Chapter Thirty Four

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Stay Stunning

† 'xo

Best Friends or Best Lovers

Chapter Thirty Four


The car ride back home was quiet. Kiki was just staring through the window looking at the things that came by. Harry was worried, you could see the look on his face. Every time he could look at me during the car ride he would, he was worried for sure.

We arrived at the flat complex and Harry helped me to get to Niall's flat. "Goodnight pumpkin," I mumbled, kissing Kiki's forehead. "Are you gonna be okay on your own?" Harry asked me and I shrugged. 'My ankle hurts less than before, I think I can manage to be on my own for one night," We hugged each other quickly and Kiki and Harry left me alone.

I searched for my keys and couldn't find them. "Damn," I scolded, banging against the door, maybe Niall was home? I banged again, he was probably out - great. "For god's sake," I fell down on the ground, crying. Why was I crying again? Everything was going to be okay, I was back home again. Then why was I crying?

The door next to my flat opened and an old lady appeared. "You alright miss?" I lifted my head up to see the woman. "Yeah um, I forgot my keys and then I tripped over my own feet. Clumsy eh?" I said, giving her a fake smile. "Oh, do you want to come inside?" I shook my head. "My friends live a few floors up, I will be fine. Thank you though," The old woman smiled and closed the door again.

I jumped up, losing my balance and falling on the ground again. Damn my ankle hurts even more now. I winced in pain as I slowly got up again, making my way over to the floor of Harry's flat. I might let that checked out tomorrow..

"Hey," Harry opened the door and he frowned his eyebrows. "I forgot my keys and Niall isn't home, plus my ankle hurts even more now," I muttered and he chuckled at me. "Come here you idiot," He lifted me up and brought me to his room. "Guess you need to stay here for the night," Harry placed me down on his bed, I quickly nodded and I tried to pull my boots off.

"Could you help me?" I softly asked him and Harry started chuckling. "Just like old times, only now you aren't drunk but just bruised," I rolled my eyes and he helped me to get out of my boots and my pants.

"Here," He gave me a shirt and boxers were I could sleep in. "Thanks, I will sleep on the couch," I said and Harry shook his head. "No, we sleep together. Like we used to okay? Although everything has changed.." He softly said.

Harry went to the bathroom and I quickly changed into his shirt and boxers. I messed my hair a bit up and I let out a long sigh. "So, let me see that ankle," Harry suddenly came from nowhere and I placed my feet on the bed. "Let's just put some ice on it and we will go see a doctor tomorrow okay?" "If you say so, doctor Styles," I winked and he went to get me some ice.

"Thank you, for helping me out," Harry rolled his eyes, placing a sack of ice on my ankle and pulling the sheets over me. "I would do it anytime if you need me," He replied, kissing my cheek and he turned off the lights. I heard some movements and I knew he was pulling his boxers of. "Don't try to rape me okay?" I shrieked and I just heard him laughing at me.

"It won't be rape if you like it Lola," I giggled and he got into the bed. "Who says I'd like it?" Harry's warm hand touched my bare belly, letting my heart beat really fast. "Well every time we did it, you were the one screaming my name so loudly," I smacked his hand away but he placed it back within a second. "As if you didn't do the exact same thing," I replied back and Harry chuckled as his head snuggled into my neck.

His breath felt hot against my skin and so did his body against mine. "You are hot," I stated, touching his forehead. "Since when did you got so direct?" I rolled my eyes, realizing he would probably not see me do that. "I am serious, you are glowing," Harry shrugged and kissed my shoulder. "You have that effect on me babe," I giggled and stroke his curls.

"You probably have a fever, just go sleep Hazz," I told him as he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. "I missed this," I murmured. "I missed you, just laying like this," I mumbled and Harry kissed my shoulder again. "I did too Lola.." I kissed his curls and closed my eyes, finally falling asleep like I wanted to.


I woke up with even more pain in my ankle, I poked Harry's cheek. "Hey, curly," I whispered in his ear and he groaned and pulled me closer. "Good morning babe," He gave me a sloppy kiss on the cheek and placed his large hand on my bare belly. "It is kinda weird to wake up next to you, without you being pregnant," Harry murmured and I placed my hand on top of his.

"I know you want us to happen again, us to have a tiny little baby, us to be happy and have a happy family with Kik. But things didn't work out last summer, we did a lot of silly and really stupid things. We just need to focus on our careers now, on our friendship, on parenting Kik. Everything has changed Haz.." I softly spoke up and Harry's eyes met mine.

"Maybe we aren't meant to be together at all. We tried and we failed dramatically. Do you really wanna destroy our friendship now, when it is finally okay again?" I quietly asked him and he shook his head.

We tangled our hands together on my belly and just stared at each other's face for a while. "I wanna be your man. I wanna marry you so badly. I don't even care that we are so young. I know I wanna be with you, for the rest of my life," Harry murmured against my skin as he kissed my shoulder.

"And I want that to but it didn't work out now. Maybe over a few years.. Maybe then it will work out, eh?" Haz blinked a few times with his eyes, knowing he was going to tear up sometime soon. "Let's just be best friends for now. We will see what the future brings, okay?" He nodded and I pecked his lips quickly.

"Now help me get dressed, cause we need to see a doctor aye!" Harry shook his head laughing and got up for the bed. "Yeah yeah," I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm glad I got you back, best friend," We both smiled at each other, oh I was so glad to be back.

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