Chapter 40- Date Night

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Chapter 40- Date Night

As the howl echoes throughout the silent forest, it seems like Paul's and I's bodies are frozen in fear that fades to awestruck as more howls combine with the first howl, harmonizing together like an orchestrated pack and it's only then that I notice the full moon. The howls coordinating together, to me, symbolize what a real wolf pack is suppose to be like, which is quite opposite to the packs that I've aligned myself with are like, divided. It's as though I have this big role of being the middle ground and making sure no more supernatural wars break out again, like they have in the past; history tends to repeat itself but only if the same mistakes are made so the future can be changed. I believe that my body had froze in fear when the first howl had rung out throughout the night because the howl could have been from any member of the packs I'm in or it could have been from a real wild wolf howling its location to all wolves in the area for any number of reasons. I was on instant high alert to any danger until the second howl followed a few seconds after the first how and the forest became filled with nature's very own music alongside the howls, which made me relax into an even more comfier spot against Paul, momentarily distracted from the previous conversation at hand. For once in my life, I wasn't concerned with anything at all except the date that Paul and I were on.

It was quite relaxing and peaceful just being in the moment with him; a change from the void of loneliness I had felt being apart from him, as well as the others. Humans are sociable creatures that despite the curve balls that life throws towards them that try to differentiate them from among themselves, need human contact and support to be a happier and ever evolving species. I may have grown accustomed to being alone and relying solely on myself throughout my bastard of a father's torment filled beatings, but terribly missed the soul connections that I've made with my big group of lifetime friends and the one gravity bond that I missed the most was the one with the man holding me against his sculpted chest. Despite the fact that my average body temperature was higher then the normal feverish temperature of a Quileute wolf shape-shifter such as the likes of Paul, I oddly found his radiator-like heat a cooling comfort for me that allowed me to be fully relaxed against him with the weight of the universe off of my shoulders for once. I suppose the concept of imprinting, to me, was always this foreign idea of love and it was the kind that you told little girls that wanted to be princesses, considering it was made out to be a fairy tale that seemed like it was too good to be true. My mother, like any normal parent, told me the legends, until her very last breath, as though they were fairy tales but in her voice there was a truth to her words that gave me some hope for the stories to be a dream come true.

Although when it came to experiencing both the first phase and imprinting, they were a cold harsh slap of reality that you had to endure in order to realize the importance of them and the life they brought to the legends being more real; a more grounded sense of purpose in a way. From personal experience, the first phase felt more physically demanding then when I first imprinted on my soul mate. When I first phased, it was like the world that I had come to know was shattering into a billion pieces and reshaping itself, but once it was rebuilt, it was completely tilted off centered. Once I had imprinted on Paul, it was gravity fixing my world and making me understand everything better; like seeing the big picture and the little details combine. I had always had a small crush on Paul, but I believe that imprinting was the push in the right direction that I needed since I had denied myself the right to feel that sort of love. I never wanted to ruin the friendship that I shared with Paul and risk rejection, but when we both fully imprinted on each other, it was as though we couldn't deny the connection that we had both felt throughout our entire life beforehand.

When I first mentioned imprinting to my band mates, we had all started joking around about calling it 'immating' instead of imprinting because if you thought of imprinting as immating, it was relating the two towards jail terms and for whatever reason at the time, it was funny to think of serious things as a joke. When someone is sent to jail, they are called an inmate and often times, inmates get partners that they can share a cell with. While doing time in jail, you could be friends with this person and benefit each other or you could be enemies with one of you dead and the other one following behind. I suppose back then it made sense in our minds. Currently I know that both Paul and I are taking this new found relationship one step at a time since neither wants to screw things up and it feels like it is very delicate and vulnerable already. As my mind jogs the memory of my first phase off its hinges slowly, all of my fingers mold themselves into two tightly clenched fists as the muscles remember the once agonizing pain that has turned into a dull numb ache from years of mastering the art of phasing. Before my mind can fully indulge into any more memories on its own accord, a warm heat source spreads down my arms to my clenched fists, making my fingers release their frozen structure, as if the warmth had liquefy to melt into my very bones. The heat felt like the pins and needles feeling you get from being outside for too long and you take a bath to warm up, which seemed to make my mind snap back to the present. My gaze switches from staring straight up at the beautiful night sky to down at my lap, where Paul's own fingers have intertwined with my own and it's hard to tell where mine start and his ends; like two pieces of a puzzle locking into their destined place. The numb ache that I had felt moments before seemed to have vanished as if it was never there, like a figment of my imagination. I tilt my head slightly up to lock eyes with him, confused briefly at his small hint of affection, only to see him staring back at me in awestruck for a reason unknown to me, the brown in his eyes seem to be a lighter color in the moonlight.

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