Chapter.21- Getting to know the Band

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Chapter.21- Getting to know the Band

*Friday morning*

Bright sunlight streams in from my bedroom window and I groan, not wanting to wake up at all. I grab my blankets and pull them over my head, hiding myself from the sunlight and the rest of the world. I hear pots and pans banging around in the kitchen and I know that Emily is likely already making food for the pack, the imprints, and the band. I can hear Paul's deep heavenly voice downstairs and know that everyone else is up due to all the chatter going on downstairs. After what seems to be a few minutes of laying in my bed, I hear loud footsteps coming up the stairs; which just causes me to make myself a little cave inside my blankets.

"Jaclyn, time to wake up. As much as I rather lay in bed all day with you, other people seem to have other plans for us, especially you." A voice that I know all too well says, encouraging me to wake up and get out of bed. Paul. The very mention of his name and hearing of his voice instantly has me smiling. I pretend to be sleeping away but Paul doesn't fall for it. He playfully pushes me and I roll onto my back.

"Come on. I know that you are awake. Your heartbeat doesn't race that fast unless you are awake."Paul comments and I can hear the smirk in his voice. Well that's a lie in a way. My heartbeat races when I hear his voice. I groan but come out of my blanket cave, my dark blue eyes connecting with dark Hershey chocolate coloured eyes. Paul smiles at me and I pout at him.

"So who all have other plans for me?" I question him as I untangle myself from my warm cocoon of blankets. The blankets falling around me onto my bed as I stretch out my arms, and then stand up onto my bedroom floor, a shiver going up my spine as I feel the cold carpet floor under my feet.

"Well, the latest that I heard was that the band and pack wanted to sit together and tell their stories or something like that."Paul comments back and I roll my eyes, knowing that of course the band would want to share their stories.

I go over to my dress and pick out a clean outfit for me to wear, which consists of a shirt, pants and undergarments. I head straight to the bathroom, shutting and locking the door. I quickly change out of my pj's and into decent clothes. After finishing changing, I unlock the door and walk out, smiling at Paul.

"Why is it that you lock the door?" Paul questions me, smirking at me as I smirk right back.

"It's so that you don't get any bright ideas or see what you shouldn't see until I give consent." I say back to him and he pouts at me after I answer him.

"Well, that's not very fair." He retorts back at me, still pouting.

"All is fair in love and war, babe." I comment back.

"Oh really? Also we might want to hurry and go downstairs because everyone is already up and waiting for you to get up so that we can eat already. If we don't hurry up and go downstairs, then you might get fed to the wolves, literally." Paul comments as we head out of my bedroom.

"Then let's go downstairs. Also I doubt that you haven't done anything that wasn't fair in the game called love." I comment, smirking. Paul's brown eyes widen.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks, incredulously.

"Don't sound so surprised, Mr. Player. I know how you work and how you have worked in the past. I know almost every pick up line a guy or girl could use. Just remember, hot shot, treat me like a queen and I'll treat you like a king. Treat me like a game and I'll show you how it's played." I say back to him, smirking more as he slightly glares at me. I give him a quick peck of a kiss on his cheek and then start heading down the maple wood stairs, Paul following after me.

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