the first time you see her wearing glasses (requested)

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Your head rested comfortably on Taylor's chest, her fingers brushed through your hair ever so gently as the movie played.

It's the third one that you're on. A romantic comedy that you and Taylor have been waiting impatiently to see, but never really found the time with her busy schedule.

But things are calming down a little for the next few days and it gives you plenty of time to spend together, which you're both over the moon about.

You listened to her heartbeat, finding that it was so soothing that your eyes even slipped closed for a peaceful moment. But they quickly opened again when Taylor began to shift around uncomfortably.

You lifted your head as she cleared her throat and scooted closer to the couch. From the suddenness and the discomfort she seemed to feel, you actually worried she was gonna be sick for a moment.

You placed your hand on her shoulder and rubbed it in soothing circles.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just have a little headache, that's all."

"Oh. Is there something I can do to help? Do you need some painkillers? Or me a hot or cold compress? Or for me to turn off the tv and make it dark so you can relax?"

"No, no. That's okay, darling. I'll be alright. I actually have something that will help."

You nodded and gave her some space as she reached down into her bag by the leg of the table.

You watched her pull something out but before you could catch a glimpse you heard a small click, like she was closing a case, then heard her clear her throat and turn away from you.

"Tay? What is it?" You chuckled and moved to gently cup her cheek in your hand before turning it.

Her eyes locked with yours and she watched them sparkle as you took in the adorable sight of her in her glasses.

"You wear glasses? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know. I guess I don't really feel confident in them..." She spoke softly and reached for your hand to intertwine your fingers together.

"Oh, Tay," you mumbled sadly and clicked your tongue. "You're beautiful; so beautiful. You're so beautiful that you had me mesmerized from the moment I first saw you. I fall even more in love with you every day and I didn't think I could love you more, that you could possibly be any cuter, but I was wrong. Because you look so cute in your glasses with your cute little smile."

You pinched her cheek playfully and then booped her nose, making her giggle happily before she pushed her glasses up more.

"You'll always be the most beautiful girl, in my eyes. I love you."

"I love you too." She said and smiled against your lips when you gave her a loving kiss.

"I know this was supposed to be a movie day, but maybe after it's over we can play scrabble."

"I'd love that." She said and sat back against the sofa before pulling you into her arms and gently pushing your head back down on her chest.

You kept stealing glances at her, finding her to be absolutely irresistible and too cute for words. She didn't say anything, but she felt your eyes on her every time and it made her entire chest fill with butterflies.

You'd ever know just how loved you make her feel; words wouldn't ever be enough to describe it.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now