Chapter.38- Heavenly and Hellish beings

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Chapter 38- Heavenly and Hellish beings

At first glance, it's a void of infinite pitch black darkness every direction I look in, then in a flash, faster then lightning in a rainstorm, all around me the scenery changes. Instead of there being a black hole of cold darkness, where you can't see nothing at all, a blinding and burning sunlight shines all around me in a mere second. I soon find myself in an open grass field with a forest miles ahead of me, a slight breeze surrounding me, which makes the grass have a rippling effect like water in a lake. The wind seems to comfort me, encouraging the steps I take towards the forest that lays just in front of me. In a short matter of time, I'm a few steps from the opening to the overbearing trees, they remind me of an enchanted dark forest. A small part of my mind screams that what lays ahead of me is something that I've dealt with before, which leads to confusion and curiosity.

Walking forwards, I go into the unknown, deciding to face any fears that may be hidden ahead. As I keep walking, a spontaneous wave of fear washes over me and it is then that shock slaps me right across the face as I realize why it seemed like I saw this place before. This is where I first met my inner demon, where I ran from the emotions that created him and the sense of deja vu couldn't be any stronger then in this space in time. Instead of running like I did once before, I gracefully keep walking, not letting anyone or anything judge my actions or change my mood, where I notice a clearing ahead; past that is an unknown building. The forest doesn't have the gloomy, haunting look to it this time around, likely caused by all the sunshine raining down to bring out the healthy, vibrant green on the tree leaves. I reach an edge of the clearing in a few short strides and let my eyes search my new surroundings, the hairs on the back of my neck prickling up as if sensing danger.

it's like I feel eyes on me, as if I'm being tested by some mysterious higher beings. Going with my instinct impulse on what to do next, I grab a handful of small stones and toss them high into the sky, watching them pour down like hail in a summer rain storm and seeing where they land within the clearing.

BOOM!! The sound echoes throughout the clearing, seeming to go on for five to fifteen minutes, as I see the rocks hot the small landmines strategically scattered within the large area. I take careful strides forwards to avoid the explosives, and just as I finish passing what looks to be the first test, I spot both barb wire and electric fencing, hearing the hum of the electric current run through the wiring of one fence. Past the wiring is a brick wall and even though I can't see it, I have a strong feeling that the building that I saw earlier i past that wall. With how the obstacles on my path are placed, they remind me of the police, or even the military, physical training courses. As my breathing slows to a more calming pace and my feet come to a halt just before the spiked barbwire, I finally understand that the challenges I have faced and will face are the defense barriers that I have created within my mind to stop people from entering and for keeping me safe from people, but just knowing that I'll continue going through them to see any weak spots to patch up.

The barbwire is close to the ground, with just enough room for a single person to crawl through, so it's a good thing that I don't mind getting a little dirty. As for the electric fence wiring, I notice with two of my super senses that I can get past the barrier due to two reasons. The first reason I figured out with my wolf hearing and what I found out was that in between pulses of electricity, there is a pause that was long enough for me not to get burnt to a crisp with the voltage of the fence. The second and final reason I found out was that there was a hole through a small portion of the fence, which was barely big enough for me to slide through. With one deep breath, I dive under the barbwire and crawl through it as fast as I can. Once done that, after panting for a few moments, reminding me that I could be out of shape and likely should start jogging plus training again, I jog to the electric fence.

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