Chapter Twenty Three

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Stay Stunning

† 'xo

Best Friends or Best Lovers

Chapter Twenty Three


The next morning Lola woke up in my arms again, that was a long time ago when that happened. "Morning beautiful," I smiled down at her and kissed her pink lips. "I can't do this Harry," She escaped my embrace and left our bedroom. "Lola, why can't you do this?" I don't want the baby anymore," Lola mumbled as she rushed towards the kitchen. "I need a break. For myself, for Kiki. I am sorry," She said as she took her belongings that were in the kitchen and dumped them in a bag.

"Where you going?" A sleepy voice behind us said, revealing Eleanor in her PJ. "I'm going home. I am sorry love," Lola said as she past El by towards the living room. "Just, please meet up with me for lunch before you go," I said and Lola turned back at me. "Fine, but after that I am gone," Eleanor sighed.

"Baby, please stay. You are ruining the vacation by leaving," "It's already ruined," She shot back. Lola went up to Niall's room to get her stuff together. "Kiki, stay with Niall un till I pick you up later this afternoon okay?" She told Kiki as I stood there in the doorway watching her speak to our little princess.

"Why aunti?" "Because I say so, please stay with Nialler baby," Lola kissed her forehead and locked eyes with me. "Text me the deets of the restaurant, I'll see you at one o'clock sharp," Her eyes bore into mine, she was up to something but I wasn't quite sure what.


Fifteen minutes left before it was one o'clock sharp. I was close by the restaurant, I got out of the rental care I took this morning. I got a new one so the others wouldn't be left without a car. All of the stuff I brought with me to Paris were stuffed inside the car, I was leaving for good. I needed a clear break. Niall would take Kiki with him, he promised me to look after the little princess while I would be gone.

I crossed the street and walked up to the restaurant that I was meeting up with Harry for the last time. My eyes went by the window, where Harry was already sitting. Sitting with someone else across the table, a familiar face. Caroline Flack. What was that slutty cougar doing here? She is ruining everything, every time she shows up. I looked closer, they were holding hands. Harry was blushing and Caroline was grinning like an idiot.

What was going on?

I was furious. I walked inside, knocking down the waiter that was going to open up the door for me. I didn't bother to say I was sorry, cause I wasn't. When I arrived at the corner where Harry was sitting they were kissing. In front of the window, in front of everyone else that walked by, in front of the paps that were taking photos. Harry didn't even noticed my appearance, so I took off to the toilets to clean up my make-up before walking back to slap his face and tell him we were over.

Ten minutes later I left the toilets, my eyes were red and puffy. Harry was sitting alone now, I sat down and looked up to his face. "Lola, what happened to your eyes? Where you crying again?" He asked me and I laughed. "Like you don't know! You fucking lied to me. You were still cheating on me with that cougar! You never meant those words last night did you? Or all the words you ever spoke to me?" I snapped at him and I smashed the water in his face, he didn't knew what came over him.

"Harry fucking Styles, we are officially over. I don't want any contact with you, ever again!" I yelled in his face, standing up and knocking another waiter on the ground. Leaving his plates to fall down over Harry, what was quiet amusing for my point. Now he had spaghetti all over himself, well yeah karma is a bitch don't they say that? "And don't even think about taking custody over Kiki. She is mine and you know she will always chose me over you! And don't even dare to show Caroline to Kiki, don't let her meet that bitch! Do you understand, Styles?" He didn't replied, so I left.


Standing on the edge of a cliff. I couldn't remember myself getting up here anyway. I took some heavy medicine, four big yellow pills I took, normally if you had pain you only could take a halve. My view was blurry, everything was turning around me. I was scared, like a little girl who was trapped inside a box.

I gazed down the cliff. Wild water was down there. I texted Niall a quick text with my blurry vision, something about that I love him and Kiki so much and that I was sorry. I pressed send and took a deep breath.

I solved it, I'm a problem. Problems can't be fixed, only by a miracle or this way out. I swallowed as I took a step back, I was too scared. I was too innocent to take the nerve to jump down this cliff. I was one of a kind, what if Harry really did loved me? Everybody close to me loved me, right? Or where they just fake, that they really hated me? I couldn't think straight anymore, cause of the damn pills I took.

I gazed down for the second time. I needed to take this way out, there was no other way out. Now I knew how Becca felt, she never explained me how she felt though. I took a step closer to the cliff. I needed to do this. I was nothing worth this live. I was fat and ugly. Everyone hated me. This was my way out. I needed to, I needed to do this.

I wasn't worth this life, I was a nobody. I smashed my phone over the cliff, it fell down in the wild water. This was going to be a long fall. I swallowed two other big yellow pills and sighed.

This was it.

It was over if I jumped. No pain anymore, no painful comments, no confusing Harry, no baby. I would be free, free like a bird, free like a butterfly. Behind me I heard sirens get closer, a car stopped and someone touched the horn.

I turned around, seeing Niall jump out of the car. "Lola. Stop right there!" He yelled coming closer to me. "I'm sorry Niall. It's too late," I let the bottle of pills fall down on the cold hard ground. "It's never too late Lola. Please don't," He cried and I blinked my eyes, he was two meters away from me now. "It's too late," I whispered, taking a step back. I heard him scream as I fall down the cliff. It was over. Finally.

My fragile body hit the wild water and I was smashed under it, I couldn't fight the strong water. It was over. I smiled and closed my eyes. I was save now. Nothing else that would bother me. I sank down lower and lower to the bottom of the lake I fell in. The darkness took over me, I was gone.


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