Chapter 22: Master

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"-and then he tried to reset me! He was going to use me like some- some toy! What a monstrosity!" Ellie had kicked a nearby cactus, a large one, and it went flying, letting out a cactus scream. No wait, that was the scorpion on the cactus screaming.

It had been literal hours and Ellie had been ranting about how much she hated Wyatt almost the entire time. Mark was getting pretty bored at this point. To make things worse, they weren't by a road so they were in the middle of nowhere, the sun had risen so it was hot as fuck, and there was absolutely no signs of a town. And there was still no connection.

You know it was hot outside when Mark Beaks took off his signature cardigan. He draped it over his head so he wouldn't get a sunburn or whatever. He cut off Ellie's ranting. "Dude, I know you lost your GPS but like... do you know where we're going?! Is this even the right way?! I don't want to die out here! If i'm going to die, I want there to be a wifi connection so I could at least broadcast my last farewells."

"Calm down. You have two days, twenty hours, thirty one minutes, and nine seconds before you die from dehydration." Ellie stated. "And no. I have no idea where we are going but..." She pointed to a small dot in the distance. "Wyatt accidentally loused up some of my scanners but I believe that may be a town. Or a very large boulder."

Mark squinted his eyes and put his hand over his eyes to get a better look. "I can't even tell what that is but it's better than nothing! I would never say this in any other circumstance, but I wouldn't even mind it being one of those hippy trailer park campgrounds... or a stupid truck rest stop... or-" At this point Mark just started listing off things that no one cared about.

They walked for another hour before the town finally became very clear. It was one of the cliche western style towns. Think Rango or that one weird Spongebob special where they were in the old west for some reason. Needless to say, at a glance it looked like a tourist attraction. Like a place you went to churn butter perhaps.

"Goodness, this is-"

Ellie was cut off by a hawk on a horse. He had the sheriff star and was dressed like a cowboy from 1869 according to Ellie's research.

He glared down at them with a hand on his pistol. "Outsider's ain't welcome here. Now get a move on."

Mark was sent into a hysterical laughter. "OH MY GOD! NO WAY! Dude, are you for real?!" Mark took out his phone and took a photo of the officer.

The sheriff wasted no time in taking out his pistol and pointing it right at Mark's forehead. "I said get a move on!"

That gave Ellie some flashbacks. She stepped in front of Mark to block him.

"Sir, we really just need a place to stay. Or directions to another town. A vehicle perhaps?"

The sheriff eyed her up and down. "What is with yer attire? Not appropriate for a woman." He glanced at Mark despite Ellie blocking him. "And yer dressed strange too.... Oh. You two must be from the east." He put down his pistol, allowing Ellie to relax. "What brings you to town? There ain't another one for weeks on horseback. But they ain't quite as welcoming as we are."

Yeah. Like this town was really welcoming so far.

Mark whispered to Ellie. "Yo, I think he's doing some sort of larping? I guess we just play along..." He spoke up to talk to the sheriff. "Yep! Howdy! We're from the east! We've been walking for days!" Not days. Only a few hours but Mark has never shied away from being dramatic. "And we would really appreciate your southern hospitality and let us stay in one of your inns or something?... Y'all." He added that at the end to "prove" that he was playing along. Funny, because Mark is actually from Texas but he doesn't like to talk about that.

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