Chapter 38

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Esmeray was surprised to see Elijah.

Once she had moved into her acceptance phase, she'd started proper work on the spell that might help her find any Poldarks. So far, she'd been unsuccessful.

"Damn it," she muttered, looking down and seeing the blood wasn't moving. Beside her, Jackson was asleep, tired after having spent the previous day with his Pack. "Maybe my blood won't work until I fully tap into my wolf side? Fuck."

There was a knock on the cabin door that made both her and Jackson sit up. Jackson growled to let her know that it was a vampire. "Esmeray," came Elijah's voice, making her immediately rush forward to open it.

"Elijah," she said, a wide smile on her face as she pulled him into a hug.

He was caught off guard, but he patted her back all the same. "Esmeray, you look well. I was told I'd find you here."

She frowned. "What? Who told you?"

"Sophie Deveraux," he said. "I assume you're familiar with the name?"

"Oh, yes. Her sister, Jane-Anne, was the one that um... gave Anya and I the instructions to get here. I assume you know about what happened."

Elijah nodded. "Yes, I heard about your situation." He nodded to Jackson before turning back to Esmeray. "May I come in? We have a few things to discuss."

Esmeray looked back at Jackson, who understood that she knew this vampire, and bowed his head. "You may come in," she told Elijah, gesturing for him to come into the cabin.

He made a place for himself in a small chair she'd built. "How have you been?" he asked.

She shrugged. "Better, now. Jackson has helped a lot. I think what I needed was just to be away from people to sort through my feelings. I do think I'm healing properly now."

"That's good to know. Unfortunately, the time has come for me to ask you for a major favor." He crossed his arms. "Katerina informed Niklaus that Jane-Anne Deveraux was plotting against him. Unfortunately, Jane-Anne was killed, but we were able to gain information from her sister, Sophie."

Esmeray stopped for a moment to process the news of Jane-Anne's death. She hung her head, nodding slowly. "What did you learn? Why do you need my help?"

Elijah ran his tongue slowly over his lips. He didn't know how to tell her in a way that would lessen the blow of what she might consider as infidelity on Klaus's part. "You know quite a bit about werewolf pregnancies," said Elijah. "You will be able to understand a young hybrid. It would appear that Niklaus... is going to have a child."

Esmeray's entire face went pale, and Jackson growled, knowing Elijah had just delivered bad news. She looked away to try and pretend she wasn't so hurt by this. "Oh," she said quietly. "With um... who?"

"A friend of Tyler Lockwood's— Hayley Marshall. The witches believe this child will be a tribrid."

"It will be," said Esmeray shakily. "Of course it will be. I sensed... I sensed that nature was pushing for there to be a tribrid for some reason. When it saw that Klaus and I weren't going to be together..."

Elijah gave her a saddened look. "Esmeray, please understand that this does not mean that Niklaus does not care for you any less. I know my brother, and I unfortunately know that this was the result of his drunk self trying to alleviate his pain with rash actions rather than speaking of it with someone."

Esmeray covered her face. "It's my fault, Elijah. I pushed him away and I was rude. He felt I wasn't going to be there for him anymore."

"Do not blame yourself," said Elijah sternly, making Jackson whine as if he agreed. "I know this is quite a lot to ask of you and I want you to know that you do not need to accept."

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