Chapter.37-Lock and Key

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Ch.37- Lock and Key

"Hello? Earth to Jaclyn, you still haven't answered Jayy's question."Chase remarks, grabbing my attention away from the tsunami of my thoughts. My eye sight coming back into focus since it seemed like I was just staring at one point on the wall in front of me. Glancing over to Chase, I notice him standing by the couch where Mitch and Isaac are sitting, staring outside the window. Chase's body language reads that he seems like he is cool, calm, and collected, but the Chase I know is pissed off inside since Chase is very passionate in his own emotions; I don't know what's worse, seeing this calm facade or seeing him when he's really pissed off. His facade is only display for the Pack since everyone else in the band has seen him pissed off on multiple occasions.

"Chase does have a point, as hard as it is to agree with him, you haven't answered Jayy's question. Although here's another question, how the fu-hell do you know that information?" Mitchael questions as well as I see him smirking while Chase keeps staring out the window, trying not to be fazed by Mitch's comment. Isaac rolls his eyes, obviously used to their jabs at each other, while the rest of us try to hold back laughter, but there are sly smiles around the room.

"Those two actually agreeing on something? Somebody pinch me because hell must have frozen over."Hilliary retorts, laughing causing the tense atmosphere to dissipate into the air as a few Pack members join in.

"Shut up."Abigail scolds, elbowing her in the side, causing Hiliary to cough from having the wind knocked out of her briefly as she glares at Abby; both Collin and Brady snickering at their girlfriends.

"She still hasn't answered my question either, like what happened to my parents."Scarlett remarks a well, putting her two cents in as I now notice that I have the attention of everyone around me.

My heart is telling me that it is time I told them what I know and what I don't know, even if I don't have permission from the Elders. The key that I have to the journal is also hidden as well. I take a couple of deep breaths and then I continue talking once more.

"For starters, please understand that I didn't mean to betray any of you, but I did things out of love and to protect you. To answer Scarlett's question, I don't want to be the barrier of bad new, but your parents were killed by the Volturi right in front of my parents, your cousins, and both of us. The reason why you don't recall your childhood memories as vividly is because that one memory was traumatizing to the point where your mind activated the repression defense mechanism, which caused you to block the memory and not have access to it until you were ready." I answer her, trying not to grimace as I explain to her, watching her reaction. Her blue-green eyes widen in shock an I hear gasps echo around the room.

"Y-You're lying..."She stutters out, frozen in her mixed emotions. I shake my head from side to side.

"I'm not, I've never lied to you since I met you in Seattle. After your parents death, the Cullen's put you up for adoption in Seattle to protect you from the Volturi going after you."I continue explaining, hating the fact that I know I'm hurting her in telling her this.

"So you knew about me before we met?" She demands, thinking I would betray her that harshly, which I don't blame her for thinking that; it's like it is only the two of us in the living room due to how quiet everyone else is. I pull the corner of my lip into my mouth and bite on it as I contemplate the best answer to give her.

"The answer would be a yes and a no. When we first met at Summer School and I began getting to know you, I felt this strange feeling like you were familiar to me, and I had seen you somewhere before. You weren't the only one whose mind was trauma-induced, mine was as well. My mind pushed most of my memories to the farthest parts of my brain, so it felt like the events that went on were a dream. Although when I mentioned you to the Cullen's, they told me the truth; it's also how they got into contact with you and how they kept tabs on. If you don't believe me, phone or see your cousins yourself."I explain and the see her walk out of the living room, Embry trailing after her like the whipped puppy that he is when she's around; he hasn't even asked her out yet and he's wrapped around her little finger, struck by Cupid's arrow.

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