Chapter 3

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The next day, she was put to work.

Elijah decided she ought to accompany him into the city of Mystic Falls for a tea party with the Historical Society.

Based on the memories she had acquired, the idea of a tea party seemed all too comical, and when he had first told her, she had started to laugh, until she realized he was serious.

"What do you aim to find out?" she asked. "What's so important about this?"

"In order for the Martins to have sufficient power to kill Niklaus, they need to channel more than one witch. All your energy will be put into the ritual and once you transform, you will not be available. Alone, Jonas and Luka cannot kill my brother. I have heard that there was a witch massacre somewhere in Mystic Falls, just a short time ago... by this, I mean many many decades. If we perform the spell at that location, the Martins will be able to channel the power we need."

Esmeray nodded slowly, and decided she might as well go along with it. She had a duty to him after all he had done for her already. Thus, she listened as he explained to her that he would be arriving at the tea party under the cover name of 'Elijah Smith,' pretending that he was writing a book on the history of Virginia (this would be his excuse as to why he was prying about the location of the witch massacre). She, with the name of Victoria Rayanson, would pretend to be a graduate intern who specialized in the oldest known history of Virginia. They would pretend the book was going to be a comparison between now and then to assess the changes over time as it pertained to urbanization and suffering of Virginia inhabitants.

The car ride was terrible. Despite all the memories Esmeray had taken in, nothing could have prepared her for the vertigo that came with being in a car for the first time ever. She had memories of joyful car rides that made her wish that the sensation would go away. No such luck; actually going through it was quite different. Her body had to physically adjust to the sensation of motion before she was able to lean back, breathing softly and trying to calm the pounding headache that'd grown as they made their way to the Lockwood Mansion of Mystic Falls.

"Our supernatural world nowadays is kept a great secret," Elijah told her as they neared the building. "Most humans will never know that witches, vampires, and werewolves live among them. Today, I expect I will be approached by those who found you. They will not pose any danger. As I said before, they will come to appreciate your existence when they find out that Elena Gilbert can be spared. I merely want them to understand that they ought not be crossing me. They are... a meddlesome group. While I do not need you to protect me... it would be kind of you to keep an eye and ear out. Understood?"

She nodded, trying not to throw up as the car came to a halt in front of the Mansion. Elijah got out first, going to open the door for her. She careened off to the side and forced herself not to even gasp until the sensation had passed. "I hate cars," she said venomously as she took Elijah's arm.

A small popping sound was heard, and they both stopped, turning to see that one of the tires of the car now had a long gash. The car shuddered, and the driver came out, sighing angrily before extracting his phone to call a tow truck.

"Oops," said Esmeray, though she didn't look sorry as she walked in alongside Elijah. She had put on some dark pants that had rips through them (apparently, 'distressed' was becoming a popular style) and a tank top, since Elijah had told her she didn't need to be so formal if she didn't want to. It was clearly amusing for him to see her so casual compared to him, but he didn't mind.

"Elijah Smith," said a woman at the entrance who appeared to be there to greet them. "I'm Carol Lockwood, Mayor of Mystic Falls. I want to welcome you to our Historical Society."

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