Chapter Fourty Eight

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Stay Stunning

† 'xo

Best Friends or Best Lovers

Chapter Fourty Eight


I chuckled at Niall who was bickering with his brother about the game. It was Christmas and I flew over for a few days to be with Niall and his family.

I would fly back around lunch time at the first day of Christmas. Niall plopped down next to me, his hand resting on my leg and his head in the crock of my neck. "Why can't you stay two days longer?" He pouted at me.

I ran my fingers through is messy blonde hair and kissed his nose. "I need to spend time with Haz, Kik and his family too. I promised her," Niall let out a yawn and snuggled up closer with me on the couch.

"I am so tired and cold," My silly future husband whined. I was still overwhelmed by all of this but I calmed down about it I guess. "Then you shouldn't have went out with your brother and friends last night," I sternly told him as he groaned in my neck.

"You are nineteen now Niall, almost a man now! Stop whining and grow up a bit," Greg snickered at his mother's comment. "Mum stop it," Niall groaned again and I quietly chuckled at him.

Niall left a butterfly kiss in my neck. "Let's go to bed, I wanna cuddle," He whispered in my ear and I placed my hand on top of his. "Good night ya'll," I said, smiling at Niall's family before pulling him from the couch.

"Don't make it to late Niall! You still have to wrap presents!" Maura yelled after us as we ran up the stairs. I laughed and let myself fall on his bed, which was too small for the two of us. I am glad Niall is a cuddler.

Niall crawled on top of me and leant down and kissed my lips softly. "Niall.." I moaned a he moved to my neck, hardly sucking on a spot near my ear. "Please, let's just cuddle," I muttered in his ear.

I flipped us over and straddle his hips. "Why can't we have sex here? It has been three days babe.." I rolled my eyes and played with the hem of his boxers. "One, your parents are downstairs, it is weird to have sex when I just played a cards game with your parents.." I said, maybe a little too frustrated.

"Second, we can wait one more day. Tomorrow they will be shopping the last presents for Christmas, aren't they?" His eyes lit up and his lips curve into a smile. "Third, I'm on my period but we should be good for tomorrow," I kisses his lips.

I pulled back, too early for Niall his likings since he pulled me back in for a kiss. "Parents," I warned him when his hands disappeared under my sweater. "Period," I coughed, laughing at his pouting face.

"Fine we shall cuddle milady," I grinned and jumped of his body, pulling of my clothes and leaving them on the ground - except for my panties which I kept on. "Hurry, I am cold now," I said, sticking out my tongue.

I hopped under the covers and soon enough an almost naked Niall joined me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, kissing my forehead in the process.

"I love you Loli," Niall murmured just above my ear, I smiled into his chest and looked up to meet his eyes. "I love you too NiNi," I whispered back, placing my head on his bare chest as he softly sang me to sleep.


My breath hitched as I felt his warm breath tickle my neck. I inhaled his scent, my chest rising and falling with every breath I took. Niall dipped his head, nuzzling it into the crook of my neck.

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