Chapter Eighteen

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Best Friends or Best Lovers

Chapter Eighteen


Lola was crying for hours and didn't even wanna get out of bed. It was Saturday right now, two days after she found out Harry was cheating on her. No one talked to him when we were recording on Friday. We simply ignored just him.

"Lolibear, get out the bed right now!" "I'm finee!" She yelled back at me and I sighed. What was I going to do?

Well ice-cream always works! "I am going to get some more ice-cream. Go watch your precious series without me!'" Lola was watching Pretty Little Liars nonstop.

"Be fast I am craving for some strawberry ice-cream. Could you get that for me cookie?" She softly asked and I smiled. "Of course Lolibear," I kissed the top of her head and made my way out of her room.

Everyone, except Harry, was sitting in the living room. "Where are you going?" Louis asked. "To slap Harry's face. You're coming or not?" Louis jumped up.

"We are not going to slap his face!" Eleanor jumped up as well. "What about her ice-cream?" "We will pick something up on our way back her. Lou c'mon," I dragged Louis away from them.

"Niall, stop," I was so mad at Harry for doing this to her. "Why?" "I can't walk that fast!" He dramatically said and I rolled my eyes.


Allison was just a one night stand. I mean nights.. She was a lovely gal and knew what I liked, but on the other hand it was so wrong doing this.. "Alli, you need to leave," I said trying to escape from her lips.

"I thought you liked this, I mean us," She pouted and leant in for another kiss. "I do but it is so wrong. Get out, now," "Whatever. Just call me whenever you don't think it's wrong anymore," Allison left in a hurry, finally she was gone.

My heart belonged to Lola and only her. But I screwed everything up. I am such an idiot!

My other problem was that, I had to fake date that cougar Caroline Flack, she was really nice but so old. The management made me or they would stop Lola's career with only one blink.

I wasn't going to let that happen. I did cheat but that was only Allison, I was drunk and she kept on begging and whining for more. How could I say no to sex.. It was wrong and I knew it.

Someone banged on the door of my hotel room. "HARRY OPEN UP!" Louis screamed and I sighed, got up and opened the door. "What?!" I shouted and they stormed in.

Niall punched me in the face and then sat down on the couch. "What the hell Niall?" "Well you deserved that," Louis answered, sitting down next to Niall.

"What are you doing here?" "To talk to you," I sighed again. "Lola's offer is still standing," Niall mumbled as he stared at me. "Well I ended it with Allison already but I can't end things with Caroline," I yelled and they looked confused.

"Why can't you? Lola is pregnant for god's sake! How can you do this to her?" Niall yelled back at me. He was right, how could I?

The three of us got quiet, but that did not lasted for long. "Bloody hell, Harry you need to fix this, ASAP!" Niall yelled and walked out of my flat. "Niall is right, you need to fix this Hazz," With that Louis left as well. Great..


I had giving him a week. A week to decide to dump the sluts and come back for me. And now the week is over. While we were both at work I avoided or ignored him and Niall was the one who picked up Kiki on Monday.

I decided to ring him, this was ridiculous. How could he choose those fucking sluts over me? We are together for fucking 2 years already?!

After a few seconds waiting he picked up. "Harry speaking," He said, he didn't even saw the ID calling. "It's me. Your pregnant girlfriend who is with you for over 2 years now," I said making my way out of the house.

I had a photoshoot for Vogue, just my face so they did not had to take pictures of my belly this time. "Hi Lola," He said and he coughed. "Your time is up, ya know?" I stepped inside my car where Fred was waiting on me.

"Eh..Eh Lola, can you please call me back later?" I heard giggling on the other side of the line, seriously?

My heart dropped, he was choosing them. "Bloody hell! No!" I yelled and I heard him tell the girl who was giggling to leave. "Harry, it's me or those bloody sluts," Harry sighed and took a deep breath.

"Lola, please. I will dump them okay? Don't call them sluts they're nice girls," I choked. "NICE? Are you freaking losing your mind! They are HELPING you fucking cheat on your 2 year girlfriend who is fucking pregnant you idiot!" Fred gave me a look, I had to keep it down.

"Why are you even giving me a second chance Lola? I don't deserve it at all," "Cause I am in love with you, you idiot! And our baby girl deserves a dad to be there when she is born, not just uncle Lou, Liam and Niall," I shot back, trying not to yell anymore.

"I love you too," He mumbled and I wasn't sure he even meant it.

"If you do, you show up at my place tonight," "Lola, please. Listen I really do love you. I wasn't thinking.. I am so sorry," Harry muttered. "Saying sorry won't clear things up Hazz, you know that. This is your last chance," And with that I hung up on him.

I was so done with him but sure did loved him a lot.


The next day no one was home, everyone was out with Kiki except Harry, Niall and me. So I decided to drop by at Niall's new flat, I was excited to see it.

I was wearing a long black strapless dress, kind of beachey and a bright blue jacket. It was summer and it was pretty hot outside for this country. It felt like a huge heatwave.

I managed to get at Niall's on my own, Fred was having some off days and Niall's new flat was around the corner so I was fine.

I rang the bell and it was smashed open. "LOLIBEARR!" He yelled in my face and I was embraced with his lovely Horan-hug. I loved those hugs.

"Hey cookie," I replied and we got inside. "I hate being pregnant Niall. I can't wear heels anymore! It fucking hurts my back if I do," He gave me a cup of hot tea, chuckling at my complaints.

"Why aren't you with the others and Kiki?" I asked him and he raised an eyebrow. "You're her godmother, why aren't you there?" I sighed and played with a piece of hair.

"Loli? What happened?" Niall sat down next to me and lifted up my chin. "Baby, what's wrong?" "I told Harry last morning it was his last chance and if he did not show up at my place last night that it would be over," I let out a deep sigh.

"Did he came?" "He did.." He pinched my hand. "But?" I placed my head against his chest. "We got into a big fight again. That he needed to trust me and saying things about us. He thinks I am having an affair with you!" Niall nearly choked.

It got awkwardly quiet. "You know I love you babe, just not in that way," He said and he rubbed my back. "That is exactly what I told him. He was so furious about the fact you sleep a lot at my house instead of him. Well that's his own bloody fault, I let out a few sobs and Niall kissed the top of my head.

"What happened next?" I didn't even wanted to tell Niall, it hurted so much. "Lolibear? Tell me," He whispered and I started crying again. I am done now..

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