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If anytime I have ever regretted my impulsiveness, it is now. I should have listened to Neev, Ronit, and Harsh. I should have heard when they told me not to engage. For first, it was dangerous, and second, it could kill me. But no, I had to be a fool and try and cut him off from the airport so that he could not leave the country.

I remember waking up in my husband's arms. It was a nice and cozy morning. Ronit looked so handsome sleeping next to me. Then his eyes opened and met mine. "Are you real or am I dreaming?" he asked in his raspy morning voice. "No, you are not, I assure you." I kissed him then. He kissed back and his hands slowly wandered around my body making me squeal.

"Let me take you out on a date today." He said getting up, we can spend the whole day out, starting with breakfast and then, visiting various places in Mumbai, then having lunch, then we can shop for our upcoming destination wedding, and then have our candlelight dinner, it would be great." I can see he was planning it all in his mind.

"Sure, it will be alright with me," I told him and he smiled. "Then can I get you dressed?" He asked. I extended my arms and he picked me up holding me in his arms as I clung to his body holding his neck and my both legs wrapped around his waist. "Carry me." He laughed. "Sure Shehzaadi, your royal carriage awaits."

It was all good, and I was enjoying his company. After a long time, I was enjoying the date with Ronit. So, he took me to this nice little café for our breakfast. And he even fed me. He raised a few eyebrows but then, he did not care at all. Even if he was by default one of the most known faces around.

Today he looked so carefree. I have never seen Ronit so relaxed. Probably it is because everything is now under control, isn't it? I hope so, because even after searching all over the place, my house and his, my father's old office and his father's contacts, no one had found who the third partner was. But then again, if it was that easy, we all wouldn't have gone through so much trouble now, would we?

"It is such a nice day, isn't it Pari?" he asked. "Yes, it is Ronit," I told him as he finished his coffee. "It reminds me how I never had asked you out properly on a date. I mean, I have known you my entire life and I never paid attention before." Recently he had come to know how our entire life had been revolving around each other.

It is more than just a coincidence, isn't it? How do we end up together even after everything? It is like we are meant to be in each other's life.

"I love you, Pari. I love you so fucking much. That I can never show it with my words. But I will prove it to you every single day." He brushed the crumb from over my lips. "Are we ready to go to our next destination?" He asked. I nodded.

We ended up at the beach and for lunch, he booked us a very special place around it. It was a quiet place. He had gotten me dressed up for the same. "How long you have been planning this for?" I asked as we enjoyed our seafood delicacies. "For a while now, since I have returned from Kolkata." He said softly.

"You know, you look cute when you blush," I commented. "Who is blushing, baby? I am not sure. I am thinking of ways I am going to..." "Ronit Bajaj, don't you dare finish that sentence," I warned him. "I was saying that I am going to impress you, Pari. You have such a one-track mind when it comes to me." I almost hit him when his phone rang all of a sudden.

As he talked his face turned ashen.

Something was wrong and I can feel it. He led me to the car and he drove towards police headquarters. I had no idea what was happening. But he kept driving till he came to a stop in front of the building and that is when I knew something was very wrong if he had taken me there.

"So, the date will end in prison?" I asked trying to lighten up his mood. But Ronit shook his head and walked inside the building and I followed him. Harsh was inside monitoring someone on the large computer screen.

"What is all about?" I asked.

"We have him, the third partner. He is the one who is head of the airlines now. But the thing is the law process is slow, we need to get a court order to search his house. But we cannot have it till Monday. And my sources tell me that he is planning to flee the country. He had readied everything, but he is so careful in his dealings that we cannot book him for anything."

I settled down on the chair. "So, we cannot get him?" I asked. Harsh shook his head.

"What about he did something, on cam like threatened someone?" I asked. "Could get him in, for sure and he cannot be bailed till Monday. Till then we can have something solid on him." Harsh said and my mind started to race. Ronit saw me and held me down.

"No, you are not going to do what you are going to do. Not even think about it. Did you get me or you will be the one handcuffed and inside the jail cell? I will not hesitate to put you in myself." He threatened.

Ronit knows me too well and that is going to be a problem. But there are a few tricks he has not seen coming. I know how to distract him. And I know what exactly will provoke this person into committing a crime enough to hold him till they get something substantial to have him in for a long time and tie him as well with the murders of my father and Ronit's.

I put my hand over my abdomen. And made a sick face. "Pari, are you alright?" Ronit's concerned look came into view and his and Harsh's faces were next to me. "No, my stomach is hurting so much," I told them. "God, it feels like I am about to die."

"Hold on Pari, I am going to take you to hospital." I leaned over Ronit and held him till I found the desired object in his pocket. I am lucky that he loves my hand roaming on his body. So, he supported me took me out to his car, and opened the door. It was not locked which was a blessing.

I got in and locked the passenger side of the door and then quickly locked the driver's side as well. "What the hell, what are you doing?" He yelled at me. Ronit was not happy.

"Sorry Ronit, it started with me and it shall end with me as well," I told him. And he kept shouting but then I pulled the windows up and drove as fast as I could.

Now, I am here I am looking at the man. And I don't know what I should do to stop him from boarding that plane. Would airport security take me down? But I have to take my chance, I have to stop him. So, without a second thought, I floored my car and let it drive towards the destination that was him.

Let's see if he was expecting this surprise. 

Word Count: 1303 Words

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