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She ran away. I don't know, where to again. But I have a sneaking suspicion that it was to the airport. She must have gone there. She was trying to stop him from leaving the town. I mean why else she would be on this murderous path otherwise?

"Where did she go?" Harsh asked coming out of the office. "Where do you think she would have gone? I mean you know right how she would have done things? It is crazy." I questioned him. "We should go before she ends up dead."

I drove towards the airport and there was a commotion inside. "What have you done now Pari?" I thought.

"Clever girl, she knew she would not be able to stop him otherwise. She knew she had done something crazy. Something that will make the airport police detain him. So, it would give us time." Harsh said looking at the police officers holding both the man and her.

I want to hug her and kiss her. And then lock her up with handcuffs so she does not escape me again. I shook my head from side to side. She had done it now; I have seen everything that is to see. I don't know what to do with her anymore.

"Officer that would be my wife," I told the officer who was holding her. "That's good, Mr...." "Bajaj, I am Ronit Bajaj and that is my wife, Anvi Bajaj," I answered him.

"Mr. Bajaj, you have a crazy wife. She almost killed Mr. Hernandez." I looked at the man. He looked so familiar. I have seen him before but where? There must be a connection I know, there must be a connection. I know there must be something I am missing.

"What is the meaning of this? First, this crazy woman tried to kill me with her car and then she accused me of carrying dangerous weapons I mean like who does that?" I was having a hard time suppressing my laughter.

"I told you; your private craft has a bomb; do you wish to get blown to smithereens at 25000 above sea level as nothing but an unrecognizable ball of fire?" I walked towards her and said, "Pari, if he likes to get blown why are you so keen on saving him?" I asked.

"I was being generous. Then I shouldn't have." She glared at the man. Name of who was not Mr. Harnandez. "I keep telling her that, there are no bombs on board. There is nothing that will harm me. I have a meeting with a client and I cannot delay it."

No, you cannot wait to run away. In case we find something incriminating on you. Something that would be enough to keep you grounded.

"There is not a bomb but something" A team member of Harsh came inside. "He was carrying this." He put something over the table.

He is playing dirty cop now. Planting evidence to keep him inside? That is not something I would have ever thought of. But something tells me it is more because of Anvi and less because of the investigation. If she is risking her neck, he would too.

That makes me mad.

That makes me jealous.

"Where did this come from?" Harsh pretended to inspect the sample. "Drugs, Mr. Harnandez? Where were you trying to smuggle them?" The man looked afraid but he tried to keep a straight face when he said "It wasn't me. Alright, I was not responsible for this. If you think this was me then, you are mistaken sadly."

"You have a right to remain silent, and I really do not want to read everything back to you. I am sure you know this is a case of narcotics now and you cannot walk away easy." Harsh said trying to cuff him.

But none of us had anticipated what had happened next. Because he pulled Harsh's service revolver and held it over Anvi's head. "No one moves, now, I am going to take her to my plane and I am going to get out of this god-forsaken place." He said and looked at her.

The Accidental Wife (The Billionaire's Wife #3)Where stories live. Discover now