Chapter.16- Heat Exhaustion? Anorexic?

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Ch.16- Heat Exhaustion? Anorexic?

" Is she going to be ok? What happened?" A rather rough voice demands, sounding close by and I try to open my eyes but I can't seem to find the strength to open them just yet.

" She is going to be fine. I think she might have fainted due to heat exhaustion and lack of eating right." A gentle and very doctorly voice answers the first voice. These voices sound so familiar and I struggle to remember who is who's. I feel ice cold hands on my forehead and the rest of my body and I thrash around a little bit in panic, my instincts remembering that cold skin usually means a vampire has me.

" Easy, Trix. It's ok." I hear Emmett's voice say by my ears but I don't calm down any.

" Paul, place your hands on her cheeks." Carlisle's voice commands and I hear a growl before I feel Paul's very familiar rough yet soft hands on my cheeks. I whimper slightly.

" Shh. It's alright, baby girl. I'm here and you are alright." Paul's angelic voice fills my ears and I slowly start calming right down. Paul's fingers stroke my cheeks, softly and my body relaxes as I focus more on Paul's touch.

" Is she going to wake up soon?" Sam's fatherly voice asks Carlisle.

" I'm not too sure because Jaclyn hasn't been eating right plus the heat exhaustion might have made Jaclyn lose a lot of her energy." Carlisle explains and I can hear people huffing.

" Why the heat exhaustion though? It's never has happened before." Seth's brotherly voice asks him.

" I guess Jaclyn failed to tell us that her normal wolf temperature is warmer then your guys' temperature." Carlisle explains and I force my eyes to flutter open.

" Sorry about that." I groan out, coughing slightly as I glance around the room and notice all the Cullens, wolf pack and band members in the room. The Cullens had their cold hands on me, trying to cool me off some. Paul lifts me up into a sitting position so I can breathe easier and I smile softly at him in thanks.

" Jaclyn, why did you forget to mention that important detail?" Esme asks me, motherly.

" It must have slipped my mind. Normally I would mention it if that topic came up." I comment as I lean against Paul's chest, still feeling hot and tired out.

" You should have told at least someone. Anyways, what does your temperature run at?" Carlisle questions me and I can hear the hint of curiosity.

" Normally it runs at 115 F where as your guys' temperature runs at 108 F." I explain to them. Everyone's jaws pretty much drop in slight shock after I say this.

" Why did you get heat exhaustion though?" Brady asks me and I roll my eyes at him.

" The thing about me being an Alpha Protector is I can easily control my body temperature so that I can blend in with both supernaturals, like you guys, and humans too. I got heat exhaustion because I forgot to make my temperature go down to a colder one instead I ended up leaving it at my normal 115 F which is kind of dangerous." I explain to them and it seems to spike their interests.

" Jaclyn, why haven't you been eating properly?" Carlisle demands, both parental and doctorly and I see Scar secretly smirking. Everyone turns to look at me, waiting on my response.

" I'm just not as hungry as I used to be, that's all." I reply as truthfully as I can.

" Lies." Scar says, trying to cover it up with a cough as she smirks but I know that everyone heard.

" Oh like you are one to talk, Scarlett Annabell White." I growl out, glaring at her and her eyes glare in return, slightly widening because she knows we both are in the same vote and know each other inside and out.

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