The First Student

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"Oh when there's no future"

"How can there be sin"

"We're the flowers, In the dustbin"

"We're the poison, In your human machine"

"We're the future"

"Your future"

As the old man sang his song, ending with the last lyrics pointing with his index finger right at saitama.

Saitama didn't really know what to think or do, he got the bad guy, was he supposed to punch him, drag him away.

No civilians were brought into this fiasco, it was him and the Titans.

Who ever this person was, he had a score to settle, but then Saitama saw the screens in back of the old man.

He saw the overwhelming force of robots shedding on the titans.

Cassey and Raven weren't overwhelmed.

Karra and Kory were overwhelmed.

Damien and Dove were down and out for the count.

He looked at all the screens looking for Connor but couldn't see him.

And Hawk was fighting with....


Saitama's eyes bulged out as he clenched his fists.

We're his eyes deceiving him, was this some sort of trick.

It couldn't be, it wasn't impossible, he didn't even know how he got here to this universe.


He refused to believe his eyes, refused to believe that one of his greatest friends was here in this world, that was home yet not home.

But that only made Saitama aggravated with this situation even more then before.

As his legendary poker face was now Broken and Mad Mod was shown a very particular, very-.

Serious, Saitama.

As Saitama's aggravation only feed Mad Mod's ego.

"I see the baldy doesn't like his pretty bald head being toyed with" said the old Mad Mod with a smile.

As Garfield was watching as his friend was being played with and he didn't know what to do but to beat up mad Mod, which he would have done already until he saw on the screens that his friends were being beaten into a pulp.

But in that instant Saitama slammed his hands onto the desk in between them and Mad Mod.

And the desk and it's legs snapped in 2 as he grabbed mad Mod by his white shirt with one arm and raised the old man high as he used his other arm to drill a hole deep enough to fit a man inside as he stuffed mad Mod in the hole like a bamboo shoot.

This old man was going to pay, but not now.

As saitama grabbed Beast Boy and went to the others.


"I can't hit him..." thought a beaten bloody Hawk as he was keeping his hands up.

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