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One of the earliest memories any child will have of his childhood would be the main caregiver. The one who always was there to attend to you when you cry for food, cry for change, or cry for no reason at all. For me, it was my mother. And she was the only woman I have truly fallen in love with other than Anvi. She was my first love Anvi is my last.

"Your mother?" She questioned. "Yes, my mother, the one who had given birth to me. And I had known her to be my only mother till the first ten years of my life. It is when she had passed away tragically in an accident. My father came then heard the bad news and took me away to India. But my roots lie here, the house we lived in to had come up for sale a few years earlier and I bought it. Tanvi didn't like it, so I kept it a secret from her." I told Anvi.

"So, this place..." "Other than my mother you are the only person I am sharing this all with. I didn't know why is that till today." I told her softly. "Why?" She asked not pulling away. "Because you are the love of my life. Anvi and I am not afraid to share any of my life's secrets with you. For I believe there shall never be any secrets in between the relationships as it only tends to ruin it." I told her.

She suddenly looked pale. She was thinking something. Something that according to her is horrible. "Something wrong?" I asked. "No, she was too quick to answer that I too didn't believe in her. "Was it about the trial? And the case?" I thought idly. "What was the name of your mother?" She asked me. "Patricia, she had this kindest blue eyes. Her lips always smiled. She used to hum Indian tunes to me even if she cannot get all those pronunciations right." I loved how my dad corrected her.

They shared a common love for music and that is how they met at a music festival in Goa. Then at the plane, he was the captain. That is how their love story started and he used to take the flights to Canada often. Just to be with her. It was what my mother has told me and then my father had also told me about it after her death. "I wish I could have seen her at once." She commented in a sad voice. "You can Pari, let's visit her, shall we?" I asked. She nodded and we get into the car.

She told me to stop in front of a flower shop and then bring every single one available and tell them to make a nice bunch. "For her, I don't know what she used to like so..." I appreciated her efforts. Even Tanvi never had gone to the lengths of honoring the memory of my dead mother. But as I said before Anvi was very different from any women I know or ever came in contact with.

I drive her towards the cemetery. Although it had been days since I last visited this place, I have a feeling that it was about to change. She took the fallen dead leaves away from the grave and placed the flowers there. I was standing there watching. It always had overwhelmed me.

 This place is filled with the unfulfilled wishes of so many dead people. And my mother being one of them feels so much unreal. I can never get over the fact that she was gone this way. "I guess, I have nothing much to say, but for as long as I am here with Ronit, I will always protect him. Patricia, that is a promise from my side."

I heard her voice say. I don't like that tone of hers saying for as long as she will be here with me. Like I am ever letting her walk away from me? like I ever going to let her go. She is so wrong; she is so wrong about this whole situation. She isn't aware of my resolve yet. But soon she will be. And I know how I can do it. How I can subdue her. How can I make her believe that I am going to stay so will she?

We drove back home and I didn't mention the words she had supposedly conveyed to my mother. "We must leave soon for the airport Neev is already there with our third pilot," I informed her. "Oh, is that so. We shouldn't have taken the detour on our way home. You had to get those candies?" She scolded me softly. 

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