Chapter Twenty Eight

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† 'xo

Best Friends or Best Lovers

Chapter Twenty Eight


The words of Harry saying he would love me for a thousand years, that he was going to be here for me if I liked it or not, were still spooking around in my head. I was afraid, to love him and fall down back on the cold hard ground like I normally does, to lose him and the baby again even though I don't want the baby. I still didn't knew who I was going to choose, I still had to talk to Niall after all.

After Harry rolled away Niall came back in, with the same red puffy eyes as me. "Niall, please hug me," I croaked out as he sat next to me pulling me in a side hug close to his chest. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that alone, love," He whispered in my ear. "Thank you for looking after me Niall," I whispered back pulling my knees back up to my chest as I let out a few sobs.

"I'll always look after you and Kiki. You two mean the world to me Lola," I smiled weakly through my tears. "You will be placed in a private room tomorrow morning. You can see her then, Zayn took her home after you coded," I nodded and tightened my grip around his arms. "Please stay with me," I begged him and he slightly chuckled. 'I wouldn't dare to leave you alone every again Lola.'

His breath tickled in my neck as he sighed, I felt tears drip in my neck and I looked up to see his crying face. "I- I'm sorry," He muttered and I snuggled up closer with him. "I- I thought I had l- lost you," I held in a sob but let it out quickly after he tried to calm down. "I'm sorry Niall. I won't leave you again," I cried in his chest and he kissed the top of my head. "I won't let you," With those words I felt myself fall asleep. Wondering if I'd wake up the next morning again.


Someone shook me, I did woke up the next morning. "Lola, love," An Irish accent whispered in my ear. "Wake up sleepyhead. Kiki want's too see you when you get to your room in a few," He told me and I nodded. Niall slipped away from our position and I felt the bed move around, after a few minutes the moving stopped and my eyes flicked open.

"Mommy!" Kiki's voice sounded through the room. My smile was all over my face, I was too happy to see her. "Come here you princess," She eagerly jumped in the bed and hugged me tight, like there was no tomorrow. "I am so sorry I let you down princess. I won't do this ever again to you, or uncle Niall," We both started crying and I held her close to my body. "I won't let you go princess, never ever again," I whispered to her and she smiled. "Promise me," She asked and I smiled as well.

"Pinkie promise," I held out my pinkie to her as we both promised on it. "Zayn, don't be shy," I said as I saw him standing there in the doorway. "Sorry.. Just happy to see you two together.." Zayn sighed and I signed to him to get closer. I gave him a tight hug. "I won't break this promise, I know you love her like your own as well Zayn," He quickly nodded and sat down next Niall's chair.

"Liam and Danielle are on their way," He told us and I smiled. I missed everyone, I was so stupid for even thinking no one would miss me. Within a few minutes the door was smashed open and a crying Danielle ran to me and hugged me. "Baby, don't ever do this again. You are like my sister, you can't leave your sister!" I shook my head and kissed her cheek.

"I won't, I promise," We wiped away our tears and smiled. "You would never believe me how much Eleanor and I have been crying, we were so afraid we might've lost you!" She cried and I hugged her one more time.

Danielle sat down on the end of my bed to make place for Liam, Liam.. Mister overprotective. "Please don't ever do this to us ever again," Liam sternly told me before wrapping me in a tight hug. "I won't Liam, please. I won't," I said back ruffling his hair. "Hands of my boy there!" Danielle giggled and I smiled. "I brought you breakfast. I thought you might be hungry," I rolled my eyes and opened the bag he gave me. "You didn't brought me something?" Niall pouted and Liam shook his head.

"Of course not. She haven't eaten properly over three weeks! The cafeteria is downstairs, you know that Nialler," I picked up a large croissant filled with salmon and scrambled eggs.  "Hmm this is so good," I licked my lips before taking another bite. "So when are we flying back to London?" I asked after a huge silence. "Harry, Zayn, Niall and Kiki will be flying back the end of this week. The rest will stay with you for another week before you can go back," I nodded and ate the last bit of my croissant.

"Kiki, let's go grab some food," Zayn said standing up but Kiki refused. "I wanna stay with mommy.' She pouted and I kissed her nose. "I will still be here when you get back. Aunti Dani and uncle Liam will watch me all right? Uncle Niall will go with you since he is starving," After a few minutes they were gone, leaving me alone with just Danielle and Liam. "So what have you two been doing in Paris?" I winked at the couple in front of me.

Danielle giggled and looked down at her lap, the same for Liam who was blushing a lot. "Well?" I smiled as Daniele looked up at me. "Out on numerous of dates, kissed on the Eifel tower, done it on some beach somewhere, dinner at some boat you know. What couples do," She giggled and Liam met my eyes he chuckled. "So you had beach sex. It's good huh?" Liam rolled his eyes. "Very immature Lola," I chuckled as I drink my milkshake.

The door was smashed open again. "LET ME SEE MY SISTER!" Eleanor's voice screamed, pushing Louis back, eager to get to me first then Louis. "SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND YANNO!" I chuckled. "See, now that is immature Liam," I said still chuckling as Eleanor hugged my body. "Don't ever leave me or Dani in such a stress! We were terrified Lola! We are you sisters, we are a pack. We don't ever leave a sister behind you dumbass," She shook me around.

Eleanor finally let go of me after I pinkie promised with her and Danielle that I would never leave the sister-pack again. "Can I please hug my best friend right now, it's been almost a month! Psh, ksst El move your butt," Louis pushed the girls aside and hugged me tight. "Please Lola, go talk to Harry sometime. He is so messed up after last night. You know he is," "Maybe I will. But I will tell you we are never getting back together. He will just go on to the next slut once were together, he will let me down again. It was perfect but he let me down," I struggled with the words and he patted my arm.

"It will be all right Lolibear, just talk to him. We might have talked some sense in him anyways," Louis said back sitting in a chair next to Liam's. "How much we love you to be with Harry, it's better if you don't. Maybe later when we all forget about this messed up time," Liam went on and I nodded. "Niall is the better choice right now, for you and for Kiki if you are going to choose between them then," "They are right Lola, Niall is better for you. You know it, just admit," I shrugged and they kept in silence.

"Niall won't let you down, he wouldn't dare thinking of that anyways. He loves you Lola, he truly does," "I know he does love me, as a best friend. He wouldn't love me like a lover or something," I mumbled and Danielle shook her head. "Niall does love you as a lover darling, he really does. He is truly, madly, deeply in love with you. You are just too blind to see it," She blurted out and my mouth fell open, was this true?

Right now I'd have to choose between my best friend Harry or my best lover Niall. Maybe it will change, that Harry will be my best lover and Niall will still be my best friend.

Best Friends or Best Lovers?

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