Chapter Thirty Eight

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Stay Stunning

† 'xo

Best Friends or Best Lovers

Chapter Thirty Eight


I picked up my bag and smiled down at Kiki who was clinging onto my leg. "Ready to see LA Kik?" I asked her and she started crying. "Baby, don't cry," I kneeled down and cupped her face. "What's wrong love?" Kiki shrugged and wrapped her arms around my neck. "I m-miss daddy s-so so much," I kissed her cheek.

"He will be here at the end of the week okay love? C'mon, we need to catch our ride. We will skype him once we get home," I softly mumbled in her ear and she nodded. "And uncle Niall mummy?" I took her hand as we walked to our waiting cab. "He will be there at the end of the week too, along with your other uncles okay?" Kiki nodded again and we climbed into the cab - thank god the paps weren't here.

After twenty minutes we arrived at my big house in LA. It was huge, with many guest rooms, a large garden and don't forget the pool. "C'mon let's skype daddy," We let our luggage stand in the hall and we took my Mac Book Pro to set up skype. Soon enough Harry's sleepy face appeared. "Sorry, I bet it is late there," I quickly apologized but Harry waved it away.

"I just fell asleep, I was waiting for you girls," Kiki smiled widely and started rambling about the flight we just had. I zoned out a bit and smiled at our little family. I frowned, how was Harry going to take it if I tell him that Niall and I are dating.. It just has been a month and no one knows yet, I was relieved about that. "Loli, you okay?" I smiled. "Yeah, just tired," Harry decided to go back to sleep and so did we, we were both exhausted because of the jet lag.


My week alone with Kiki before tour started was already finished, it was really fun. We hung out at the beach a few times, I took her to rehearsals - which she loved and we ate a lot of ice-creams. "Kiki! Ready to pick up daddy and the others?" Kiki ran towards me from the other side of my garden. "Yes yes yes!" She screamed and we took my big, black Range Rover cause they wouldn't fit into my Lamborghini.

"Are you excited? This is a big weekend yanno," I buckled up Kiki in her seat and took place behind the wheel. "How so mummy?" "Well, daddy and the others are coming. Also we are going out for dinner tonight. And tomorrow tour starts, so we need to pack our things and go sleep in my tour bus!" Kiki squealed. "You have your own tour bus?!" I nodded as I drove to the airport. "Because you are famous eh mummy?" Kik asked me.

I chuckled. "Yes love," I pulled up on the parking place and placed a hat on my head so they wouldn't recognize us. We quickly ran towards their gate. "Look!" A few minutes later Harry appeared first. "DADDY!" Kiki screamed, running towards him as he picked her up and twirled her around. I smiled and walked towards my family and shared a hug with them.

"I missed you," He whispered in my ear as I nuzzled my head in his chest, next to Kiki.

"I did too," I placed a kiss on his cheek and went over to hug the other boys, an extra-long hug for mister secret boyfriend. "Hi baby," Niall said and I chuckled as Harry was pulling weird faces for Kiki to make her stop crying. "He needs to know," I mumbled and Niall shook his head. "He will kill me," "Well that is your problem," I shot back, rolling my eyes and jumping on Louis his back for a piggy ride.

"How's El doing??" I could feel he was smiling. "She is great. We are doing perfect. I still can't believe how lucky I am to have her," I ruffled his hair. "I'm so happy for you two, you are perfect. Even more then Liam and Dani, but hush don't tell them," I giggled and Louis put me down next to my car. "Woah, you can drive this bad boy," I rolled my eyes and opened the car for them.

"I'm a big girl now Lou Lou, I don't need you as my dad anymore," I stuck out my tongue and the whole gang jumped in after placing the luggage in the back of my car. "I so love this car," Harry grinned as he took place in the seat next to mine. "Wait un till you see my other two cars," I winked and started driving back home. "I got this baby, a black Lamborghini and a beautiful old Mustang," I stated proudly.

All their mouth's fell open. "Don't even try to ask if you can ride in it. No one can ride my Lammy and Mussy," I stopped at my house, pulling up on the driveway in front of my garage. "Is this your house?" Liam asked. "No it's a hotel. Of course it is my house silly," They all jumped out, running towards the front door and leaving Kik and me behind. Guys..

After a few hours of chilling at my pool we went for dinner at a fancy restaurant in town. We didn't stay late because Kik was exhausted plus we needed to pack for the buss already. "Hey Lola, can we go for a ride?" Harry's head popped around the corner of my door. "Yeah sure, I will see you in a bit in the hall," He smiled and disappeared again.

I quickly put on some shoes and asked Liam to watch them all carefully. "Don't break the house when I am away!" I yelled before leaving with Harry. We took my Lammy and I just drove around. "Yanno, I saw Niall his messages the other day," He started off and I gripped the wheel tighter. "I saw some things I wouldn't rather have seen," I swallowed. "Care to explain Lola? Why didn't you told me?" I bite my lip and stared at the road.

"Oh come on. You know where I am talking about. You two are dating," Harry blurted out and I took a deep breath. "I wanted to tell you, but Niall was so sure you would rip his head off once you found out," I drove to a private beach and stopped my care there. "I sure will now," Harry mumbled and we both stepped out, walking to the beach. "We just take it extremely slow. I don't know why I even agreed to it Haz.. My head is all messed up with confusing feelings," He took my hand and squeezed it.

Harry pulled me down as we sat on the sand, he behind me so I could lay on his chest with his arms around me. "What feelings are confusing?" I cleared my throat. "It is obvious we still have a thing for each other. I like Niall, Niall likes me. I can't and won't get pregnant for god's sake. I have a family with you and Kik now. I'm famous and starting my tour," I rambled as Harry kept placing kisses on my bare shoulders.

"I don't know what to do. I do wanna be with you.. And with Niall.. I just want the best for Kik and I can't figure out what that is," I sighed deeply and Harry breathed hot air against my skin, he felt so close to me right now. "I will love you for a thousand years Lola. If you and Niall don't work out I will be there to pick you up. Don't do anything stupid and just try to be happy for once, you deserve to be happy," I turned around and pecked his lips quickly.

"Thank you love," I snuggled in his arms and we stayed for this for a while. I felt happy and loved now, why did I still choose for Niall? Cause he wasn't going to break my heart? I didn't want to get hurt again, I was done with that shit. I need to be happy for once in my life, but with who?

Best Friends or Best Lovers // h.s.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz