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I woke up and saw that someone covered me with the duvet. And then I looked around me. Why there are woman's clothes here? And then I remember everything. The incident and the wedding. So, Anvi was in here. Where is she now? I heard a knock and I told the person to come in. It was a maid who works here. "Sir, your breakfast." I am curious yesterday it was Miss Anvi and now today when she became Mrs. Anvi, she is gone?

"Where is your new madam?" I asked. "She has gone out with Master Neev, Sir." Why am I not surprised? "You may go now" I got out of my bed and called Tanvi. "Hey love" Her voice really cheers me up. "Hey, I miss you. Don't worry I am coming back today; my flight is in the evening" I told her and like I expected she squealed with joy. "Oh Ronit, so after you come back, I will make the cooks prepare your favorites? And then we will stay at my place"

"Yes, My love anything you want to can be done." Anything except for claiming you as my wife. That place belongs to a woman I know nothing about for now. "You sound tense, did something happen?" She asked. "Yes, something did happen, and..." I hear Neev's voice. "Look, I ran into some problems and it would be better if I tell you after I reach there." She turned silent. "Is it serious?" I can hear the fear in her voice.

"No, you know me. There is no problem I cannot solve. Now I have to go, my brother just came in. I was thinking about spending some quality time with him." If she was angry, she wasn't saying anything. And upon mentioning Neev, she always seems to get angry. "Ok, have the playdate with your brother. I will talk to you when you get here" And she cut the call. I will make it up to her. I always do.

"Yes, I know. It was fun isn't it?" I hear Neev's voice. "Yes, that was fun. The way they ran when the car honked now, they will no better than to stand and chat on the busy street like that." I leaned and watched them sitting on the sofa and talking. She was wearing an Anarkali, green and mixed with hints of red. And her hands adorned with bangles red one decorated with stones. Her forehead had a small bindi. And a little touch of red just over to her hairline in the middle.

But the bruises were still present on her skin. "But seriously Sehezaadi, you shouldn't have shouted at them. I mean he was the in-charge after all. He is handling your case." Case? What case? Is there something Neev knows about her that he is hiding from everyone? The attack, how serious it was in actuality? What had happened between them? What they are not ready to talk about?

"I cannot help it, he was just making me angry. I know I should be better at controlling it, I mean my therapist did tell me about the outbursts of emotions but..." Neev all of a sudden looked in my direction. And just like that their conversation died down. "Ronit, you are awake" I nodded. "And I would like my brother back if you are done dragging him along into your Ventures Avni" Neev looked angry at my statement.

"She didn't take me anywhere, I volunteered to be with her. It is my responsibility knowing that I am the only person she can trust in this entire city" Is that so Neev? "why Neev? Are you the officer? Someone in the government perhaps who can help her?" I asked walking towards them and she moved a little farther. "What can you do for her?" I asked placing my arms on both sides of her. Caging her.

She averted her gaze looking away from me. "Why brother, that she needs you? Is there a specific reason?" I am really angry. She destroyed my life as I know it. Now my brother too is angry at me. All because she came into my life. "I know why, she used you. And you were naïve enough to be used by her. Now she knows that I hold the key to this empire so what she does she goes on and marries me. Otherwise, how the reporters would have known I was there?" I felt a stinging pain on my cheek and she shoved me away.

"You slapped me?" I asked. "Yes, perhaps you weren't raised right, that is why all you think about is how to use women for your benefit. First, learn to be a man and respect women afterward you can question my morality." Did she dare to insult me? Me of all people? "People like you, only know money, they think everything can be bought out of money, even love, and respect. But let me tell you this Mr. Bajaj you can never ever buy my respect or me. And from next time don't come within ten feet of me. Or touch me without my consent. I hope you know what it is since you are the great wolf of the industrialists?"

The Accidental Wife (The Billionaire's Wife #3)Where stories live. Discover now