Chapter.22- Newborn Battle and change in the future

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Chapter.22- Newborn battle and making a change in the future


Light streams in from my bedroom window and I know that it is morning or close to noon. I feel that my back is pressed against someone's chest and that a warm arm is snaked around my waist, preventing me from moving anywhere; as if I really want to move from my current position. I can tell just from the atmosphere around me and from the sweet pine needle and dark chocolate scent that fills my nose, that it is Paul who is in this bed with me. I know that today is the newborn battle but I don't want to move from Paul's warm embrace. I know that the moment that I step out of my bed and start my day, that the dangers that haunted me last night will come true and haunt me all day.

The future that I saw last night, I can't let happen. I have to prevent it or change it from happening somehow. I feel my heart race quickly, close to me panicking and feel Paul's arm tighten around my waist; which slightly calms me down. I let out a deep shaky breath and slowly count down from ten, calming myself down; my eyes staying shut. After a few minutes, I feel myself relax completely.

The bed shifts a little bit and I feel Paul press his chest more into my back, his hot breath hitting the top of my head. I open my blue eyes and see the sunlight streaming in from in between my black curtains, colliding with the darkness within my room. It reminds me of how even in the darkest of places, we can always find some form of light. I let out a sigh before I turn onto my other side and face Paul, looking up at his face since he is taller then me. After a few moments of me staring at him as he sleeps, Paul opens his eyes and chocolate orbs stare back into my dark blue ones, his lips forming into a breath-taking smile that could brighten up an entire room and makes my heart race just a tiny bit more.

"Hey there."Paul says to me and I smile right back at him; his deep sleep filled morning voice sending shivers up my spine.

"Hi."I say back to him. Paul lets out a yawn and then presses a quick kiss to my lips before he sits up..

"So today, we get to fight against blood suckers and with them as well."Paul says, smirking and looking pumped for the fight. I roll my eyes at him, but inside I'm beginning to really worry.

"Yeah."I comment back to him, not sounding as excited as Paul, as I sit up as well. I swing my feet over the side of my bed, back facing him.

"What?"Paul asks me and just shake my head. I stand up and walk over to my dresser, grabbing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I hear him get off of the bed and start walking towards me. He places his hot hands on my hips and turns me towards him to face him, giving me a questioning look.

"It's nothing. Now, go downstairs with the others while I get dress."I say to him, removing his hands from where they sit on my hips and shoo him away with my hands. He grins at me.

"Fine. I'll meet you downstairs?"Paul says, giving me a slight pouting looking.

"Yup."I say to him, popping the 'p'.

Paul gives me a smile and then races down the stairs to join everyone else. I walk into the bathroom, shutting the door. I look into the mirror and see a very worried young adult staring back at me; the exact replica of her mother and father. I let out a sigh, shaking my head from side to side as if to shake away any bad thoughts that try to flood through my mind. I change out of my pj's and into the jeans and the shirt.

I look at myself in the mirror one last time, giving myself a fake smile before I walk into my bedroom again. I walk over to my bedroom door and stop myself, my hand on the doorknob ready to open my door. I listen to the conversation downstairs and notice that Jacob's voice isn't amongst the others. I wonder where he is. I take a deep breath, let it out, and open the door.

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