Chapter.8- Panic

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Ch.8- Panic ( Monday still)

Soon school was done and I headed to my locker quickly and grabbed my bag. After grabbing my bag, I look around for the pack and spot them by the door, beginning to head out to the parking lot. How come no one waits for me? I run as fast as I can to where the gang is and we head into the vehicles we arrived in.

" Hurry up, we have patrol." Jared yells to Paul, who quickly pulls out and is out of the school parking lot in a matter of seconds, nearly giving Kim and I whiplash.

" Yeah, I know." Paul growls as he drops off Kim at her place and we race to my house( Sam's), going past the speed limit.

We arrive soon and I grab my bag quickly and leap out of the car, heading to the house. I hear Paul's and Jared's car door slam and know that they are out of the vehicle. I hear bones expanding and shrinking and I know that in a matter of seconds Paul and Jared are in their wolf forms. I hear paws pound onto the ground and know that the guys have left to patrol. I barge into the house and see Sam home and Emily cooking once again.

" Where are Paul and Jared?" Sam asks.

" On patrol already." I tell him and he nods his head.

I head upstairs to my new bedroom and toss my bag onto my desk. I start unpacking and smile as I reach a box with a bunch of pictures of the pack and I. I see a picture of everyone with my mom and I. Everyone is laughing and smiling like one big happy family. Its sad to say that picture was taken a couple of weeks or so before my mom was murdered. I quickly wipe the stray tears from my blue eyes as I finish unpacking my stuff and put away the boxes and my clothes. After decorating, I head downstairs and hear the guys all in the living room, minus Paul and Jared, who are still on patrol. I quickly pass the living room but as soon as I reach the door, someone has to spot me.

" Where are you going, Jay-bear?" Jacob calls and I freeze on the spot and turn around slowly. Damn it.

" I'm going over to the Cullens." I respond quickly.

" No! You are staying here." Sam commands and I glare in his direction as he walks into the hallway and into my sight.

" I'm going whether you like it or not." I respond back.

" No. Its too dangerous. You could get killed or hurt by them." Sam argues, angrily.

" Actually they won't kill me and besides you guys could just as easily kill or hurt me. In case, you haven't notice Sam, I'm not one of your dogs you can control." I say harshly, leaving before he or anyone else can go after me.

" Shouldn't someone go after her?" I hear Seth ask the others.

" She'll be fine." Emily replies back.

I quickly head into the forest and look around before I strip and change into my wolf. I block my mind from Paul and Jared quickly as I head over to the Cullen's. I smile wolfishly as my sense are heightened, as my human body turns more wolf. My nose picks up the freshly wet rain smell from the fresh rainfall last night. I can smell the pine from the pine trees needles and the spruce from the spruce tree.

The perfume of the wild flowers as they grow in the forest. My ears pick up the sound of the wild forest as I quicken my pace. I can hear the birds chirping to each other. I hear the groundhogs burying, trying to create a homely hole for their winter home. I can hear the rhythmic pounding of Paul's and Jared's paws a couple of miles away from me as i run. Their breathing coming out as quick pants as they run the border of the reservation, always on the look out for intruders or dangerous vampire enemies.

As I run, I see the different shades of the forest. I see small animals quickly move out of my path, afraid they would be my next meal. I turn my head from side to side, checking and looking to see if Paul or Jared have caught my scent or anything. I slowly and cautiously tune into their thoughts to see why they haven't caught my scent, careful not to give away my own thoughts to them.

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