him as his hands immediately came to his face, in an attempt to muffled his sobs and at least catch some of the endless tears that escaped his eyes. He was a wreck from then on, not sleeping or eating or bothering with petty things such as work and shopping. He merely curled himself up in his man-made cocoon that was his bed, and stayed there. His tears never ceasing and his heart never managing to repair in the short days that passed. He was broken. His phone was filled with miss call notifications and texts from all of his close friends and work mates, but he didn't want to answer any of them - so he just turned the damned thing off and chucked it in the general direction of the nearest wall.  He didn't even care if any of the messages were from Smith, he couldn't be bothered with him in that moment. Smith had said some awful, heart-breaking things, and Trott was unsure if he ever wanted to see that beautiful man again.

The day, however, finally came when there was a knock at the door. Trott happened to be wrapped in his duvet and crashed out on the sofa when this happened, and it had occurred to him just to stay still and wait for whoever it was to go away. But the knocking didn't stop - which became more annoying than anything else - so Trott was forced from his fortress of pillows and covers to answer the door, and actually face civilisation again. Approaching the door as slow as possible, with a slim blanket clutched against him, Trott rubbed at his eyes and attempted to make his hair look as if it had been combed in the past 14 days. Which it hadn't. Once at the door, Chris pried it open to reveal Lewis and Sjin, who stood with worried expressions riddling their faces. Trott didn't say a word, he only ushered them in and closed the door behind them. After returning to his pile of duvet and pillows, he turned to his two concerned friends and waited for one of them to speak. "Smith's been back in to work this week," Sjin started with - which probably wasn't the best statement to open with. "That's nice," Trott mumbled, sniffing afterwards. "How come you haven't?" Lewis asked softly, staring at Trott with eyes full of concern. "I'm not exactly coping with the whole...ordeal," Trott muttered, gesturing to the heap behind and around him. Lewis nodded understandably, and sympathetic smile etching onto his face.

"You don't have to come back until you're ready," Lewis stated, looking between Sjin and Trott. "I'm not sure how long that's gonna take..." Trott whispered, curling back into the hovel he had made within the contents of his bed. "Was it that bad a break-up?" Sjin questioned, slightly shocked at how bad Trott looked as an outcome. Trott couldn't find the words, so he merely nodded. The lump in his throat, that had been there for weeks, finally returning. Sjin too shared the same sympathetic smile, understanding how rough break-ups could get. "How is he?" Trott finally asked, his voice cracking and breaking in places. "He seems...traumatized, but he's been coping - i think," Sjin continued, watching Trott's still expression. "I thought you guys were really close, y'know" Lewis added, confused as to why this had all happened. "I thought so too...but apparently it wasn't working for Smith, so he ended it," Trott sighed, rubbing his now damp eyes. After some time of thinking, Trott looked up at the other two men with a slight smile. "I'll be in to work on Monday," Of course Trott was regretting it afterwards, but he had to go back eventually and being in a group with his ex was always going to be an issue so he may as well face it as soon as possible, get it out the way.

A/N: May continue, may not, depends what you guys thought :)

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