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The morning may have had the titans in the mud but Damien was not one to let justice be sated.

The murder strings had been a constant in these past weeks and haven't slowed down.

He knew the team were still nursing they're wounds but he was trained by the best to ignore such things.

To go as far necessary to bring forth justice and the more these bodies stacked up the more he was for sure.

He had gotten the green light and examined the bodies and theyre identities.

And was at the point where he could make a early conclusion.

None of this shit was making since.

None of the victims had nothing to do with each other.

Not friends, not colleagues, not school mates, didn't share a class year.

Didn't work together, didn't share professions, not even interests.

Every victim was different to each other in nearly every way possible.

Except for how they were killed.

Clean, straight through, stab wound.

With Finnese.

The Killer was an expert.

And Damien can draw to the many that could make such wounds.

But who is it and who could it be are two different things.

The day was shining through just like any other but wherever the shadows creeped was where he was looking.

Upon the freight in the busy harbor across the yellow taped line, where the bodies of the deceased lay, and where hopes and dreams cease to be.

"Tainted yet Familiar"

As he searched amongst the seen trying to retrieve an image of what was once the scene.

The executions, yes that's what this was.

A killing, a murder, a Sacrafice, a possibility found in the pits of the sick and twisted.

And within that darkness was a Clew that he could not ignore as it stared him in the face.

A Solid "S" carved into one of the victims, it's edges sharpened like a blade.

He didn't want to believe what he was seeing but he couldn't ignore it even if it didn't fit the M.O. of the person he believed to be responsible.

He needed to Report this to the rest of the team.


In Titans Tower for the most part everyone was mostly trying to cope with the situation.

Saitama was out cold in his room and Between all the Titans they took a day out of the week to just be with him, to wash him with wet towel, check him incase anything had changed.

In this specefic day it was Starfires turn.

She has her bucket of water, towels, and a book that she planned to read to him.

Star eventually got to a door with the carving of a Fist on the door.

All the Titans knew this to be the baldy's room.

But as the door opened she saw Beast Boy on his knees sitting himself down beside the baldy but as the door opened Garfield turned to Kori in surprise about being caught in such a state.

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