you fall asleep on her

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"Taylor?" You called out her name, although weakly since you were so sleepy, as you sat up in the empty bed.

Waking up without her there by your side always tends to make your mind run away from you. You don't like the feeling of the cold sheets instead of her warm arms that always keep you safe and secure. It often reminds you of when she's away on tour, and you don't exactly enjoy those long days and nights.

Curious, and a little worried about where she was, you pushed the blankets away and got out of bed. Your bare feet patted across the bedroom floor as you opened the door the rest of the way and walked out of the bedroom.

The hallway was dark, the only light being that of the moonlight coming through the window. You thought she might be downstairs grabbing some water or a midnight snack, so you headed for the staircase. But before you could even place your feet on the first step, something caught your attention.

The sound of her soft, beautiful voice.

You followed the sweet sound and realized it was coming from her music room. When you reached the closed door you could hear her strumming her guitar. Her words were soft and her voice was quiet. Despite the fact that the door was closed, she remained quiet in hopes that she wouldn't wake you.

You put your hand on the doorknob and opened the door slowly. The soft creak caused her head to dart up and she sent you a tired smile when she saw you standing there. "hey, darling. What are you doing awake?"

"I couldn't sleep anymore." You mumbled as you made your way over to where she sat on the floor. "You weren't there when I woke up and I got a little worried about you."

You sat down on the floor beside her. You saw the glass of wine on her other side. There were sheets of paper crumbled up and scattered across the room here and there from when she was frustrated and the lyrics rushing through her mind weren't coming along as she hoped they would so she'd tear them out and throw them away so she could start anew.

Her guitar was on her lap and the notebook was by her feet, pen laying on the scribbled lyrics on the pages.

"I couldn't sleep. I got inspired. I came in here about an hour ago and I haven't been able to stop." She whispered as she moved her hand to brush it through your slightly messy hair.

"I should've known this is where you'd be." You chuckled. "What has you so inspired?"

"You." She replied. "You. Us. How much you mean to me and how in love with you I am." She grinned. "I have these nights where I just can't stop thinking about you."

Your heart felt warm upon hearing that. Your heart fluttered and you dropped your head to her shoulder. She didn't hesitate to lay her head on yours. The pen slid from her fingertips and she let out a soft sigh and closed her eyes. But not for long, because her mind was running again.

"Can you sing to me? Maybe tell me what you have so far?"

She chuckled and moved her head to kiss the side of yours. "Absolutely, my girl." She whispered and picked her guitar back up. Strumming it softly, she started to sing quietly.

You basked in the sound of her angelic voice. It always brings you comfort.

But it's even more magical, somehow, when you hear her sing about you. Even though she never name-drops, you always know. She puts into words everything you want to say but can't seem to find the words for.

Her voice filled your ears as happiness and love filled your heart, causing it to swell in your chest a little.

She stopped about halfway through what the song would end up being since that's as far as she's gotten so far.

"What do you think, baby girl?" She asked but when she turned her head and looked at you, she noticed that your eyes had closed and your lips had parted as soft breaths and sounds escaped them.

"I love you more than words could ever say, beautiful girl. Sleep tight." She said and then turned her focus back to scribbling down all the words that continued to rush through her brain; even more so now than before, since you were sleeping soundly right there with your head right on her shoulder.

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