Chapter Twenty Two

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† 'xo

Best Friends or Best Lovers

Chapter Twenty One


I couldn't feel more sad, about the fact I was depressed; or that my best friend just killed herself while I was on the phone with her; or that I was pregnant and having Kiki as my own child for real now. What was I going to do? I was totaly messed up already, I can't take this anymore. I sat up, pushing Niall's arms away that were around me for already the whole morning.

"Where you going Loli?" "Telling Zayn what happened," I muttered as I left the bedroom, I found him watching cartoons with Kiki. "Eh.. Zayn?" They both looked up, seeing my big red eyes knowing something wasn't right. "Aunti, what's wrong?" "Just your uncle is being stubborn, would you go check on him Kiki?" She brushed besides my leg and I was left alone with Zayn, I sat down next to him and started crying again.

Zayn softly rubbed my back and before I knew it I blurted it out. "Becca.. She committed suicide," Zayn's face was in shock, total shock. "She called me this morning.." I cried into his chest as his arms took me close to him. "Becca.. She told me she loved you more.. More than anything in the world Zayn," I struggled with the words. "She is sorry, she couldn't take it anymore," Zayn kissed the top of my head and stayed in silence.

Well, the silence not lasted for long because we were rudely interrupted by Harry and Kiki. "Zayn, get your bloody hands of my girlfriend," Harry said full of anger, Kiki was crying as she was walking over to me. "I am comforting her," Zayn shot back as he rubbed my back. "Aunti, what.. What's wrong?" Kiki placed her little hand over my belly. "Why is Zayn crying?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Baby, please go to Niall okay?" Kiki refused and Zayn picked her up. "Sshh baby, let's go to uncle Niall. Your aunti and uncle need to talk okay?" Zayn said and they left us alone in the living room.

"Why was he all over you? Tell me Lola, eh?!" Harry yelled at me and I started crying again. "Why was he all over you?" He repeated himself again, grabbing my arm and pulling me up face to face. "Why don't you want this baby anymore huh? Don't you love me? Lola, answer me!" He snapped and I got scared, scared of what might happen right now if I didn't answer.

His green eyes turned darker as he was looking in my blue eyes, I was so afraid that he would hurt me again.. "Lola, talk to me!" I tried to push him away from me. "Becca died okay? She killed herself while we were on the phone this morning! You fucking weren't there, how is Zayn not supposed to be all over me if we were comforting each other huh? Are you so blind to see that I still love you? After what you have done? Don't dare to question me if I still bloody love your fucking guts!" I screamed, getting away in his grip and taking a few steps back.

Harry was shocked about my outburst, but yeah. I wasn't quiet done yet. "I don't want the damn baby anymore cause you are still cheating on me! You will leave me for some model anyways, no matter what right? I thought you loved me, how can you cheat on your pregnant girlfriend for god sake?! Do you know how much hate I've been getting lately? How many times I've heard to kill myself? How many times they told me that you didn't love me and that I didn't mean anything to you? I don't think you do, otherwise you would have been there for me, but you weren't you idiot! Only one who was there for me is Niall, okay so please let me be and go fuck those sluts like you were doing already!" I yelled and took a deep breath.

"So yeah, I don't want the baby and don't think to take custody over Kiki! She will be staying with me or Niall, since you screw it up bigtime her," With that I walked away.

I was done. So done. I walked over to Niall's room where Kiki was crying, she heard every word of it. "Aunti," She screamed, jumping of the bed and swinging her arms around my legs. "It will all be fine Kiki, I won't leave you. I promise you that," I told her, kneeling down next to her shaking body. I took her in my arms and hugged her tight, she was mine now. "I love you just as much as your mummy loved you alright? I won't leave you," I mumbled as she nodded.

After a while standing there I stood up, with Kiki clenched on my legs again. "Kiki?" We turned around seeing Zayn with puffy red eyes. "Eh, the others are out shopping and will be having dinner without us then. Shall I just order some Chinese or something? I don't think you are in the mood for going out to a fancy restaurant aye?" I shook my head and Kiki walked up to him.

"Come here you, let's get you a warm bad and a good cartoon for you to watch okay baby?" He said with a soft voice towards her, she nodded and they left Niall and me alone.


The rest of the week was pretty intense, I was sleeping in Niall's bed the whole time. We did accidently kiss a few times more, we both kinda liked it I thought. He would get a blush on his cheeks if he pulls away and kiss my nose. What really awkward was, was that whenever Harry dragged me to lunch or dinner with the two of us he was trying to flirt and talk to me again.

He never really apologized about our fight this weekend, so I never really said many words towards him the whole week. So that's simple for me, if he doesn't apologize I won't talk back to him either. How much he tries to show me he still truly loves me.. For example we went to the Eifel tower, being all romantic there with me still not saying anything sweet back.

Then he bought us some lock you had to put on this bridge and throw the key away in the water, with that your love would be for forever.. Yeah right, not like that will change my mind if he doesn't apologize.

Harry placed his hands on my big belly, I was five months far already. "Lola, please. Talk to me," He whispered in my ear from behind. "What is there to talk about?" I shot back placing my own hands over his, intertwining our hands together. "Do you still love me Loli?" "I do Hazz, I still do after what you did to me," I mumbled leaning back with my head to see his face.

"Why don't you want our baby anymore?" He stuttered and I pecked his lips. I took a deep breath. "I am seventeen, famous and pregnant. I hate it to be pregnant right now, yeah it might be worth it when we see our baby girl in our arms, but I don't feel myself anymore. Some people aren't meant to be pregnant at this age," I sighed as his grip got tighter in my hands.

"I am done with all the hate I'm getting, I can't take it anymore. It's too much. I am pregnant, Kiki is my daughter now, I have two busy jobs and then all the paps and media about you cheating on me and all that stuff. It's just too much," Harry kissed the back of my head as we watched the sun go down behind the mountains.

Harry held me tight as he rubbed his hands softly over my belly, making me feel comfortable again. "I am sorry that you feel that way baby girl. I really am. I wish I could take all your pain away, so that you don't have to feel like this," He mumbled and I sighed another time. "I really love you Lola. I wish I could fix this.." Harry whispered in my ear and I gave away a weak smile.

"I know you do baby," I whispered back as we still stood there, watching the sunset. This moment felt perfect and precious.

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