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I heard a crash and almost avoided a collision with a phone rocket traveling at least 110 miles per minute. That collision destroyed the phone. What is with him and the phone? He looked at me and walked towards me. What is going on? He looks mad. He pulled me towards him. "Change of plans we are leaving now. We will get anything we can. But I am not going to stay here anymore." He sounded mad, very mad.

He picked up his suit and took my hand. "The budget meeting..." I tried to tell him. "My company, my loss, my wish. Now, come with me." Gee who had woke up at the wrong side of the bed today? "Move those legs, Mrs. Bajaj." I am trying but your legs are awfully long. "Alright then" He picked me up in his arms. "What are you doing?" He didn't reply as he pressed the G button on the elevator.

He walked through the lobby area and every set of eyes were looking at us. "Everyone is looking let me go Mr. Bajaj." He kept going towards the parking area. He wasn't joking when he said he will be leaving the premises. I was just trying to get him off my back when I told him about Hawaii. But now he is serious.

"Where are we going?" I asked. "Out" Oh we are back to the one-word answers again. How not so surprising. He is back to his old self again. But if he is driving me with him in his car then definitely not the old him. It is like the new-old him. If there is a term like that. It can be used to define it very well.

He took me to the airfield. The one I don't remember being into before. But judging from his expression the memory is anything but good of this place. He parked the car and walked out of the car. Then came towards my side. He opened the door for me. I feel more like a child than a grown-up. "Come with me." He said in a still cold tone. I am getting used to his attitude where he talks to me like I don't matter.

Ok then, as you wish to. I walked behind him that is until he pulled me beside him. He greeted someone. "Captain, are we ready for the take-off?" He asked the man. "Ready sir, when we are going to put this bird in the air?" Bird in the air? I like that phrase. I let them talk and I walked towards the planes. They are magnificent. I touched the body, remembering the last time I had done this with my father. He took me there with him. And I was to take a routine flight to Bangalore. My first one ever.

"Like something?" I turned around to see the man looking at me. "I... sorry, I must have been wandered off. I am..." "The wife of the man I am working for recently. Hello, my name is Daniel and I am working with the designing team." I shook his hand. "Daniel, nice to meet you, I am Anvi." He gave me a small smile. "Do you want to see one under making?" I nodded. "Come with me then." I looked at Ronit who was still busy discussing something with the pilot. And I quickly followed the man.

But by the corner of my eyes, I can see two armed men following us. "Your protection details. After what happened to you last time you were here no one wished to take a chance." Last time? I have been here? "You got shot trying to save the boss when he fought with Owen Neilson because he was flirting with you. Or at least trying to." Did he fight with his biggest competitor in front of all those people because of me? Wait how do I remember that? "Here we are our latest in making, the Dreamliner." That is one big plane. "It is magnificent" I found myself admiring it.

"Yes, it is. When it is done, it will be one of a kind. Fast, safe, and capable of running on fairly low fuel. The light bodyweight makes it faster, so it will take less time to reach its destination. The alarm systems are placed to detect any or if the malfunctions are detected to be taken evasive maneuvers and direct it to the nearest safe landing area." That's a good precaution.

There was another hanger half-open. "What's in there?" I asked. "Just a skeleton of an old plane." I walked in and saw it was a broken-down plane. Beautiful but broken. I walked towards it. And I touched its surface. It felt familiar. Somehow, it was so familiar to me. "I see you have taken a liking in that piece of machinery." I heard and turned around looking at Mr. Bajaj. How long does he been here watching me?

"I... I was just admiring it." He chuckled and walked towards me. "Yes, she was a beauty. In her time that is. She was my father's dream. The first flight he ever flew in the air. Now, it is sitting in the dust. So, I have searched and tracked it here. And now, it is in my possession again." He touched its body as if it made him feel closer to his own family. "Strange, this flight was my first too, with my father being a pilot." His eyes widen in shock.

"Can I know your father's name, Mrs. Bajaj?" He asked. "It was Raj Choudhary," I told him. "Hmmm... interesting, my father told me about his friend name Raj, who flew with him many times, and they almost joined the industry at the same time. Can it be a coincidence that we were supposed to meet Mrs. Bajaj?" "No, it was an accident," I said looking at him.

"If you say so, the jet is ready for take-off so, after you Mrs. Bajaj." He led me to the jet and showed me my seat. "So, do you like our new possession?" Our possession? Wasn't I until a few months ago his paper and pen wife? The one he made sign the divorce paper the day we got married? So, how is it that now he is telling me about owning the properties? "I don't own anything," I told him a little harsher than I had intended initially.

"Yes, you do Mrs. Bajaj." He ended the conversation then and there as he opened the laptop and started a conference call just as the jet reached cruising altitude and he was allowed to turn his devices on again. It was my cue to stay put. Last thing I want him to yell at me at twenty-five thousand feet up in the air. Because I have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

"Sir, your coffee, mam do you need anything?" The flight attendant asked. "Yes, sure. Can I have a cup too?" He raised his eyebrow looking at me. But didn't say a word thankfully. I know I am a tea person but that doesn't mean I cannot like coffee from time to time. He again decided to look at his screen. I too didn't say a word afterward.

When my eyes opened, I saw I was in a room. And he wasn't around. I stood up and opened the glass doors. The salty ocean air tickled my nose. Being in Mumbai for the last four almost five years, I didn't have the privilege of enjoying the ocean or the beach. The reason, I really was afraid of open spaces, crowded places. So, even when Neev offered me time and time again. I cannot seem to go on with the same. I walked out on the sand and feel my toes sink into them. If this is a way to surprise me then consider me amazed Ronit.

But how did you figure that out? You could have taken me to a hotel or resort with lots and lots of people. But you didn't instead I think I am in a private villa. I walked further out towards the ocean. And the waves are crashing down on my feet. I felt someone walk up and stand up beside me. I looked up into those blue eyes which were studying me quietly.

"Thank you, for bringing me here," I told him truthfully. "How do you know what I will like?" I am curious. "I observe you too, and when you live with someone you pick things up. I did too. I may be not as good as you are but I can tell that you are not fond of crowded places. So, I picked out the perfect places everywhere I can find a beach. And were on hold, you chose this one." I turned around giving him a smile. "So, you rented it?" I ask him. "No, of course not. I bought it. For you specially. So that if you want to escape you know where you can go. Happy Birthday, Anvi." He said surprising me. 

Word Count: 1524 Words

The Accidental Wife (The Billionaire's Wife #3)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin