Chapter.33- Advice

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Chapter 33- Advice

*Skip to a few minutes going by *

When I open my eyes again,everything around me is white. I don't seee anyone in sight and feel my anxiety appear,but at the same time it seems to magically disperse, as if I hadn't felt it to begin with. The atmosphere around me feels comforting as well as safe, leaving me confused on why that is. At first, I think I'm dead in Heaven, but I know for a fact that my heart didn't collapse or stop breathing. This fact makes me believe that I am in my subconscious still, dreaming or some safehaven; since I don't feel the usual awareness that I feel with my body. My nostrils pick up the scent of lavender and cinnamon, a smell I haven't smelt since my childhood and one I thought I would never smell again,causing my eyes to see a film of flashbacks of my once happy youth to go across my mind.

The childhood where my father was loving and my mother was alive; where he wasn't such an abusive a-hole. The memories disappear just as quickly as they appeared, causing me to question if I had really seen them or not.

"You aren't dead if that's what you are thinking. You are just in a safe place,where I can reach you." A soothing,comforting voice speaks from behind me, my eyes widening in surprise as I recognize the mysterious person's voice. I whip myself around, so fast that I almost believe that I gave myself whiplash, and my eyes widen even more, as if that was possible, as I come face to face with an almost splitting, older image of myself. I can't believe my eyes and think that my eyes are deceiving me,but my gut instinct tells me differently.

"Mom?" I question, my voice filled with with an array of emotions, ranging from confusion,surprise, sadness, and happiness. She gives me one of her heart warming smiles, nodding her head, as she opens her arms wide enough for me to race into, knowing me well enough to figure out my next set of actions. I race into her arms and feel her arms envelop around me, causing my smile to be hidden against her right shoulder blade, as I cherish the hug while it lasts so that I can remember it forever.

"I'm here sweetie,but not for long. I came to give you some advice." She says to me and a frown appears on my face as she speaks those words, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion as she then holds me at arms length to speak directly to me and make eye contact with me.

"Advice about what?" I ask her and she gives me the mother look; the one you get when you do something that your mother disapproves of, which earns you a long lecture. Oh boy.

"How many times growing up, did I tell you that you can't keep pushing people away?It's unhealthy,honey. You need to let people in to help you,otherwise your future decisions will become harder." She says, scolding me and I bite back my tongue from arguing with her.

"In the future, you will have to make difficult choices and I want you to go with what you think is right in your heart. You might get brief visions of the future,but I can't promise you anything for sure. You are a direct descendent from the True Alpha Protectors, so visions might be part of your powers since you already know that the legends are all real. I know you won't like the sound of it, but if you don't let your friends and family in, you'll destroy yourself from the inside out by doing everything on your own."She continues and I look down ashamed slightly, feeling guilty.

"Okay, mom. I'll try my best for you." I say back to her and see her smile at me.

"Thank you for trying. I'm so sorry for leaving you early with that monster,but I need you to stop blaming yourself for my death. I don't blame you so you shouldn't either." She says and I nod my head,but I doubt that I'll ever get over that night.

"I love you my little Tinkerbell. I'm so proud of the young woman that you have become. I mean you sure did get together with the nicest fresh piece of meat that I ever did see and knew that Paul would turn out to be, well not only just him and the others as well."My mom continues, winking at me in a playful,suggestive manner and I feel my cheeks heat up, going as red as a fresh cherry tomatoe.

"I love you too momma, my Peter Pan. Mom!" I say to her, giving her another hug,hugging her tightly as I can, not wanting her to leave me again,but then whining in embarassment and pulling away in embarrasment over what she said. Slowly, I feel my mother's warmth start to fade awy,like a flame going out, and I start panicking, realizing that she's disappearing once more from my grasp. She fets my hair soothingly, like she did when I was younger to calm me down,but the panic remain.

"Mom?Mom!" I panic,trying to calm down on my own.

"I'm sorry honey,it's time for me to go. Remember what I told you and remeber that I'm always with you in your heart no matter what." My mother soothes and just like that, she vanishes just as suddenly as she had appeared, her image fading away just like a Fuji-instant picture.

Instantaniously, I burst into tears within the first seconds of her being gone, crying my heart out. All the water particules over the years that formed a fountain of tears come cascading down my cheeks, like a waterfall and I can taste all the emotions that I have ever felt at the corners of my somewhat dried lips. Soon enough, I calm down and then suddenly, the light surrounding me brightens, blinding me. My eyes close out of instinct.

* Well this is the latest chapter that I have come up with. I'm sorry that it is a bit shorter then the rest of my chapters, but it is a sort of filler chapter for my next chapters that I am working on. Please leave comments and feel free to message me as well. *

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