Chapter.29- Running along Memory Lane

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Ch.29- Running along Memory Lane

* Author's note: So I just wanted to let my readers know some information before they read the next chapter. First off, Jaclyn met the Cullens and Bella when she was fourteen, but it was after the first time she shifted into a wolf and almost six years after her mother had died. She met the Cullens and Bella during the events of Twilight, during one of the times that Bella would visit the Cullens. Secondly, she went to the Cullens for help instead of the Wolf pack because she didn't want to run into her father again; the wolf pack don't find out until she tells them in the second chapter. When she is fifteen, the Cullens and Bella stop talking to her, which is during New Moon. During this time, she meets the band members of the Shifting forms and they form the band together. They stop talking to her when is sixteen. Also when she is fifteen until she is eighteen, the pack stop talking to her. The Cullens, Bella, and Band start talking to her again after she turns seventeen. Jaclyn still knows what happens to the Cullens, Bella and the pack during the events of Twilight and New Moon because she kept tabs on all her friends and those she considered to be family, including the band as well. So that's the time line and the information. Now continue reading my fellow readers. *

* Back to Jaclyn's point of view *


How did I even get myself into this situation, or rather mess, in the first damn place? One minute, I was sitting quietly at my desk, minding my own business and focusing on the teacher speaking, and then all of sudden I'm being sent to the detention room down the hall; for a crime that I didn't commit... Well I guess that's not exactly true. I did let my temper get the best of me, but I couldn't help it. I take a deep breath to calm down the anger that keeps on bubbling inside of me, threatening to explode, as my shoes slap against the shiny, clean floors of an empty hallways.

Well, I guess it wasn't fully empty, considering the lockers lining the walls of the hallway and the instigator who managed to land me a free one-way ticket to detention is following behind me; a good distance away from me actually, which is a smart move on their part. If I didn't have such a good hold of my anger right now, the person behind me would be six feet in the ground right now and I would be in jail. You know, I forgot that there was a rule where the teacher could send you to detention for talking in class. Yes, I was sent to detention for doing something as stupid as that. Normally, I was quiet in class and that's how I had excellent grades.

I wasn't stupid and I was intelligent, but I made the stupidest mistake of letting my anger get the better of me when a certain someone kept trying to talk to me during class and wouldn't shut up. Actually, to get straight to the point, I got detention because the individual sitting next to me in class was using pick up lines on me. They annoyed me so much that I yelled at them to shut up, which resulted in the teacher thinking I was yelling at her so she sent myself and the person shadowing me straight to the detention hall or room. I let out an exasperated sigh at the current situation as I finally reach the door leading into the detention room. My hand reaches out and grasps the cold metal doorknob, slowly turning the knob as I open the door.

As I enter the room, my ears are greeted with silence, which is a surprise to me, since I figured the noise level would have been louder, considering the students getting sent to detention were usually rebels. I take a step into the room and see a group of eight students sitting in desks close to each other. They were all facing the front of the classroom, where a middle-aged male teacher with brown and greying hair was watching them like a hawk, just waiting for one of them to make a move, but no one said anything, remaining as quiet as a mouse. The teacher snapped his head to look at me as I fully walked in, followed by the person who was following behind me. They shut the door behind us and I could feel all the eyes of everyone on me as I faced the teacher without any fear at all; the person behind me seem to be fidgeting nervously behind me since I could almost him shifting his weight from one side to the other, as if he was nervous about what the teacher would say to me and what I would say to everyone else in the room.

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