someone breaks in and you protect Taylor and your daughter (requested)

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You and Taylor sat on the couch with your eight-year-old daughter Amelia in between you both. It's the weekend and all she's wanted to do this week is watch a movie with you both, so you decided that after dinner you'd curl up on the couch together and watch whatever movie she wanted.

She let out a few giggles when the characters in the movie would do something funny. Taylor tickled her side making her laugh, but what wiped the smile from your face as you watched the two of them was the sound of banging coming from the kitchen.

You paused the movie and as soon as you did the banging became louder and more noticeable. "Stay here with Amelia." You said and got up to go check what the noise was in the kitchen.

You flipped the light switch and saw a man in the kitchen. Your heart was racing when he turned around and looked at you. You tried to run but he grabbed your leg and you fell to the ground. Taylor panicked when she heard your body fall. "Stay here, don't move." She told Amelia and got up.

She went back to the living room and grabbed her phone to call 911. "Amelia go to your room and hide. Don't come out till I say so, no matter what you hear." Amelia felt terrified when she heard you scream but she did as Taylor said. She hid under the bed and stayed quiet.

Taylor kept her voice in a whispered tone as she called for help. She heard you scream again, this time much more bloodcurdling than before and she dropped her phone on the ground and ran to the kitchen to find the man trying to pin you down.

She noticed the cut on your leg as a few drops of blood ran out. "Taylor, get out of here" You yelled, doing whatever it took to keep her and your daughter safe. Taylor had tears falling from her eyes when she watched the man look up at her and try to get up to go after her only for you to grab ahold of him and shift his attention back to you.

The sound of both police and ambulance sirens sounded from nearby. The guy panicked and grabbed your head before banging it hard against the tiled floor and getting up to quickly run out only for police to yell for him to freeze.

Taylor ran to you and put her hand on your arm.
"Y/n? Y/n wake up!" You were unconscious and Taylor was starting to panic. She let out a few curse words before the paramedics ran in and ran to where you were to check you over.

Taylor ran up to Amelia's room and heard her sniffling from under the bed. "Amelia? Honey, it's okay. You can come out." She crawled out from under her bed and into Taylor's arms. She sobbed against her chest, feeling absolutely terrified.

Taylor carried her downstairs but when she got back down you weren't on the kitchen floor anymore. She ran out of the house with Amelia still in her arms. She saw you laying on a stretcher now with your eyes open. "Y/n!" Taylor ran to you and you looked her way as soon as you heard her voice.

"Taylor? Oh, Amelia, come here" The little girl was reaching out for you with tears running down her cheeks. You put your arm on her back and Taylor crouched down so Amelia could bury her face in your neck. "You're gonna be okay," one of the paramedics said as he wiped the blood from your head and leg. "The cut isn't deep enough for stitches and you, thankfully, don't have any signs of a concussion."

Taylor let out a sigh of relief. She looked over at the cop car, seeing the guy in the back of it with his wrists cuffed. "What about him?" The medic looked over before looking back at you. "I can't say for sure but he's definitely going to jail, probably for a while."

You sat up slowly, feeling relieved when your head wasn't pounding or didn't feel dizzy. "We can take you to the hospital still if you want us to. Just to be safe." You shook your head and pulled Amelia onto your lap. "No, I feel alright." The medic nodded and you hopped off the stretcher and went inside.

The cops came and talked to you both for a few minutes, assuring you that the man who broke in would be going to jail for a long while.

After they left you laid back on the couch and put your head on Taylor's shoulder. Amelia laid with you, her head resting on your lap as the movie played on the tv again. "Thank you for keeping us safe. You're so brave." Taylor kissed your forehead. "You're sure you're feeling okay though? Does your head hurt?" You shook your head and kissed her lips softly. "I'm good. I promise."

A few minutes went by and neither you or Amelia have said anything. Taylor looked down to find you both asleep and it made her heart melt. "I love you both so much." She said as she kissed your temple and leaned her hand around to brush across Amelia's back. "Sweet dreams, my loves." She said and put her head back on the armrest. She fell asleep, feeling grateful that you're all okay and safe.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now