Chapter Fifty

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Stay Stunning

† 'xo

Best Friends or Best Lovers

Chapter Fifty


I grinned widely as I saw Lola walking through the gates, she returned a smile when she noticed me. "Hey babe," I kissed her cheek and hugged her small body. "Hi!" I took her luggage as we walked towards the parking lot.

"How was your flight?" I asked, putting her case in the back of my car. "It was okay, I got cold on my way here though. Niall might got me sick too," She laughed nervously, swiping her hair out of her face.

We sat down in my car and I drove us all the way back to our home - Homles Chapel. "Kik missed you, she had been asking a lot about why you didn't took her along and why Niall is never coming to our family trips and all that sort of thing.." I informed her as we hit the highroads.

Lola groaned next to me and rested her head against the window as we drove straight into a traffic jam. "She is also having nightmares about our family including Niall, about you leaving us or that I would leave you two.. She's just worried I guess.." She gasped and I bite my lip.

It is kinda normal she asks us because her mother left her once and Lola once did too. "Anyways, Kik is thrilled to see you and also hyper because she's not allowed to open her presents," Lola giggled. "I got her some presents from Niall's family too, I haven't unpacked them yet so I am curious what they got her," I smiled, turning up the heater.

"What did they got you? Oh, what did Nialler got you?" I asked, watching the traffic jam get a little less busier. "He got me a necklace from Chanel cause he knows I adore that label. Some other nice things like a few Christmas jumpers and more," I glanced over to my side seeing she was frowning and basically biting her lips off.

"What is wrong?" "Oh, erm.. We will talk about it later not now.. Look we can drive again!" She pointed out, getting out of the conversation.

A few hours later we arrived at our street. I parked the car and ran over to her side to open the door for her. "It is cold, isn't it?" Lola mumbled as I took her suitcase out of the trunk, carrying it inside.

"MUMMY!" The little monster yelled, running from the kitchen and wrapping her arms around Lola's legs. "Oh baby, I missed you!" Lola cried out, picking Kiki up and sliding her arms tightly around our princess.

"I love you," Kik cried, I smiled and wrapped my arms around my girls. "Let's open the presents!" Lola exclaimed, pulling back from the intense moment.

I smirked to myself, knowing she would love my present. "Stop smirking Haz," Lola whacked my chest as we walked into her living room.

"Is that.. Harry!" She scolded, kneeling down next to the couch. "A little fur ball," Kiki giggled and stood next to her mother. "Merry Christmas love," I spoke from behind her.

"Isn't she adorable?" Kiki said, kissing Lola's cheek. "The little fur ball is for my two favourite ladies in the world," I stated, smiling widely. This is what our family was supposed to be - happy and together.


With teary eyes I fell down on the ground. Why did this always made me so weak and fonurable? I already felt broken and torn apart and that had even nothing to do with my love for Niall.

I pulled my hair, groaning loudly as I cried in front of her grave. Why wasn't she here? Why wasn't she telling me what to do? Cause of the god damn sickness which I currently have as well!

"Lola?" I looked back over my shoulder. Harry who was standing a few feet away from me, with furrowed eyebrows and concern in his eyes. "Stop whispering to yourself.." He came closer as I bitterly chuckled.

"Don't tell me I am going mad, I already know," Harry sat down next to me and placed his hand on top of my fist. "Talk to me," He murmured, softly squeezing my fist letting my fingers loosen up and intertwined them with his hand.

"I am sick.. I found out a few weeks ago," I started, wiping away the drops of tears on my face. "No more crying. It is useless," I muttered to myself before locking my eyes with Harry's.

"I have cancer, in my uterus to be exact. It is not deadly to me but when I get pregnant it will kill my tiny little babies every single time," A gasp escaped his lips and immediately he placed his hand in front of his mouth.

His trembling hand and watery eyes made me even feel more broken inside. I let out a weird sigh and yanked my arms around him and burrowed my face in his neck. Feeling his arms tighten around my waist made me feel a little bit better.

"I don't want to do medication," I stated, with my face still nuzzled in his neck. His breath hammered and he pushed me off him. "Are you mad? You need to! For Niall, Kiki and even for me!" Harry snapped at me, I was shocked.

"It will kill me from the inside, seeing myself break into a million pieces that made my mum go mad!" I screamed out. "You know she went mad! She went mental and killed herself! We were there, don't tell me you fucking want me to do the same!" I hit his chest with every word that escaped my bleeding lips.

"I won't go mad like her! So no medication!" I banged on his chest one more time before he grabbed my wrists to hold me still. "Don't be weak and give up just like that. It will eat you alive knowing you will never get better," Harry hissed into my face, tears rolling over his cheeks.

"I can't bear to lose you Lola. Don't tell me you wanna give up this easily. Not after you found love, a child who loves you like her own mother, a boy who will never stop loving you but can't be with you cause you choose to be with another man!" I grasped for air, his words going right through my heart.

"Do the medicine! It will heal you and not go mental. I will be there with you, every step of the way," Harry promised me as I tried to breath but the tightness around my throat became too much to bare.

"Panic attack," I murmured, hitting his chest one more time before falling limb in his arms.


My eyes were heavy, I opened them but quickly closed them - it was way to light in here. "You are awake," Harry said, taking my hand in his. "Listen, you need to rest. You had a panic attack and fainted and you have been out for a couple of hours.." I groaned deeply.

I opened my eyes once again. I was back in my own bed with Harry next to me. "Just rest for now, we will talk tomorrow about earlier," I frowned and tightened my grip around his hand.

"I want to discuss it now," I blurted out, Harry simply nodded and licked his lips. "I think you should do the medication, it healed your mum and yes it made her go mental only because she had no one to take care of her.. You do Lola, I will take care of you and I am sure Niall would too," I raised my eyes to meet his in the process.

"Don't even think of telling Niall. He will not know I am sick, is that clear?" I harshly spoke to him which I regretted the moment I said it. "I'm sorry," I murmured, bringing his hand to my lips and kissing it softly.

"I am willing to have treatment but Niall and no one else will know a thing. Only you can know until I decided to tell more people. Deal?" I spoke up making Harry smile.

"It's just me and you against cancer baby," I smiled back at him. "Now go make me some food, I am hungry," I waved him away as he left me in my room. I pulled up my knees and rested my head on top of it.

"I won't go mad. I won't go mentally insane. I won't try to kill myself and succeed in it," I muttered to myself, promising those words. In the end promises are meant to be broken..

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