Chapter Twenty Five

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† 'xo

Best Friends or Best Lovers

Chapter Twenty Five

Third person

As quietly as they could, a teary-eyed Liam and Danielle shuffled into the room, Zayn following behind with a sleeping Kiki wrapped up in his arms. As everybody hugged their fellow grievers, the room was filled nothing just the sobs of many dear friends.

As Danielle took her seat beside Liam, she gazed out of the medium-sized window which stood behind her in its frame. Her mind raced back to the time when she first met Lola. She remembered that bubbly girl whom she sat next to on the plane journey. She remembered that girl with two guitars and a boyfriend who she loved so dearly much. Danielle remembered the beautiful, stunning girl who could change everybody's mood with just the sound of her voice.

Liam thought of the time when he kissed Danielle for the first time at the shops. He remembered Lola's reaction; the way that her face lit up like a child's on Christmas Morning. He loved Lola for the person that she was. She cared for everybody, loved them all for the different qualities which they possessed. She loved them all, as if they were her own brothers and sisters. After everything that she had been through, she always put a smile on everybody's face no matter what mood they were in.

Zayn reminisced the times when she would look after Kiki as if she were her own. He remembered the times when she would hold her, as if she would never see her again. He cried a little, thinking of Kiki's real mother, Rebecca - his now death girlfriend. How she couldn't handle things, and committed. That was Lola's aim. He was glad that she was in the ICU - not because of the pain but because of Kiki. He didn't know what he would do if Kiki would lose her mother again.

Suddenly, a doctor entered the waiting room. Every head - non including Kiki's - shot up at the sound, staring in agonising anticipation at the doctor. "I'm sorry, are you all friends or family of a certainly Mr. Harry Styles?" "Is he okay? Did he survive?" Louis jumped from his seat, his eyes watering more than they were previously.

"Lou, what do you mean by that?" Zayn questioned, while Liam resting a hand on the older boy's shoulder. "He w- Harry was on the phone with me. He was drunk. I don't know what happened. We were talking about Lola, and the next thing I knew, there was a crash. I called the police, and we came straight here after finding out about Lola. Guys, I know we should have told you, but we were just.." Liam sighed and patted Louis his back.

"It's fine Lou," He whispered, looking at the doctor. "Doctor, what's happened to Harry?" "He's stable at the moment, but has suffered a very severe wound to the back of his skull. He also has three minor fractures in his arm and a broken bone in his lower left leg. We don't know as of yet if there are any long-term effects as he as not regained consciousness, but in due time we shall run some tests and we can inform you further. Two of you may see him, if you wish," The doctor said, looking down at the ground.

"Doctor, what about Lola? Is she okay?" "Miss Hayden has suffered quiet badly, and is comatose at the moment. We're hoping that she will recover in due time. We managed to pump as much of the medication out of her system and the amount of water in her lungs has been gone now. About the baby.. We don't know for sure if she will survive, we are still doing tests for that, but she is making brilliant progress. It's a miracle - you should be proud of both of them. We're doing all we can, excuse me I have to see other patient now," The doctor smiled and exited the waiting room.

Everybody in the waiting room exchanged glances. They decided that they would each visit Harry in their couples: Louis and Eleanor first, followed by Liam and Danielle; Zayn and Niall, and finally Kiki. Louis and Eleanor left the waiting room, heading over to room 207. They cringed at the sight of Harry in his hospital bed. All colours had drained from his face, his curls resting on his forehead.

Harry's face was covered in jagged, fresh cuts. His arm was wrapped in a bandage, and covered in a white cast. His leg remained covered, but they could see the cast bulging out of the blankets. Just by the sight of him, Eleanor concluded that he would be in a wheelchair for the next few months at least. He would find it very difficult to fly back to the UK, but it had to be done.

Just by looking, you could tell that Louis was thinking the exact same. Moreover, he thought of what he would say when Harry woke up. Would Harry even remember anything? The blow to his head was pretty severe - there was no telling whether he would remember anything. Harry, in his unconscious state, felt awful. He could not move his body, and hated the position which he was in. His entire body was aching, throbbing as the blood raced through it.

Harry tried to open his eyes, but found it impossible. He tried once more, but nothing worked. He tried to speak, to respond to Louis. To tell Eleanor that he was there; he was awake, but it was no use. Nothing worked. Louis began to speak to him, gripping tightly onto his fragile, pale fingers. "Hey, Haz. Everything will be okay. Lola is going to be okay. She's recovering, Harry. They said that she'd be okay,"

What had happened to Lola? What the hell did he mean by 'she's recovering'?! This time, he put all of his strength and might into moving, or even creating a slight response. Louis gripped Harry's hand in his right one, holding Eleanor tightly in his left. As he spoke, he felt a sudden twitch. Staring down at Harry and his entwined hands, he squeezed in the hope that he would receive another reaction. Sure enough, he felt a squeeze, not a terribly tight one, but a squeeze at that. 'Oh my goodness, El. He's awake.'

Meanwhile, in the waiting room, Niall pondered over what would be happening now if Lola hadn't jumped. They would have been together at the house in each other's arms. They wouldn't have to worry, because they'd have each other. A sudden hatred grew for Harry in Niall's heart. He didn't want it to come to this, but it had. He had a sudden urge to storm into Harry's hospital room, and to tell him exactly what he thought of him.

Niall wanted to tell him that he was a good-for-nothing, self-absorbed, useless, cheating drunkard who didn't deserve somebody as kind, loving, caring and beautiful as Lola. He would tell him that Lola didn't deserve to be treated the way that Harry treated her, and that he knew that he could provide for her better than Harry ever had. There were so many other things that he wanted to say, but he was interrupted rudely by Louis and Eleanor.

"Guys, Harry is awake. He's doing okay, but he's going to be in a wheelchair for a few months," "And Lola? You guys have been so absorbed in making sure that Harry is okay, but none of you care about Lola, do you? You don't care that she could just let go any second, do you? You just don't care! If you did, you would be there, holding her hand, making sure that she doesn't just slip away. You know, the least you could do was ask if she was okay; ask if you could see her and sit with her, but no. None of you care about her the way that I do. I should have known that you'd all choose Harry over Lola," Niall busted out, looking quiet mad at everyone else in the room who were in a complete silence.

"Niall mate, we would go to see Lola, but she's in intensive care! She isn't just going to wake up like Harry did!" "There you go! Turning it into a conversation about Haz again. Well, do you know what? I'm sick of this. You guys go and pine over Harry, while I go and make sure that the girl that I love to pieces and her baby are okay," Niall didn't mean to go overboard like that, let alone reveal his secret, but it was out. His secret was out, and everybody knew how he really felt.

Niall loved Lola, and would do anything to keep her away from Harry.

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