Chapter Fourty

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† 'xo

Best Friends or Best Lovers

Chapter Fourty


I cuddled up with Niall in his bed, we were back home at the apartment El, Dani and I shared. I was going to be starting my UK Tour in a month so I could be home for a while, be a good mum to Kik and just relax a bit before my Tour starts. I was glad to be home again. "Babe..?" Niall whispered and I turned my head around to see him. "Yeah?" I whispered back. "Can we talk before we go sleep?" "Sure," I mumbled, a bit confused where we would talk about.

Niall coughed before he started whispering to me. "So remember Second day of Christmas?" I hummed a yes and he went on.

"I know I wasn't here but you ignored all of my calls and texts that day, regarding our fight from before I left. The other boys said you were MIA and so was Harry.." He trailed off. I frowned, why would he bring that up now? "Where were you.." I licked my lips.

"I was out with him all day," "But why then?" I bite my lip. "That day is an emotional day for me and I really don't want to talk about it," I said a bit too loudly and he sighed. "What happened that day Lola? Did you lost a baby again, or on that day? Is that why you won't tell me? Is that why you jumped into a relationship with me to forget what happened that day and take it slow? Is that why? Tell me Lola, please. I need to know," Niall raised his voice and a tear slipped out of my eye.

"It has nothing to do with Harry. He is the only one who understands that, that day is so important and emotional to me," I murmured and Niall tensed up. "Why? Tell me, I have the right to know," I sighed at his words. "I can't tell you Niall. Not just yet. Only a few people know.. Just leave this subject alone, will ya?" I said and Niall sighed yet again.

"What about that necklace with the ring on it? You have been wearing it every day since the Movie Premiere.." I smiled slightly, I was wearing it way longer than that. "It was from my aunt, she gave it to me before she died," I lied casually, he shouldn't know it was Harry's ring. "Oh well.. Was she important to you?" I smiled widely as I thought back at the moment when Haz gave it to me. "Oh yes, she was," I mumbled before falling asleep with dreaming of Harry.


A few days after our talk in bed Niall and I were tensed. Everything we did or said wasn't alright, I decided I could better leave for a few days. I called up Harry, knowing exactly what to do in those days. "Hey babe, how are you doing?" Harry asked me and I smiled hearing my best friends voice. "I can't explain how shitty I have been feeling, but I just need to get out," I sighed and I heard Kiki singing on the background.

"She loves your album, she has been singing it every day if you aren't here," Harry explained and I giggled. "I'm glad she loves it. Anyways.. What about a little trip with the three of us?" He chuckled. "Yes, I think that would be nice," "I know your mother would really like to see us and Kiki again.." I trailed off and I walked into my bedroom, glad Niall was picking up some Starbucks for me.

"I think so too. I will just let her know we are coming over for a few days. Shall we leave today?" I fistpumped. "Yes, great. Thank you so so much. I will drop by in a few," I smiled widely. "Okay, see ya then. Bye Loli," My smile grew even wider as that was even possible. I haven't heard him call me that in a long time. "Bye Curly," I replied back, hanging up on my best friend.

I started packing my leather weekend bag with some stuff. Reminding me to bring my guitar with me, I haven't been in my old house since I left to live with Eleanor and Dani in this apartment. Oh wait, I was at the other side of the street with Christmas though.. "Hey, why are you packing?" A voice behind me said and I turned around to see Niall with my Starbucks order in his hand. "I am going to see Anne with Haz and Kiki.." I said, not sure what his reaction would be.

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