Chapter.15- Performing and fainting

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Ch.15- Performing and fainting

I wake up to the sun streaming through my bedroom window and I pull the nice and warm covers up and over my head, covering my head to block out the blinding sunlight. I turn around onto my other side to block more sunlight out and collide with warm human flesh. I open my eyes to see Paul's shirtless abs staring back at me and I smile. I close my eyes and cuddle more into Paul's chest. Paul's arms tighten around me more, keeping me safe and secure from the outside world.

Suddenly, my bedroom door bangs open, startling Paul and myself, forcing us to jump out of our embrace and look at the door, wide eyed. There, we see Scar, Embry and Jared, standing in my room with huge smiles on their faces. I groan and lay back down on my bed and cover my head with my pillow.

" Come on, guys. Time to get up!" Jared says to us and I hear Scar's feet pad over to me as Jared's and Embry's go over to Paul's side.

" Oh, fuck off." Paul groans as he too, follows my actions and hides his face, burying it under his pillow.

" Sorry, can't do that. Sam's orders." Embry comments. I look up from under my pillow and see him and Jared trying to pull Paul off my bed.

" Screw Sam and his orders." I mumble under my breath as Scar tries to pull me off my bed but I cling to it.

" Come on, Jaclyn. There is food downstairs ready for you and Paul." Jared tries to bribe us but I ignore him. The blankets are quickly taken off of us and a cold breeze sends a shiver down my spine. I whimper and curl myself into a ball, still hiding under my pillow. I hear Paul groan and get up off the bed.

" Jaclyn, there is fresh hazelnut coffee waiting downstairs." Scar tempts me and I perk up a bit. I open my dark blue eyes and see her, smiling down at me.

" No, there isn't. I would be able to smell it by now." I retort back.

" Fine then if you get up and ready for school, I'll make you some." Scar says. I come out from under my pillow and sit up and look at her with my puppy dog eyes.

" Really?" I ask her, babyishly as I give her my pleading doe eyes. Scar smiles at me.

" Really. Now, go and get dressed." Scar says and tosses me an outfit.

" Bossy, much." I mutter under my breath and get up off my bed, heading to my bathroom.

" Heard that." Scar comments and goes downstairs, wearing a low mini dress and heels.

I smile and walk into my bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind me. I shower and then quickly change into a matching low strapless mini dress but instead of heels, I wear sneakers. I know you are shocked by me wearing a dress because normally I don't but for Scar, I wear almost anything. The guys are going to be so shocked. I unlock the door and walk through my bedroom and out my bedroom door. I head down the stairs and enter the dining room area.

I see the guys about to sit down at the table, where heaps of breakfast food is placed. I can smell the hazelnut coffee brewing and I smile. I see Scar, who is standing next to Embry, look over at me and smile, causing the guys and imprints to all look over at me. As soon as they see me, their jaws drop in surprise. I see Paul's eyes fill up with lust and adoration with how smoking hot I look, drooling a little and I smirk, noticing that all the guys including Paul, are shirtless, showing off their abs and muscles before school starts. I smirk even more as I notice an empty seat next to Paul and I walk over to Paul, leaning up to his ear, placing a hand on his hot chest.

" Might want to shut your mouth, babe, or you'll be catching flies." I seductively whisper into his ear, as I trail a finger along his abs and up to his chin, shutting his mouth for him. I see Paul shiver at my touch as I walk around him and sit down next to him. Paul snaps out of his staring.

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