Chapter.18-Training and a bit of fun

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Ch.18- Training and a bit of fun

* Thursday night*

"So training this weekend or do we want to start training earlier?" Sam asks the Cullens.

"We could meet in the clearing in an hour or so." Carlisle says back.

"Yeah, that works for us." Sam comments and the Cullen use their vampire speed to head home, gone from my sight before my next eye blink.

"What exactly are you guys training for?" Jayy asks the pack and I.

"There is a newborn army coming after Bella Swan and we all are training to fight them." Sam responses.

"Newborn? Meaning what exactly?" Chase asks, clearly not understanding what Sam means. I roll my eyes. He clearly isn't the sharpest knife in the box.

"Newborn as in new born blood crazed vampires that will be wanting to kill everyone in town and the reservation including Bella. We need to protect the people." I explain to him and he nods his head.

"Who is this Bella person that they are after?" Isaac asks, curious.

"Bella is Edward's mate and Jacob's die hard crush. They have a love triangle going on. Edward is the vampire who can read minds. So do you guys want more? We could use the extra help." I explain further more, gaining a small glare from Jacob. I can tell by the look of excitement on their faces that they want in.

"Sure we haven't done much for fighting in our forms in a while." Jayy comments and the others all agree. The guys who have recently imprinted don't seem like they like the idea of their girls being in on the fight.

"You girls shouldn't be in on the fight." Embry comments, earning a deathly glare from Scar. If looks could kill, Embry would be six feet under ground.

"Why? Because we are girls? We can handle ourselves. You can even ask the boys." Abigail comments and the boys in the band nod their heads in agreement.

"The girls are pretty damn good at fighting. They can easily take any one of us on and beat us in seconds flat." Jayy comments, being the leader that he is. He is also one of the best and strongest fighters in our group.

"That's coming from someone who is one of the best and strongest fighters in our group too." Scar proudly remarks.

"I guess you girls can tag along if you are any good." Seth says, teasingly.

"If? There isn't an if about it. We are good and we can prove it to you at the clearing tonight when we train."Olivia determinately says.

"How exactly are you going to prove that that in the clearing tonight? One of you girls is a seal and we all know that seals can only swim in the water and the clearing is all wood and grass." Paul states, smirking at her.

"Just because Hillary can turn into a seal, doesn't mean she can't fight at all. She is a pretty good fighter in her normal form. She just won't shift when everyone else, except Michael and Connor, do. We will practise fighting each other and the Cullens. If you think that we are good and can handle ourselves pretty good then we can fight in the battle, if not then we have to stay with the other imprints. Deal?"Scar declares.

"Alright but if we win, you have to stay and protect the imprints and can't leave the house at all. Got it?" Sam demands and we agree.

"This is going to be a piece of cake." Paul confidently says to the guys. The band and I laugh a little.

"If only that were true, babe." I say to him and he raises an eye brow at me, questioningly.

"Are we going to the clearing then?" Sam questions and we all nod our heads.

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