˗ˋ 12

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-: sixth year :-


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"I am sure you understand Miss Rosier, that if this behaviour continues then I will have no choice but to revoke your position here at this school." Dumbledore's hands were clasped together as he balanced his elbows on his desks, eyes on the pair that seemed to frequent his office so far that term.

As usual, Pandora was completely uninterested in whatever was being said to her, clearly relaxed in her seat with her legs folded, arms handing loosely over the side of the chair. Similarly to the previous times in the office, her boredom was cured momentarily as her gaze drifted over one of the bookshelves.

Whatever Dumbledore was droning on about was interrupted as the girl barely even tilted her head and the book she had been focused on flew out and into her hands. It was a rather slim book, but it was made up for by the thick leather cover.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard covered the front. Of course she had read it - it was one of the things she had come back to during all those years of being alone. This one was different though, and her hand traced the engraving in the leather. 

"Ancient runes, Miss Rosier. Do you understand them?" Dumbledore asked, the girl's head nodding slightly. "Perhaps you should take the class?"

"I don't need to." Pandora's reply was instant and cold. "I have nothing left to learn about them. Nothing that your teacher could tell me about anyways." 

"I see." Dumbledore's voice was tight, and the old man leaned forward and tugged the book out of her grasp, closing it and placing it on the desk. "Now, Miss Rosier, I don't believe you heard me before. If your behaviour is to continue like this, then I will have no choice but to ask you to leave this school."

"Fine. Not like I actually did anything this time. She hit me first, surely you understand, Professor, that I was only trying to defend myself." Pandora grit her teeth, sitting upwards. "This. Wasn't. My. Fault." 

"Miss Rosier, I understand that your magic is uncontrolable at almost all times, but you have got to excersise some control over it. Soon enough, parents will be writing in and they won't be happy to hear that their children are being threatened." Dumbledore continued, voice remaining the same level of calm even if Pandora wasn't. 

Remus's eyes travelled from the headmaster to the girl beside him. He could see her jaw setting as she grit her teeth, knuckles turning white as she grasped the sides of her chair. She was trying to control it, he could see her arms shaking.

"I didn't start it." Pandora stood up, back of the chair screeching against the wooden floor. The books on the bookshelf came flying off, landing on the floor with a thump. "I didn't start it. She came up to me, and then she slapped me. God, is that so hard to believe?"

"Quite frankly, Miss Rosier. Yes it is." Dumbledore replied, eyes casting over the fallen books. "Your previous actions have confirmed this."

"Then maybe I will leave this stupid school. But not because of my behaviour, because you're supposed to be oh-so-understanding like you promised in the letter you sent when you accepted me. You knew about my magic and you promised it would be fine. And now, you're kicking me out just because bitch of an older sister couldn't hold it together and slapped me." Pandora snapped, the windows above the various shelves flying open and cold air twisting around them all.

"Miss Rosier." Dumbledore repeated. "I am sure that you are no doubtedly feeling angry, but that does not make this okay. You can not use your magic in such a negative way."

"Fine. Then I'm leaving." The girl twisted around on her feet, heading towards the door to the office. Remus sat up, turning to see if she was actually going to leave. But when she moved to wrench the door open, it just shook on it's hinges. 

"Miss Rosier." Yet again, her name echoed through the room, and with pure fire in her eyes Pandora twisted around once more. "I will not allow you to give up, just like that." 

"I'm not giving up. I'm just saving my pride." She snapped back. "Let me go Dumbledore. Then I'll be out of your hair and no parents will bw writing in." 

"I'm afriad I shall not be saving your pride either." The headmaster said. "In fact, I have another plan. You stay here at Hogwarts, and Mr Lupin helps you."

"You mean he agrees to watch over me like the original deal thing you came up with?" Pandora questioned. Dumbledore blinked, sitting up. "If so.. then I accept. I would miss someone so pretty if I left."

"Mr Lupin, do you agree to this?" Dumbledore turned to Remus for the first time in a while, addressing him over Pandora. 

"I.. yes. I suppose. But she can't hurt anyone." He barely even glanced at Pandora as he said it. But that was that. They were in agreement.

𝗰𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗸, remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now