Chapter Fifty Eight

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† 'xo

Best Friends or Best Lovers

Chapter Fifthy Eight


That night I got to sleep in my own bed again, Kiki insisted to sleep with me but that wasn't a really good idea. What if I woke up and something bad happened, I didn't want her to be there with me if it did happen.

Niall his arms were loosely around me when I woke up the next morning, he also sang me asleep like Lou and Haz did the other nights before. "Ni, love," I said, poking his cheek.

"Morning love," He yawned and kissed me cheek. "Did you sleep well?" He asked and I nodded, placing my hand on top of his naked chest.

"Can you please get my medicine out of my bag, it is a little box filled with the pills," "Yeah, one second," Niall climbed out of the bed and dissapeared out of our room.

A few minutes later he got back with the pills and a glass of water. "There you go," He gave it to me as I swallowed all the pills for today.

"We will travel to Cardif this afternoon with the buss," Niall reminded me, climbing back in bed to me and putting his arm around me again.

"We have a Meet & Greet in the morning," "Oh okay," I was going to ruffel my hair but stopped myself just before I touched my hair, what if I lost more? I sertainly didn't want Niall to see..

Instead I ruffled his hair, pecking his lips in the proces. "H- How was the c- chemo?" Niall stuttered and I looked up to him, there were already tears in his eyes.

"Exhausting mostly, it makes me even sicker than I am though," "Did i- it hurt?" I shrugged, placing my head on his chest, fidling with my tubes so they would stay there. I was still getting used to them while moving around so much.

"I don't know.. Can't really explain it, how it feels or how much it hurts. You just feel this super tiny tube in the beginning, but now not any more 'cause I got used to it.." I tried to explain but I couldn't find the exact words for it.

"Oh.." Was all that came out of his mouth, I could feel his musles tense up underneath me. "W-Why didn't you told me when we were at my place? When we w-were together before Christmas?" I shivered, I wasn't really sure I knew the answer myself.

"I-I thought it would be for the best.. I don't know really.. I didn't want to bother you with this.. We were so happy there, I didn't want to ruin us," I tried to explain, tugging the blanket over my shoulders.

"But why.. Why could you tell him but not me?" His grip around me got tighter. "Is it because you still have feelings for him?" It rolled over his lips so casually.

"Excuse me!?" I highered my voice, pushing away his arms as I sat up. "I love you Ni, I thought you knew that.." I furrowed my eyebrows, why would he still think that?

"I-I thought you could trust me a-and tell me you were s-sick for god's sake.." More tears were forming in his eyes as he looked at me. "I am your man Loli, you love me enough to be with me but why couldn't you tell me?" He nearly begged me with his eyes.

I clutched my shirt tightly in my hands so he wouldn't notice my trembling hands. "I-I.." Nothing more came out of me, I couldn't speak. There was a small thing growing in my troat, tightning more and more by the second.

"What does he know that I don't? Lola, please I am tired of this," Niall sighed, not realising I was starting to have a panick attack. "I am so tired of not knowing.. I don't care about the little things anymore, the memories you had from before me but just this.. What makes him more important to you that he should know you have fucking cancer Lola?!" He raised his voice, I closed my eyes trying to calm down.

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