scary movies

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If there's one thing you really hate its scary movies.

But after Taylor let you pick almost every move for a week straight, only choosing one herself, she begged for you to let her choose this one. At first, you agreed, it was only fair after all. But then you saw the credits begin to roll and the name of the movie appeared on the screen.

"Taylor, no! I hate scary movies!" You whined and threw your head on her shoulder. "But y/n, no one else will watch this with me. I really wanna see it and I don't wanna watch it by myself. Please?"

You were so close to caving in, but you needed a little more persuading.

"Okay. How about this? You get too scared you curl up to me. I'll make it all better." You did like that idea. And even though you hate horror movies, the thought of being able to curl up to Taylor was the thing that won you over.

Besides, how scary could it possibly be?

You didn't mind the first few minutes. Truly, it wasn't too bad. But as the movie progressed it got scarier. Way scarier.

Soon, you were burying your face into Taylor's shirt and clutching her shoulders for dear life. Every noise, every scream, every sound of the squelching made you shake and cling to your girlfriend more and more.

Taylor let out a little chuckle when she looked down at you. She wasn't really laughing at how scared you were. She actually thought you were adorable. She couldn't deny how much she loved you holding onto her like this. How you were relying on her to keep you safe.

"Can we turn it off?" You begged and Taylor was about to say no, but when you heard the loud scream on the tv you screamed along and tugged on Taylor's shirt so tightly it ripped a little.

"You're really scared, aren't you, darling?" You nodded and with the way you were looking at her, silently pleading for her to turn it off, she complied and hit the pause button before exiting the film.

You sighed in relief and dropped your forehead against her shoulder. "I'm sorry Tay. I just got really scared. I hate scary movies. I tried though, I really did."

She nodded and caressed your cheek. "I know you did and I appreciate that, beautiful girl. But I'm not gonna keep it on if you're too scared. No matter how badly I want to see it, it's just not worth it."

You kissed the corner of her lips. "Although, I will admit that I liked the way you held onto me." You smiled a little. "I'll happily hold onto you for the rest of the night if you want me to."

She nodded and gave you a kiss before grabbing the remote. "Okay. So game night, isn't it romantic, or pitch perfect? Your choice." She said to which you only shook your head. "No. It's still your choice."

She decided upon isn't it romantic and when it came on you curled back up to her, this time with your head on her lap.

And as she ran her fingers through your hair and heard your giggles, she knew this was way better than that scary movie.

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