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My eyes opened and I smelled the aroma that made my stomach growl. So without thinking twice I followed my nose to the kitchen. "What is in for breakfast Neev," I questioned. I haven't rubbed off the sleep from my eyes yet. "I am offended Pari, only Neev can make you breakfast not your husband? What kind of belief is that?" I opened my eyes finally meeting his blue one. He was shirtless and I almost immediately hid my face in my hand earning a laugh from him.

"Come on Sehezaadi, you are afraid of looking at me?" He asked. "I thought you love when I boast myself this way." He put the spatula down and pulled me to him. "So, Mrs. Bajaj, our official date begins now." He put his hands on my waist and kissed my cheek. 

"You look beautiful in the morning. It is a delight to have such a view in the morning." He said not letting me. "What are you doing Ronit Neev is going to catch us." He chuckled in response. "So? I am romancing my wife, what if anyone catches us? What is it to anyone?" He asked me.

"You have gone crazy," I told him turning around to leave when he hugged me from behind placing his head on the crook of my neck. "I am crazy for you Meri Pari, I will always lose my sense of rationality when it comes to you. It is called love. It need not a reason, not a season, not a day, not a moment. It just needs the person, and for me that person is you." I felt his every word pierce through my heart. How can someone love someone like me? I am not only a walking hazard I also am a danger to his life.

"Ronit it is early in the morning," I complained. "And? I heard morning is the best time to romance your wife." He kissed my neck sliding his hand inside the sweater that I was wearing. "Take it off" He whispered softly. "But Neev..." "He is out, he hasn't returned home since last night." He told me. 

I pulled back "What? And you haven't asked where he was? He could be in trouble." I started to search for my phone to call him. "Looking for this?" Ronit said holding my phone. "Thank you I..." He pulled it away and dialed something on it.

"Hey, brother good morning." I heard Ronit say. "What is it Ronit, it is early and I am not exactly alone," Neev said in a raspy voice. He is half asleep. "Not me, it is your best friend who is worried that someone kidnapped you or something. And to think of it I was just planning on romancing her." He told Neev.

 "Sehzaadi, it is too early, go and romance with your husband and enjoy your day together. I don't think you will get him away from his true love for long. Seize the opportunity while you can comrade." And then he cut the call.

"You see, nothing to worry about Neev is being Neev apparently." He put the phone down. "where were we?" He asked. "Yes, I was about to kiss you and..." His phone rang and he picked up. "Yes, please bring it in. I was waiting for that." What is it? What made him so concerned. "Sorry love, just a moment or two alright?" He apologized. And he was the one telling me about romancing. I wonder what had happened.

He walked towards the door and I saw him getting a briefcase from one of his guards. What is in it? He put the case down and opened it. It had a gun inside with bullets. I thought he didn't know how to fire a gun. "Ronit..." He looked up. "What is the need of that. It is not a toy you know?" He gave me a lazy smile. Then took it out clicked off the safety. "I know, that is why I have it so that no one can pull one on me and I left there without protection and you know what the best thing is?" I shook my head. "They come in pairs."

He took my hand and placed a gun in my hand. "It is licensed." He said to me. Ön my name, so nothing illegal here Shehzaadi, you can sleep peacefully at night. Knowing that you are always protected." He said holding my hand. "Alright, but you cannot travel with firearms you know that right?" I asked him. "Nor you know how to operate one." That seems to be a problem. "You do, then can you teach me?" He asked. I gave him a smile in response.

The Accidental Wife (The Billionaire's Wife #3)Where stories live. Discover now