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One moment I was fighting with Owen Neilson and at another moment everything went quiet. I fell to the ground and then I heard her scream. I turned around and Neilson's guards covered us in an instant. "Anvi, Anvi" Neev was too shocked to move. He was frozen. Anvi had been shot and that too was trying to save me. "Anvi, call the ambulance now," I shouted holding her. "Anvi, you fool, why do you have to be the hero?" I asked. "Same way you drove that car into the car I was in..." She gasped.

"Ambulance would be too late. We will airlift her directly to the hospital." I heard Owen say. "Ready the helicopter now, don't waste any moment." Neev moved finally. And came forward. "Don't you talk ok, we are going to take you to the hospital we will be there. Don't close your eyes. Don't you dare close your eyes on me?" She held my hand smiling still. "You were right, this is our last time together. And I had evened us out." I picked her up and Owen led us to his copter.

"Don't close your eyes, ok look at me. Look at me Anvi. This isn't our last day together. This isn't our last day at all. Yes, you have to give me seven more months, seven more..." She touched my face and wiped something off my face as Neev and Owen pressed the wound down with towels trying to stop the bleeding. "Don't cry, I am not in pain. I promise you; I am not in pain." Oh, you can lie to me anytime and I will find out. I will find out because I have learned too all these months, all these months to see at least past some of your lies.

"The hospital is near we will reach there in two." I wiped her eyes. "Just a little bit more ok?" She smiled still. "It will be alright; I will not be a problem..." I placed my lips on her silencing her. "Don't you dare say you are a problem to me? You are not. Now I want you back with me did you get me?" I saw the doctors arrived on the scene and the blue shirt she had picked for me was soaked in her blood. They rolled her in.

We all also got there. And then they called us. "we need someone to sign these papers please, we need to operate immediately. And we need AB positive blood group. Is anyone there..." I and Neev both looked at each other, we are not a match. "I have that blood group." Owen came forward. I looked at him questioning. "Paternity test" And it made me smile. "Come with me sir this way and please sign the documents we need to operate before it is too late."

I took the documents but my hands shook when I held them over the paper. I felt someone's hand holding mine. "I cannot... I cannot... Who am I to decide? I never even given her the position of my wife. Never did, who I am to decide this?" He held my hand. "You are the one she chose to risk her life for Ronit. You are the one who had risked his own to save hers. You can choose her life. Sign those papers." He told me. "Sir, we need those consent forms, the patient's condition is getting worse."

I signed those papers and gave them to the nurse. "Please save my wife. Please, do everything in your power. I don't care about the expenses." The nurse nodded "We will do everything we can." I sat down on the bench. I don't know why God had to be so cruel sometimes. I didn't want this to happen to her. Yes, she was leaving me behind. Yes, she was not going to stay, but was this our fate? No, it cannot be our fate. Not at all.

The operation was going on for two hours now. And as more moments pass, more my anxiety increases. "You should get yourself cleaned up a bit Ronit." I stood up and my legs buckled under the weight of my body. Neev held me. He helped me down the bench when the doctor came out. I don't know where that strength came from to go there and stop him. "Doctor my wife." His look said it all. "I don't wish to lie to you Mr. Bajaj, the bullet had pierced her lung and the internal damage is too much to recover from. Prey, it is all I can say"

"No, No, no... you cannot say that, you cannot say that about my wife. I just got here, I... I cannot lose her. I was this close to her this close, only if..." Neev held my arms pulling it off the surgeon's uniform. I didn't even know I was holding it. "Brother, let him do his work." I pushed him away. "Don't touch me, don't... stay away from me Neev. Stay away, it is all my fault. It is all my fault. I told her, I told her nothing can happen to her until she is with me. I promised her. And I failed her. I failed her again. I failed her."

The Accidental Wife (The Billionaire's Wife #3)Where stories live. Discover now