Introductions pt6: Human Faith

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"Yo" said Fake King as he Rose from the sand greeting Saitama.

"Yo" said Saitama as he had come to the point of just accepting Fake King's presence.

"How did it go" said Fake King.

"For the most part, I think it went well" said Saitama.

"Do you now" said Fake King as he smiled at Saitama.

"Sorry about before, I should have been more understanding and at least tried to look through your point of view" said Saitama.

"Don't sweat it, I wouldn't expect anyone to truly understand my situation" said Fake King.

"But it still doesn't make it right, I was frustrated, and you were their, and it got on my nerves that-" as Saitama was then cut off.

"That I was in the form of one of your important people, and that's what set you off" said Fake King.

"As I said before, don't sweat it, Your Only Human" said Fake King as he then disappeared.


Yet, he didn't believe that, he was too strong to feel pain, too strong to be physically hurt, he was too strong to be human, to feel human.

Was he thinking about it too much, or was he just solving the puzzle that he never thought about before, Saitama was lost in thought, questioning his Humanity.

Until he felt his Heart stopped and the entire world froze before his very eyes, color fading from existence leaving only White Skies and Black Ground.

You know me yet you don't look my way.

You see me yet you denied my existence.

You feel me near so you shut me out.

Why won't you let me in.

(Knock, knock, knock)

Why won't you see me.

(Knock, knock, knock)

Why Do You Deny Me.

(Knock, knock, knock)

...Let Me In


The sound of a small familiar voice plagued his head as his brain was scrambling around, he didn't know what was happening, he didn't know how it was happening, and most of all he didn't know how to make it stop.

As all that was filling his head was What, When, Where, and Why.

Saitama's breathing was going out of control as if he was being closed in on, he didn't know what to do, their was nothing to grab on to, nothing solid to grasp, their was only, Nothing.

But then an idea came in like a flipped on switch turning on a light bulb, he raised both his arms on his sides and then he swung them fast enough with enough strength to make a Huge CLAP.

Silencing the noise in his head and shutting out the voice that wouldn't leave him alone.

As he came back to his senses the color of the book had returned and with it also returned his Objective, As he was now staring down with the spire that he could only assume was Doves.

It was like glass, so delicate, so clean, yet he couldn't see anything through it as all he could see was himself, and his reflection was so bright and so clean that he failed to see the contrast that it was actually him.

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