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My eyes opened and I found myself sleeping next to him. He was watching me sleep. "Good morning Pari, did you have a good night's sleep?" I nodded. I checked that my clothes were intact on my body and I looked at him questioningly. He gave me one of his lazy smiles and placed a kiss on my forehead.

He sat up on the bed. "Are you feeling good now Pari? Last night you were upset about Harsh. I am sorry that you had to go through that." I thought it was the opposite. You were the one who was upset. No one wishes to learn about the exes of their spouse.

"I am fine, are we going to stay here?" I asked him. "For the day yes, then I am going to take you on a trip. Remember? Ranthambhore and the safari? Also, I promised to buy you a jeep. I keep what I promise to you, my love." He told me. I stood up and he looked at me confused.

I put on my robe and walked out of the balcony. I have to admit I miss the view back in Canada. "Something wrong? Is it something I said? Something I did?" He asked me. I turned around to face him. "No Ronit, I..." I paused looking at his sleep-deprived eyes. "You weren't asleep the entire night"

"I was watching you sleep. It is something I haven't done in ages. I love to do that. My personalized view of meditation concentrates on your expressions. Concentrating upon your breaths." He tucked my hair behind my ear pulling me close. "I love to watch you every waking moment of my life Pari. I never thought I can fall for you this fast and this much in love with someone. I never knew it was possible. But now, I can see it is possible because I have never loved anyone as much as I love you Anvi."

My eyes watered. "I don't deserve you. I was been horrible to you. I had not accepted you, fought with you every moment of my life. I did not wish to believe that you could have loved me Ronit. I am sorry" I told him in a small voice. "I cannot have done anything else. You are a person everyone will fall for eventually without even trying. You are that easy to love." He told me and my eyes watered more. How much have I made him suffer these past months? And all he wanted to do was to love me.

I embraced him and he wasn't ready for it so he stumbled back but then he held me tightly in his arms. "I am not concerned about what happened with you in the past Anvi. I am your future and that is what I am focused on, how am I going to make that sentence come true. I am focused on making it true to you and me." He kissed the top of my head. "I love you, so very much. And I will keep loving you forever."

I placed my head on his chest and closed my eyes. I listened to the beating of his heart. It was so peaceful. It was so peaceful being here. "We should get dressed I have called Harsh and arranged for us to meet." I pulled away looking at him. Why does he want me to meet him? What was he thinking? I do not wish to visit him or meet him.

He started to walk away and I panicked and held his arm stopping him. "Something wrong Pari?" He asked. "Don't go pleased" I whispered. He turned around and I hugged him once again. The truth is I am afraid of putting the two together. I don't want them in one room together at all. "I am not, tell me what you want me to do Shehzaadi and I will do it." He offered me. I begin playing with his shirt buttons.

"I want to stay here with you," I told him. "Last night I thought you were going to show me some love." I can do anything other than letting him and Harsh in the same room. "Last night you were not in your senses. I couldn't have done anything there. It would have been immoral" He touched my hair and run his hands through it. I closed my eyes feeling his hands over my skin. It was only one time when he ever did that. He never demanded that from me. And we were drunk the first time.

I wanted him to be with me so bad. And after that encounter with his ex, I wanted him next to me. So, I pulled him close and kissed him surprising him. He didn't kiss me back and my eyes watered unknowingly. I am breaking apart. I turned around mumbling a small sorry and walked inside the bathroom shutting the door. I turned the shower in and my tears begin to flow.

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